Structural Parallelism and the Building of a Grammatical System: Exploring Chinese Grammar in Terms of Class Inclusion

  • SHEN Jia-xuan

Online published: 2017-07-14


Structural parallelism, as the source and manifestation of native speakers' intuition of their language, is the factual basis for a language to become a system. In building a grammatical system for a particular language, it is important to depend on structural parallelism in dividing form classes and grammatical functions. Depending on structural parallelism, the well-established grammatical system of English is built on the setup of "class distinction". To build an elegant grammatical system for Chinese, we should also depend on structural parallelism and adopt the setup of "class inclusion". For instance, the word "shi"(be) in Chinese, as a judgment verb, constitutes a specific category of verbs; the word "you", as a verb indicating existence or possession, constitutes another specific category of verbs; the word "zai", similar to "there be" in English, constitutes a subcategory of verbs. Putting "shi", "you" and "zai" together, we can find that all predicates in Chinese are signifying something so that nouns "include" verbs. The subject-predict structure in Chinese takes a signifying form of suowei(signified)-suoyiwei(signifier). Based on structural parallelism, there is "class inclusion" as far as objects and objective complements in Chinese are concerned. In other words, objective complements are included in objects as dynamic resultant objects. Similarly, adverbials are included in attributives as dynamic attributives. We should adopt the setup of "class inclusion" rather than "class distinction" to analyze Chinese grammar. Only in this way can we simply and conveniently describe and explain Chinese grammar.

Cite this article

SHEN Jia-xuan . Structural Parallelism and the Building of a Grammatical System: Exploring Chinese Grammar in Terms of Class Inclusion[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017 , 49(4) : 1 -11 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.001

