Urban Female Labor Participation in the Context of Comprehensive Two Child Policy: Theoretical and Empirical Research and Policy Framework

  • ZHANG Xi-xi ,
  • SHENG Guang-xu

Online published: 2017-07-14


By constructing the evaluation model of influencing factors of urban female labor participation, confirmatory factor analysis and empirical test are carried out on the research data. On the basis of analyzing the influence path, using Probit and Dprobit model, this thesis analyzes the impact of the factors on urban female's labor participation probability and marginal utility. The results show that the average monthly income, family allowances and tax relief and working time flexibility have significant positive influence on female labor participation. The number of children under 6 years and average monthly income of the family have negative influence on female labor participation. We should gradually realize the integrated "baby nursery, nursery, kindergarten" community care system for preschool, which is dominated by the government. We need to provide family assistance or tax relief for women after childbirth and improve employment guidance service system to help women smooth employment. Encouraging employers to implement flexible working mode is vital to assist urban women both growth and employment and escort the effective implementation of the comprehensive two child policy.

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ZHANG Xi-xi , SHENG Guang-xu . Urban Female Labor Participation in the Context of Comprehensive Two Child Policy: Theoretical and Empirical Research and Policy Framework[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017 , 49(4) : 112 -122 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.015


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