The Geneva Conference on Laos and the Improvement of Sino-French Relations:Also on China's Diplomatic Strategy of “Two Intermediate Zones”

  • GAO Jia-yi

Online published: 2017-09-28


The enlarged Geneva Conference on Laos from 1961 to 1962 was an important occasion for new China to play an active role on the international stage.During the period of the enlargement of the Sino-Soviet divergence and the aggravation of the Sino-American antagonism,the Chinese diplomacy had two tendencies:on the one hand,China was increasingly supporting the world revolution;on the other hand,she tried to improve the relations with the countries in the "Intermediate Zone".At the Geneva Conference,China achieved the object of neutralizing Laos and gained the time for the revolution of the Pathet Lao,and meanwhile she also moderated the relations with France via the Indochinese problems.As a result,this conference became a key moment for the establishment of the Sino-French diplomatic relations.Though the diplomatic strategy of "Two Intermediate Zones" hadn't been formally proposed by MAO Ze-dong,the Chinese foreign policies in the Geneva Conference on Laos had already corresponded with this diplomatic strategy.

Cite this article

GAO Jia-yi . The Geneva Conference on Laos and the Improvement of Sino-French Relations:Also on China's Diplomatic Strategy of “Two Intermediate Zones”[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017 , 49(5) : 133 -140 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.016

