From Meaning-Matching to Name-Rectification, an Urgent Step in Outward Translation of Chinese Culture

  • PAN Wen-guo

Online published: 2017-09-28


Geyi,or Meaning-matching,is an inevitable step in cross-cultural translation and communication.And after that,another step,the step of name-rectification,is needed in order to overcome the defects of meaning-matching and get on the right way.By name-rectification,it is meant to re-examine and re-define the important cultural terms and their translations in the light of systematic theory in cross-cultural communication.The translation and introduction of Chinese culture to the world,though having made great achievements in the past hundreds of years,has certain drawbacks.Mainly due to the historical limitation,many meaning-matching translations were created,causing undesirable effect in cultural mutual understanding.Now we are in a new period of translating and introducing Chinese culture to the world with more and more people turning to the enterprise.The name-rectification must be brought into full consideration.This paper discusses the significance of the name-rectification,its existing problems and the ways out.

Cite this article

PAN Wen-guo . From Meaning-Matching to Name-Rectification, an Urgent Step in Outward Translation of Chinese Culture[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017 , 49(5) : 141 -147 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.017

