Based on his keen meta-philosophical consciousness of the study of the history of philosophy, FENG Qi's study of the history of ancient Chinese philosophy and that of modern Chinese philosophy effectively constitutes a bridge between "Wisdom" and his "Doctrine of Wisdom". Hence, FENG's thought is characterized by the dialectical unity of philosophy and the history of philosophy and the organic integration of creating philosophical theory and summarizing the history of philosophy. Despite of its relation to Hegel, this is directly due to the combination of the intrinsic tradition of historicism in Chinese philosophy and historicist materialism. Therefore, FENG goes beyond Hegel in his achievement in criticizing dogmatism, dialectically understanding laws and examining research of the motivation of the history of philosophy from the perspective of intellectual sociology. From the perspective of the epistomology in a broad sense, the history of philosophy is a history of epistomology, and dialectics is the sum of the history of epistomology. The fundamental principle goes through FENG's study of the whole history of Chinese philosophy is practical materialistic dialectics. As historical unfolding of a dialectical and synthetical philosophy, The Logical Development of Ancient Chinese Philosophy takes the history of categories as its intrinsic structure and in this way demonstrates the dialectical tradition of thinking in Chinese philosophy. Based on a strong sense of reality, The Revolutionary Process of Modern Chinese Philosophy reveals the possibility of creative transformation of traditional ideas and opens up new space for the research of the history of philosophical ideas.
GAO Rui-quan
. Tracing Wisdom in the Depth of History:A Brief Study of FENG Qi's Writing of the History of Philosophy and the “Doctrine of Wisdom”[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017
, 49(6)
: 1
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.06.001