On SU Shi's Poems in the Selected Poetry in the Song Dynasty

  • HU Xiao-ming

Online published: 2017-11-16


As a model in the Song Dynasty, SU Shi's poetry shall be appropriately interpreted to demonstrate the paradigm and excellent achievements of the poetry in the Song Dynasty. A way to present the essence of SU's poetry is to make a comparative study of poetry in the Tang and Song Dynasties. The personality and poetry of SU can definitively serve as a model. This paper makes such a study by examining SU's poems in CHEN Yan's Selected Poetry in the Song Dynasty from six aspects, that is, elevated mind, impressionistic paintings of mountains and water with firm strokes, deep insights into the worldly life, the cultivation of wisdom to relieve grief, theoretical taste dramatizing life and the real world transcending the void. This paper tries to develop a systematic and profound comparative study of SU's poetry by exploring CHEN Yan's comments and combining the views of the author and other scholars in the academic circle about poetry in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Cite this article

HU Xiao-ming . On SU Shi's Poems in the Selected Poetry in the Song Dynasty[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017 , 49(6) : 61 -79 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.06.008

