Innovation Investment, Industrial Agglomeration and the Performance of a Development Zone:Empirical Evidence from the Development Zone in Shanghai

  • LEI Shu-guang

Online published: 2017-11-16


As experimental fields, development zones have made important contributions to China's economic growth. However, with the economic development gradually slowed down under the "new normal" circumstance, the factor-driven growth model will be difficult to sustain for a development zone. It is urgent for a development zone to maintain growth in the future by achieving upgrading in the transformation of development mode. Based on the Shanghai Development Zone 2009-2015 census data, this paper analyzes the impact of different factors on the performance of the development zone from the perspective of innovation investment and industrial agglomeration. The result shows that improving the input of innovation and the effect of industrial agglomeration is an important way to improve the output value and profit of the development zone. The higher is the development stage, the greater is the effect of innovation investment and industrial agglomeration. The effect of the construction of infrastructure and the attraction of foreign investment on the development zone is relatively small. Therefore, to achieve development and upgrade, the development zone in Shanghai today should mainly encourage innovation and strengthen the agglomeration effect of the dominant industry.

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LEI Shu-guang . Innovation Investment, Industrial Agglomeration and the Performance of a Development Zone:Empirical Evidence from the Development Zone in Shanghai[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017 , 49(6) : 144 -152 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.06.015


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