Features, Practical Difficulties and Strategies of Government Information Disclosure Concerning City Planning and Construction: An Experimental Study of Shanghai

  • XIE Wei ,
  • GUI Yin

Online published: 2018-01-26


With the development of China's legal and transparent government, the government information disclosure has become important for the improvement of the party and government's capacity. In recent years, the government information disclosure of urban planning and construction has gained more and more attention. The case study of Jing'an District in Shanghai shows that although the government information disclosure of urban planning and construction has been improved to a great extent, there exist many problems:due to the high cost of disclosing the information, the subjective disclosure is not enough; some citizens regard information disclosure as a way of combating the government; there is a great deal of informal application; the expertise of workers engaged in information disclosure is supposed to be improved; the feedback and evaluation mechanism of the effect of information disclosure is not sound enough, etc. Therefore, we should improve the work in terms of the working process of information disclosure, transparency of public service and the improvement of complaint expression mechanism according to policies and requirements.

Cite this article

XIE Wei , GUI Yin . Features, Practical Difficulties and Strategies of Government Information Disclosure Concerning City Planning and Construction: An Experimental Study of Shanghai[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2018 , 50(1) : 128 -135 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.011



