The Idea of Love between Hegel and Badiou: An Analysis of ZHANG Nian's Critique on Hegel

  • WU Guan-jun

Online published: 2019-01-22


ZHANG Nian launched a feminist critique on Hegel in her recent work. The essence of ZHANG's critique is to let Hegel oppose himself, that is, Hegel of master-slave dialectic against Hegel as a "philosopher of love". Badiou opened up another post-Hegelian path towards emancipation:he formally revived Hegel's praise of love, while substantially revised Hegel's dialectic. It is precisely compared wth ZHANG's feminist critique on love that Badiou's path shows its strength and value in the history of philosophy.

Cite this article

WU Guan-jun . The Idea of Love between Hegel and Badiou: An Analysis of ZHANG Nian's Critique on Hegel[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2019 , 51(1) : 92 -99 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.011

