On the Legislation of Coal Smoke Abatement in Britain in the Beginning of the 20th Century

  • LU Wei-fang

Online published: 2019-09-24


The problem of urban coal smoke pollution had become increasingly serious since the steam engine drove the industrial revolution in Britain. All the British society looked for solutions, within which the smoke abatement legislation was very important. The Public Health(Smoke Abatement) Act of 1926 was the result of the efforts to introduce legislation to reduce smoke emissions in the UK since the 19th century. It had a relatively clear definition and punishment measures for commercial smoke emission in the UK, and had made some achievements in dealing with coal smoke pollution in the industrial society. It used national legislation to control air pollution, which provided a legal basis for smoke abatement and set a precedent for similar legislation in the future.

Cite this article

LU Wei-fang . On the Legislation of Coal Smoke Abatement in Britain in the Beginning of the 20th Century[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2019 , 51(5) : 224 -231 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.05.026

