Which Kind of Stories Are More Helpful to Enhancing the National Brand Confidence in Webcast: Also on the Mediating Effect of Cultural Transportation and Regulating Effect of Time Anxiety

  • GUO Rui ,
  • YE Yong-qing ,
  • LUO Yang ,
  • TAO Lan

Online published: 2020-11-23


In response to the central government's call for Chinese brand building and cultural confidence, it is urgent to use Chinese traditional culture to build national brand confidence, which may become a breakthrough for the development of Chinese national brands. However, current research has paid little attention to the development of new channels for the national brand confidence under the current craze of livestreaming. Combining the theory of cultural replacement and construal level theory to examine two experiments, this paper investigates the influence of the type of a livestreaming brand story on brand confidence, as well as the moderating effect of time anxiety and the mediating effect of cultural replacement. The results show that compared with consumer experience stories, emotional stories of brand culture are more likely to make consumers feel higher national brand confidence with the effect of cultural transportation, and time anxiety has a moderating effect on the perception of national brand confidence. This study expands the current research on brand confidence of national brands, and also provides practical guidance for building national brands with brand confidence under the craze of livestreaming.

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GUO Rui , YE Yong-qing , LUO Yang , TAO Lan . Which Kind of Stories Are More Helpful to Enhancing the National Brand Confidence in Webcast: Also on the Mediating Effect of Cultural Transportation and Regulating Effect of Time Anxiety[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2020 , 52(6) : 164 -177 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.016


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