Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
Upholding the Principle of Taking Public Property Rights as the Main Body:Theory, Necessity and Functions
The government's choice of the principle of property rights is not random, but the result of the dialectical unity of objective and subjective conditions, in which objective ones include productivity, the ownership of economy and property rights and the subjective ones the principle of productivity, the ownership of economy and the principle of property rights that the government adhere to. According to this theoretical frame and the author's previous related research, we can confirm that the Chinese government's adherence to the principle of taking public property rights as the main body in the new era is not only based on the basic principles of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, but also the inherence and development of the Chinese government's continuous adherence to the principle of taking public property rights as the main body since the reform and opening-up. Therefore, the Chinese government's adherence to this principle is theoretically reasonable, logically inevitable and practically effective. In addition, it has economic functions such as resolving the main contradictions in the socialist society with Chinese characteristics, perfecting the basic economic system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, strengthening, optimizing and expanding the state-owned economy, capital and enterprises, and ensuring the sustained, stable and healthy development of the non-public economy. Hence, we can conclude that deducing the idea that the "ownership system is neutral" from the awareness that "competition is neutral" is lack of logical necessity, though the "competition is neutral" as a principle has been become one of the key ideas in China's governance and administration at present; the claim that the "ownership system is neutral" is a false judgment in terms of both practice and theory.
Zheng-tu LI . Upholding the Principle of Taking Public Property Rights as the Main Body:Theory, Necessity and Functions[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2021 , 53(1) : 115 -128 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.01.015
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