Environmental Regulation, Technological Innovation and the Performance of Heavily Polluting Enterprises

  • Rong YANG ,
  • An-qi PENG

Online published: 2021-01-27


Taking heavily polluting enterprises during 2012 to 2018 in China as a research object, this paper studies the relationship among environmental regulation, technological innovation and enterprise performance. The results show that environmental regulation has a positive impact on enterprise performance, and environmental regulation affects enterprise performance by promoting technological innovation, which plays an intermediary role in the relationship between environmental regulation and enterprise performance. Environmental regulation plays a more significant role in promoting the performance of environmental protection priority enterprises and environmental protection oriented enterprises than that of efficiency priority enterprises and efficiency oriented enterprises, and technological innovation plays an intermediary role in the impact of environmental regulation on the performance of the first two types of enterprises. Technological innovation and enterprise performance are significantly positively correlated, and environmental regulation has a positive impact on the performance of environmental protection oriented enterprises. The above conclusions have certain guiding significance for the government to formulate environmental policies and enterprises to carry out innovation activities and improve enterprise performance in the face of environmental regulations.

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Rong YANG , An-qi PENG . Environmental Regulation, Technological Innovation and the Performance of Heavily Polluting Enterprises[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2021 , 53(1) : 129 -141 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.01.016


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