Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
The Influence of Entrepreneurs’ Charitable Donation on Consumers’ Purchase Intention and Its Mechanism
This paper innovatively creates the concept of entrepreneur’s identification based on the theory of stimulation- organism- reaction and the theory of celebrity identity. Data from 272 questionnaires were used to analyze how entrepreneur’s charitable donations influence on consumers’ purchase intention. The results show that entrepreneurs’ donation of money has significant effect on cognitive identification but little effect on affective identification. Donation of time has significant influence on both cognitive and affective identification. Compared with donation of money, donation of time has a greater influence on cognitive and affective identification. Both cognitive identification and affective identification have significant effect on consumers’ purchase intention. Cognitive identification plays a mediating role between entrepreneurs’ charitable donation and purchase intention. Affective identification plays a mediating role between donation of time and purchase intention, but there is no mediating effect between donation of money and purchase intention. This study is to reveal the effect path of charitable donation behavior on consumers’ purchase intention, and provide theoretical reference and management enlightenment for entrepreneur identification and entrepreneurs’ charitable donation.
Zhen-yuan WANG , Si-si LONG , Yang CHEN , Ming-yang YU . The Influence of Entrepreneurs’ Charitable Donation on Consumers’ Purchase Intention and Its Mechanism[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2021 , 53(3) : 146 -157 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.03.012
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