
Has Green Supply Chain Management Encouraged Clean Technology Innovation? An Empirical Analysis Based on Identification and Classification Test

  • Zhi-qing DONG ,
  • Yu-song TAN ,
  • Zhang-lu CAO

Online published: 2021-07-19


On the issues such as whether green supply chain management can stimulate clean technology innovation, and whether there are differences in green technology innovation among enterprises with different identities, the existing literature has not yet formed systematic research results. The panel data of 147 local companies and 343 foreign-funded companies in Chinese market are selected to investigate in depth the differences in the clean technology innovation effects of green supply chain management for companies with different identities in the same market environment in China. It shows that green supply chain management presents non-equivalence in the incentive effect of clean technology innovation between local enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. The difference in external institutional distance and internal dimensions is the reason for the difference in green supply chain management effects. The clean technology innovation effect of the internal green supply chain management of foreign-funded enterprises shows obvious heterogeneity, and the clean technology innovation incentive effect of the labor-intensive, clean production type and the green supply chain management of wholly foreign-owned enterprises is stronger. For this reason, government policy intervention shall pay attention to the sensitivity of corporate green supply chain management to environmental intervention.

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Zhi-qing DONG , Yu-song TAN , Zhang-lu CAO . Has Green Supply Chain Management Encouraged Clean Technology Innovation? An Empirical Analysis Based on Identification and Classification Test[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2021 , 53(4) : 136 -149 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.013


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