Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
On the Relationship between Employment Situation and Subjective Well-being of Floating Population:An Empirical Analysis Based on a Hierarchical Model
Based on the dynamic monitoring data of floating population and the particularity of the China’s dual labor market, this thesis divides floating population into three types: employment within the system, employment outside the system and unemployment. From the perspectives of family patronage, institutional patronage and the conflict between work and family, we use a hierarchical model to study the relationship between employment situation and subjective well-being of floating population. The result shows that the floating population of being married, with family mobility and better family economic conditions is more likely to leave the labor market, especially for women. The subjective well-being of the unemployed and the employed within the system is higher than those employed outside the system. The work-family conflict caused by overtime work is an intermediary mechanism for the difference in subjective well-being of floating population in different employment situations. On that account, this thesis suggests that the government take measures to gradually eliminate labor market segmentation, strengthen labor protection for those employed outside the system, and build standardized and harmonious labor relations. At the same time, we shall also improve the service policy system, create convenient conditions for the family mobility of floating population and incorporate gender factors into the considerations of public policy formulation to promote gender equality in the economy and society.
Xuan MO , Yu-xiang YANG . On the Relationship between Employment Situation and Subjective Well-being of Floating Population:An Empirical Analysis Based on a Hierarchical Model[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2021 , 53(4) : 166 -178 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.015
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