Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
Market Entities Construction of the Integration of Culture and Tourism:A Conceptual and Logical Analysis Framework
The integration of culture and tourism is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade XI Jin-ping at its core. Taking institutional reform as an opportunity, it focuses on enhancing cultural self-confidence, national soft power and the influence of Chinese culture. Essentially, the integration of culture and tourism need to cultivate a variety of market entities. The primary issue concerning the construction of market entities is to build an integrated ecosystem, clarify the relationship between entities, straighten out the order of system and mechanism, and monitor the operation of market entities dynamically. If these problems are not solved well, the integration of culture and tourism may be difficult to achieve sustainable and high-quality development. Thus, this paper re-examines the conceptual framework and basic characteristics of the integration of culture and tourism, more systematically defines the market entities of the integration of culture and tourism, and builds a logical analysis framework. This will consolidate the theoretical basis. (1) The integration of culture and tourism is a complex problem of unifying “two systems”, so that it is necessary to build an integrate ecosystem centered on market entities. (2) Crucially, the relationship between industry and institution, government and market must be clarified to focus on the key points in construction. (3) The integration of culture and tourism must break down the deep-level barriers in institutional mechanisms, and improve the efficiency of integration at the institutional level, thereby stimulating the vitality of market entities. (4) As far as the post-evaluation and feedback mechanism is concerned, a monitoring system for the operation of market entities should be established.
Xue-gang FENG , Ru LIANG . Market Entities Construction of the Integration of Culture and Tourism:A Conceptual and Logical Analysis Framework[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2022 , 54(2) : 130 -141 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.02.014
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