The Anthropological Dimension of Cultural Transfer Research

  • Michel Espagne

Accepted date: 2022-06-10

  Online published: 2022-07-26


Anthropology has mostly studied the phenomenon of cultural transfer outside Europe, but its approaches and methods have also inspired the study of cultural history within Europe. For example, Evans-Pritchard’s examination of the Nuer and Dinka, and Gregory Bateson’s interpretation of the phenomenon of Naven and Schismogenese, are applicable to the study of European culture. This is partly due to the fact that early anthropology developed from the projection of inner-European phenomena, and anthropologists such as Malinowski, Franz Boas, and Leo Frobenius were all aware of the cultural transfer within Europe. In addition, both philology and art history also have their origins in cultural transfer and contribute to its methodology. Finally, anthropology has also enriched the understanding of established methods such as trilateral transfer, memory studies, and Begriffsgeschichte.

Cite this article

Michel Espagne . The Anthropological Dimension of Cultural Transfer Research[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2022 , 54(4) : 69 -76 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.04.007

