Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
Digital Literacy of Managers and Green Technology Innovation of Enterprises
In this paper, individual digital literacy is embedded in enterprise management practice to explore the relationship between managers’ digital literacy and enterprise green technology innovation performance. It shows that the digital literacy of managers is conducive to enterprise green technology innovation. The higher the digital literacy level of senior management team, the better the enterprise green technology innovation performance. Even if the manager does not have the educational background of core digital technology, his work experience in the field of computer, information technology and other core digital technology will help promote the green technology innovation of the enterprise in the later stage. This promotion effect has a heterogeneous effect, which is more significant in the enterprises in regions with low development level of digital economy, high media attention and non-heavy polluting enterprises. Enterprise digital transformation plays an intermediary role between managers’ digital literacy and enterprise green technology innovation. Further research finds that managers’ digital literacy contributes to the enhancement of enterprise value in the future. This study has enriched the research horizon of the upper echelon theory, explored the value and differentiated impact of digital human capital in the new era, and provided micro-level empirical evidence for the green and sustainable development of economy promoted by digital technology.
Xia WANG , Jia-qi WU . Digital Literacy of Managers and Green Technology Innovation of Enterprises[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2023 , 55(6) : 120 -138 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.011
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