How to Improve the Quality of the Service for the Elderly with Cognitive Impairment under the Mode of Intelligent Health Care Service

  • Renyao ZHONG ,
  • Weibo MA

Accepted date: 2024-04-23

  Online published: 2024-06-05


As the aging process accelerates, the number of elderly people with cognitive impairment continues to rise, making the provision of high-quality, specialized care service a significant social issue. The intelligent health care, as an innovative eldercare service model, shows great potential in improving the care for and life quality of the elderly. It also offers new directions in the prevention and early screening of cognitive impairment, clinical diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation, and home care for elderly people with cognitive impairment. However, as far as intelligent health care service providers are concerned, there are still development bottlenecks such as undeveloped intelligent technology, lagging service benefits, insufficient market dynamism, inadequate exploration of deep-seated needs, lack of humanistic care, potential infringement of privacy rights, and difficulties in ensuring data security. As for the demand side, issues such as disease characteristics hindering service acceptance, economic burdens limiting consumer enthusiasm for service, and technology anxiety restraining service popularization pose challenges. In light of this, it is imperative to enhance the breadth and depth of technological and corporate innovation, deepen sharing and cooperation among multiple parties, establish industry standards and service norms, and improve regulatory and feedback mechanisms. Relevant parties should increase the security of technology to protect the rights and safety of elderly people with cognitive impairment, enhance the user-friendliness and approachability of intelligent care products, foster digital literacy among elderly people with cognitive impairment and their families, leverage the professional roles of medical and nursing staff, unlock the consumption potential of the cognitive impairment group, and stimulate the vitality of the intelligent health care market, thus accelerating the intelligent care process for elderly people with cognitive impairment in China.

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Renyao ZHONG , Weibo MA . How to Improve the Quality of the Service for the Elderly with Cognitive Impairment under the Mode of Intelligent Health Care Service[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2024 , 56(3) : 164 -174 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.015


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