Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
Develop Professional Service Industry to Assist Enterprises’ “Going Abroad” with High Quality:Theory,Mechanism and International Experience for Reference
Professional service industry has played an important role in improving modern industry system construction and developing new quality productivity. The internationalization of professional service industry is always accompanied with enterprises’ internationalization, which is influenced by their international income, international pattern, human resources’ backing up and international impact. Professional service industry can assist ensure enterprises’ “going abroad” by means of information providing and decision-making support mechanism, service activities and pattern innovation mechanism, risk management and compliance guarantee mechanism, and resource integration and collaborating innovation mechanism. At the present stage, China still falls behind European and American countries in the development level of professional service industry and their capacity to assist enterprises’ going abroad. Based on international experiences, China’s professional services should increase policy support in internationalization, high-end, integration, branding, thinking tank and sustainable development, so as to better promote the development of professional service industry and help enterprises go abroad with high quality.
Haiyan Tang , Xinzhang Cheng . Develop Professional Service Industry to Assist Enterprises’ “Going Abroad” with High Quality:Theory,Mechanism and International Experience for Reference[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2024 , 56(4) : 126 -143 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.012
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