The Impact of Corporate Digital Responsibility on Enterprise Value:A Configuration Analysis Based on Internet Platform Enterprises

  • Jian KE ,
  • Andi YU

Accepted date: 2024-08-18

  Online published: 2024-10-11


Digital technology not only creates value for enterprises, but also brings many negative impacts such as data security and technological disorder. Enterprises need to adopt a coherent and orderly approach to handle data and technology responsibly. Therefore, the new concept of corporate digital responsibility has emerged. Based on multiple types of data and Gioia Qualitative analysis methods, this paper analyzes the content of corporate digital responsibility. The results reveal that corporate digital responsibility includes nine dimensions: CDR culture, CDR governance mechanisms, digital security and privacy protection, data openness and sharing, data rights, digital inclusion, digital well-being, empowering environment and empowering society. These dimensions form a concentric circle model with gradually expanding influence. Taking 22 internet platform enterprises as research samples, this paper explores the multiple paths for enterprises to realize high enterprise value through digital responsibility from the perspective of configuration. It shows that internet platform enterprises can generate high enterprise value through three digital responsibility paths, that is, comprehensive, focused and gradual expanding; large platforms attach great importance to the construction of CDR culture; digital native platforms attach importance to the construction of CDR governance mechanisms; the expanded responsibility domain can obtain high enterprise value for the platform better than the core responsibility domain; empowering society is one of the main paths for platforms to create high enterprise value, while empowering environment is not obvious. This paper enriches the theoretical foundation of corporate digital responsibility research, and provides practical inspiration and feasible suggestions for enterprises to fulfill digital responsibility and respond to digital ethical crises.

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Jian KE , Andi YU . The Impact of Corporate Digital Responsibility on Enterprise Value:A Configuration Analysis Based on Internet Platform Enterprises[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2024 , 56(5) : 145 -159 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.013


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