Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
On the Supply of Housing Security in Shanghai Based on the Concept of People-Centered City:Its Connotation,Practice and Optimized Path
Based on the concept of people-centered city, optimizing the supply of housing security means taking people’s demand into account and increasing the adaptability of housing security supply and demand. It also means relying on a variety of suppliers to increase the long-term sustainability of housing security, improving the coverage of housing security with the goal of ensuring people sharing the benefits. Shanghai has explored ways to implement the concept of people’s city in the practice of housing security supply by building a more inclusive housing security supply system, establishing a more participatory grass-roots governance system, creating more high-quality housing security products, strengthening more humanized housing security services, and emphasizing more “home” warm living experience. In order to further optimize the supply of housing security, Shanghai needs to deepen and improve the housing security system, introduce social forces to participate in the sustainable development of housing security, continue to optimize the spatial layout of affordable housing to improve the level of balance between employment and housing, and improve the quality of living and living experience. with the fruits of the new round of technological revolution.
Rong Yan , Lili Zhang , Yimiao Wang . On the Supply of Housing Security in Shanghai Based on the Concept of People-Centered City:Its Connotation,Practice and Optimized Path[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2024 , 56(6) : 142 -149 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.012
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