Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
From Only One Pattern to Multi-pattern: A Comparative Study on Relief Patterns of Civil Rights
Received date: 2007-04-01
Online published: 2007-07-25
Without relief there is no right.The civil right relief has various patterns.However, the lawsuit relief has become a leading pattern for a long time since the civil right relief is always defined from the angle of law, thus forming an only-one-pattern structure.But, the inseparability of social norms and comparative analysis of institutional costs and benefits determine that the substitutional dispute settlement mechanism, the supervisory settlement mechanism, and the special settlement mechanism are also important ways of civil right relief.Therefore, a plural structure should be formed so as to effectively safeguard citizens' legal rights and benefits.
Key words: civil right; relief; lawsuit
Jun LI . From Only One Pattern to Multi-pattern: A Comparative Study on Relief Patterns of Civil Rights[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2007 , 39(4) : 78 -85 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.04.017
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