Market Factors Affecting China's Export of Textile and Clothing——An Analysis of Emphasizing NEER and Domestic Supply

  • Xiao-lin DONG ,
  • Jie-xiong CHEN
  • College of Foreign Trade, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China

Received date: 2006-09-06

  Online published: 2006-11-30


China's export of textile and clothing possesses a large share both in its domestic export and in the inter- national export of textile and clothing.The factors that effect China's export of textile and clothing are analyzed here by means of applying a co-integration test.The conclusion indicates that domestic supply is the most remarkable reason for a long-term increase of export, and trade partner countries'GDP and China's NEER are relatively less important.In accordance with the conclusion China should enforce its long-term competitive advantages, improve its skills of resolving trade frictions, and quicken its reform on the exchange rate system.

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Xiao-lin DONG , Jie-xiong CHEN . Market Factors Affecting China's Export of Textile and Clothing——An Analysis of Emphasizing NEER and Domestic Supply[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2006 , 38(6) : 62 -65, 82 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2006.06.010


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