Chinese Emperors' "Justified" Right of Levying Taxes and Corvee——A Comparison with the Western Theory of Taxation

  • Min-lan HUANG
  • Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100006, China

Received date: 2006-10-20

  Online published: 2007-01-29


According to the medieval Western theory of taxation, a king could levy taxes only with the consent of taxpayers.On the contrary, an ancient Chinese emperor levied taxes and corvee, dispensing with people's consent.In order to effectively reign over society, however, monarchs, officials and men of letters in all dynasties made a lot of explanations and illustrations to demonstrate legitimacy of emperors' levying taxes, thus constructing a basic theory of taxation endemic to China.that is, a theory about an emperor's possession of all land and people under the heaven.The great difference between Chinese and Western theories of taxation was caused by their own social conditions, including a contrast of tax-gatherers' and tax-payers' status and power, and different Chinese and Western cultures and social universal ideas.

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Min-lan HUANG . Chinese Emperors' "Justified" Right of Levying Taxes and Corvee——A Comparison with the Western Theory of Taxation[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2007 , 39(1) : 30 -36 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.006


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