A Study on the Current Husband's and Wife's Views of Family——An Analysis of the 2005 Sampling Survey in Shanghai

  • He-qing HUANG ,
  • Jian-guo ZHANG

Received date: 2007-04-10

  Online published: 2007-07-25


Based on a questionnaire made by the Department of Human Development & Family Studies, National Taiwan Normal University, about values of family, labor division of housework, parental roles, and degrees of marital satisfaction between husband and wife, a sampling investigation was carried out among 918 families in Shanghai in April 2005.This paper tries to present and analyze views of equality on housework between husband and wife and differences between them.

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He-qing HUANG , Jian-guo ZHANG . A Study on the Current Husband's and Wife's Views of Family——An Analysis of the 2005 Sampling Survey in Shanghai[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2007 , 39(4) : 86 -92 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.04.018


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