Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
A Second Discourse on LU Xun's Verse That "After A Journey to the West, Comes the Performance of Creation of the Gods"——A Response to Mr.Ni Moyan
Received date: 2006-12-10
Online published: 2007-03-25
Some critics hold different opinions about the verse that "after A Journey to the West, comes the performance of Creation of the Gods", which appears in LU Xun's poem, To a Japanese Critic, written in 1931.Mr.NI Moyan puts forward an opinion different from mine in his Explanation of LU Xun's Classical Poems.As a response, further arguments based on some fresh historical materials are presented in this paper.
Guo-yi WU . A Second Discourse on LU Xun's Verse That "After A Journey to the West, Comes the Performance of Creation of the Gods"——A Response to Mr.Ni Moyan[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2007 , 39(2) : 112 -117 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.02.019
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