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Contributions of Wilhelm von Humboldt and Benjamin Lee Whorf to the Founding of Contrastive Liguistics
Western contrastivists usually regard 1957 as the starting year of the new discipline"Contrastive Linguistics".It is argued here that the date can be traced back much farther.Among the scholars who have contributed a lot to the founding of the new discipline, the German philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt, the Danish linguist Otto Jespersen and the American anthropologist Benjamin Lee Whorf play an important role.
Key words: contrastive linguistics; Humboldt; Whorf
Wen-guo PAN , Hui-min TAN . Contributions of Wilhelm von Humboldt and Benjamin Lee Whorf to the Founding of Contrastive Liguistics[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2005 , 37(6) : 70 -75 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.010
1 | Whorf, B. L. 'Language and logic. 1941. in John b. Carroll(ed. ). Language Thought and Reality: Selected Writings of Ben-jamin Lee Whorf, Cambridge, Massa chusetts: The MIT Press. 1956, 233-245. |
2 | Lado , Robert . 1957, Linguistics across Culture.Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. |
3 | Humboldt, Wilhelm von. On Language: The Diversity ofHuman Language-structrue and its Influence on the Mental Development ofMankind. 1836. translated into English by Peter Heath, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. 1988. |
4 | Jespersen , Otto . 1924, The Philosophy of Grammar.London: George Allen and Unwin. |
5 | Humboldt, Wilhelm Von. 'On the comparative study of language and its relation to the different periods of languagedevelopment. 1820. in T. Harden and D. Farrelly(eds), Essays on Language/Wilhelm von Humboldt, Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1-22.1977. |
6 | Whorf, B. L. 'Linguistics as an exact science. 1940b. in John b. Carroll(ed. ). Language, Thought and Reality: SelectedWritings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 1956, 220-232. |
7 | Whorf, B. L. 'Science and Linguistics'. 1940a. in John b. Carroll(ed. ), Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writ-ings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 1956, 207-219. |
8 | Chase, Stuart. 'Forward'. in Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, Ed by Johnb. Carroll, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 1955. |
9 | Whorf, B. L. 'The relation of habitual thought and behavior to language'. 1939a. in John b. Carroll(ed. ), Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 1956, 134-159. |
10 | Whorf, B. L. 'Gestalt technique of stem composition in Shawnee. 1939b. in John b. Carroll(ed. ), Language, Thought andReality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 1956, 160-172. |
11 | Whorf, B. L. 'Grammatical categories. 1937. in John b. Carroll(ed. ), Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writingsof Benjamin Lee Whorf, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 1956, 87-101. |
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