A Fuzzy Curvilinear Analysis of Regional Financial Comprehensive Competitive Forces——Taking the Opening Force

  • Lin TIAN

Received date: 2004-09-14

  Online published: 2005-06-25


In view of an incomplete quantitative analysis of regional finance, this paper establishes an inbex system of regional overall financial competitiveness including display indices and explainable indices.It uses a hierarchical cluster procedure and factor method to make an analysis of all our country's regions and classify them as eight grades.Based on a fuzzy curve analysis, a conclusion is drawn that all the indices are contributive to the regional comprehensive financial competitiveness and the opening force is vital and medium-important among all the forces to the overall financial competitiveness.

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Lin TIAN . A Fuzzy Curvilinear Analysis of Regional Financial Comprehensive Competitive Forces——Taking the Opening Force[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2005 , 37(6) : 98 -104 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.014


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