A Reconsideration of "the Theory of Trairupya"

  • Nan-qiang YAO

Received date: 2004-10-19

  Online published: 2005-03-25


This paper affirms Zheng Weihong's proper viewpoints in his article, "Legitimating the Theory of Trairupya, " but focuses on those issues with different views. For example, instead of dharmin, the subject hetu is omitted in the first paksadharmata, which should be quality of dharmin in the paksa. Therefore, it can not be simply regarded as the hetu. It is not proper to exaggerate influences of the former Soviet Union scholar Steherbastsky's writings in China. It is not Kui Ji's original creation to distinguish between sadharmya and sapaksa. At least, it is a popular statement maintained by Xuan Zang's disciples under the Tang Dynasty.

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Nan-qiang YAO . A Reconsideration of "the Theory of Trairupya"[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2005 , 37(3) : 25 -122 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.004


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