A Written Conversation on Financial Competitions and Reforms under the Condition of Opening - up

  • Qi-wu JIANG

Received date: 2002-11-29

  Online published: 2003-01-25


In the context of financial globalization and China's entry into the WTO, our country is stepping up its financial opening - up, since it is confronted with a much more complex, intense and competitive environment. How to deepen the reforms of our financial structure, system and institution and strengthen their competitive power so as to meet challenges and serve the economic development in a better level is indeed a current discussion topic for both intellectual and practical departments. In October 2002 Business College, East China Normal University, hosted a symposium of financial compedtions and reforms under the condition of opening - up, inviting many specialists and scholars at home to have a heated discussion about the topic. Here are published a group of articles, which are selected from some speeches at the conference and from some delivered treatises. Among them are: "The Situations and Their Tendencies Confronted by the New Phase of Financial Opening - up", by Professor JIANG Qi - wu, from the College of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University; "The Institutional Reform : A Key to Heighten Our Financial System's Competitive Power", by Professor PAN Ying - li, from the Business College, East China Normal University; "The Selection of the RMB Exchange Rate", by Professor ZHANG Zhi-chao, from the Business College, East China Normal University, "A Study of the Heightening of Our Banks' Competitive Power", by Professor DAI Guo - qiang, from the Finance College, Shanghai Finance University; "The Improvement of Management Structure in State - owned Banks", by Dr. FANG Xing - hai, deputy general manager of Shanghai Stock Exchange. All these five short but excellent articles have striking views, academic values and enlightening significance. It is hoped that they will result in a further profound research.

Cite this article

Qi-wu JIANG . A Written Conversation on Financial Competitions and Reforms under the Condition of Opening - up[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2003 , 35(1) : 1 -5 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.002

