The Therapeutic Value of Buddhist Philosophy to the Predicament of Modernity

  • Zhong-mao TANG

Received date: 2004-01-05

  Online published: 2004-02-25


Facing problems and awkward predicaments of modernity, there are philosophical reflections and criticisms as well in the tradition of Buddhist thoughts. To the dilemma of Western modernity, Buddhism advances a series of critical solutions based on its own "rationality". Their core is to reveal that the so-called Western "modern ego" is only an illusion and the modern Western rationality itself should be "disenchanted" as well, thus realizing a kind of true ego and freedom and presenting a meaningful world. The dialogue between Buddhism and modernity presents a confronting tension. On the one hand those Buddhist thinkers are attracted by the Western enlightenment movement that achieved a number of accomplishments in science and democracy; on the other, some of them are much concerned about the crisis and illusion of modernity. It is such a conflict or tension that may be helpful to build a kind of modernity based on Chinese own traditions and to solve problems on modernity confronted by modern people.

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Zhong-mao TANG . The Therapeutic Value of Buddhist Philosophy to the Predicament of Modernity[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2004 , 36(2) : 34 -40+120-121 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.006


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