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Content of 语言文学 in our journal

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    On the Verification of the Author of the Records of the Elites in the Poetic Circles during the Reigns of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing: Removing Qiang Zhongshu’s Suspicion
    Liu Yong-xiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (3): 140-144.  
    Abstract800)   HTML4)    PDF (687KB)(1257)      
    It is always thought that the Records of the Elites in the Poetic Circles during the Reigns of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing was written by the poet Shu Wei (Tieyun) in the Qing Dynasty. It is only Qian Zhongshu who asserts that “it is sufficient to prove that Shu Tieyun is not the real author” according to the poem of the “Inscription of the Records for Senior Ye Ting” in the collection of Bei Qingqiao’s works in the Qing Dynasty. However, Qian’s opinion is suspicious. We can see that the book was absolutely not written by Ye Zhangting according to the following elements: the scholars’ elegant manners at that time, no objections from the poets mentioned in Records, and the interactions between Ye Ting, the collector of the book and the author of the “Inscription”. The explicit statements in the works of Ye’s then prove that the book was really written by Shu Wei.
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    “Strict Versification having Little Sympathy”: On the Exquisiteness of “Little Dongpo” Tang Geng’s Lvshi Poetry
    TANG Ling
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (3): 145-151.  
    Abstract765)   HTML4)    PDF (779KB)(1455)      
    As a famous poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, the so-called “Little Dongpo” Tang Geng has been praised by scholars in all ages because of the exquisiteness of his poetry, especially his Lushi poetry. His lvshi poetry is featured by refined antithetical couplets, appropriate quotations and fine structures. This results from his repeated deliberation of each word. His view of poetics is well demonstrated in the expression that “strict versification having little sympathy”.
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    The Oversea Newly Discovered Unpublished Historical Data about Mei Guangdi
    YANG Yang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 136-143.  
    Abstract817)   HTML9)    PDF (561KB)(1787)      
    Mei Guangdi is a spiritual leader of Xueheng School. The current study on Mei focuses on theoretical interpretation from the perspective of cultural conservatism and little work has been done in revealing his thought according to historical data. This is mainly due to the few extant historical data about Mei. My investigations in Harvard University Archives, Yanjing Library, Taiwan Archives of National History and Special Archives of the Kuomintang in Taiwan show evidently Mei’s excellent English when studied abroad, his initial teaching position in Harvard University as a lecturer of Chinese language, his political activities after coming back to China and the detailed information about his death because of illness.
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    The Significance of Folk Custom to Literature
    HUO Jiu-cang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 144-147.  
    Abstract1015)   HTML11)    PDF (427KB)(1349)      
    What dose folk custom mean to literature? This core issue of the literary folklore has not been deeply discussed by now. In order to discuss the significance of folk custom to literature, we must understand the meaning of folk custom to contemporary life and figure out the essence of folk custom. As inherited culture of human life, folk custom originally is the legal resource of daily life. Externally, folk custom is a distinguishing feature of a special existence of life; internally, folk custom is a symbol of community identity. Only if a writer grasps the connation of folk custom, he or she is able to create excellent literary folklore works.
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    On the Four Essentials of Jiangnan Identity
    HU Xiao-Ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 58-64.  
    Abstract1353)   HTML4)    PDF (1828KB)(1475)      
    In the progress of Chinese history and culture, there are the tangles and conflicts of such two lines: the obvious one is cultural blending, and the hidden one is regional identity. Jiangnan (regions south of the Yangtze River) identity is an important phenomenon in the process of cultural blending and conflicts. What are essential for Jiangnan identity are four kinds of identity respectively in cultivation, migration, aesthetics, and spirit of freedom. They connected with the historical, social lifeline of China itself, the endogenous modern spirit, the special form of universal values, and the cultural consciousness rooted in the native land. In the age of globalization, Jiangnan identity must actually help us reconnect our land, folks, history, meaning and life. The relationship between the Jiangnan culture and Chinese spirit also remains to be unveiled.
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    The Timeliness of “Dunhuang Impression”
    1、Hu-Fan-Zhu , 2、Hu-Yi-Ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (2): 142-145.  
    Abstract1570)   HTML4)    PDF (1791KB)(2328)      
    In the history of modern Chinese fine arts Kong Baiji’s painting of “Dunhuang Impression” deserves special attention, though it is perhaps not very famous. This is not only because it is a birth mark of the “oil painting on xuan paper” which melts Oriental and Western cultures, but also because it embraces a kind of complicated and profound timeliness, presenting a double possibility of “content’s complete transformation into form” and “material’s complete melt into form”. Accordingly, it sets an excellent example for an expansion of philosophy of art.
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    The Prior Attitude in the Discourse
     ——A Reflection Based on Intentionality
    ZHANG Xian-Gang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (2): 146-151.  
    Abstract1400)   HTML3)    PDF (1794KB)(1556)      
    This paper is initiated by a study on the concept of “prior intention” in philosophy. The existence of prior attitude is presumed here and how to analyze it in the discourse is studied. The hypothesis of existence of prior attitude in the discourse is based on studies of John Searl’s speech act and intentionality. This hypothesis is verified in theoretical frameworks of M.A.K. Halliday’s systematic functional linguistics and J. R. Martin’s appraisal theory. The hypothesis is valuable in a discourse analysis.
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    The Fluidity of Sexual Identities in Patrick White’s Novels
    CHEN Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (6): 105-110.  
    Abstract1504)   HTML6)    PDF (1269KB)(1603)      
    As the most renowned Australian modernist writer, Patrick White has been Australia’s only Nobel Literary Prize laureate. Himself a homosexual writer, White had been undergoing the suppression and repression of the then mainstream culture in Australia, and was only able to express his sexual identity and value in his literary works in an indirect and concealed way. The sexual identities in his writings are very often in an unstable and uncertain state of fluidity. The exploration of the gender and sexuality identities in White’s works is conducive to a better understanding of his insights into aspects of humanity.
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    A Paraphrase of Inscriptions on Longmen Statues
    YAO Mei-Ling
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 133-136.  
    Abstract1305)   HTML3)    PDF (530KB)(1735)      
    The title inscriptions on statues are generally concerning blessing and retribution. The plain vernacular words, majority of which has no verification, are combined with varied Buddhist vocabularies. At the same time, the puzzling characters on stone tablets need interpretations. The textual research of those words not only benefits interpreting and utilizing this type of literature, but also supplements and corrects errors or omissions in relevant materials.
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    A Supplementary Explanation of Ying Yi Inscriptions according to the Biebai-style Writing
    LI Yi-Hai
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 137-140.  
    Abstract1308)   HTML3)    PDF (467KB)(1532)      
    Some syllabic words with a feature of biebai play a distinctive role in naming stuffs, all of which symbolize distinctive features of their categories. These distinctive features contribute to make sense of those words with a biebai part.
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    The Other in the Self and the Self in the Other ----On the Doppelganger Motif in Patrick White’s Novels
    Xu Kai
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 124-129.  
    Patrick White has long been the focus of critical attention. Yet hardly any critics have touched upon the Doppelganger motif in the novels of Patrick White, not to mention an in-depth interpretation of the motif. Doppelganger works as a liberator of feeling and intuition in White’s novels, opening horizons beyond social patterns, rational decisions, and institutionally approved emotions. White presents the psychological deviations and explores the repression, anxiety, and fear in modern psyche. Doppelganger motif helps White to present his characters’ quest for self. Each of them finds a self in the other. Doppelganger in White’s novels is not so much about personal identity as about the lack of it. The divided self in his novels is a metaphor of the modern identity crisis.
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