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    Reflection and Transcendence ----A Review of Studies on Radicalism
    ZHU Jing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 141-151.  
    Abstract1851)   HTML2)    PDF (446KB)(2107)      
    The reflection of radicalism during the period from 1980s to 1990s was a product of a series of social and political changes, and also a result of New Enlightenment’s logical extension. Disputes of radicalism are mainly concerned with: definitions of radical and conservative concepts and their places in the history of modern China, revolution or farewell to revolution, recognition of radically opposing traditionalism during the May Fourth Movement, and causes for unchecked spread of radicalism. The two sides of disputes have major differences in their epistemological foundations and in their ideological preconditions about Chinese social transitions. To go beyond the debates over radical and conservative, it is necessary to return them to their original state according to historicism, and meanwhile to realize a dynamic equilibrium between them both under the conditioning of conservative liberalism.
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    Laws of Rumor Circulation in Emergency and Solutions under the Condition of New Media
    Chen Hong &Shen Shen-yi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 83-91.  
    Abstract1465)   HTML22)         
    The spread of rumors in public incidents is characterized by the fastness of information transmission and the content mixture of truth and falseness. It is an impetus to information publicity and an influential power on social stabilization. Based on a case study of information transmission in the new media environment, this paper probes into the transmission law of rumors in public emergencies and puts forward some relevant administrative measures.
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    What Is the History of Ideas?
    GAO Rui-quan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 1-10.  
    Abstract1611)   HTML27)         
    The history of ideas, aiming at studying some key ideas’ generation and development in human spiritual changes, is a part of human beings’ efforts to know themselves. Its task is to seek for true ideas, including truth of the idea content, consistency between the idea user’s actual belief and attitude implied in the idea, and real vitality of the idea pushing social actions forward. The history of ideas deals with not only the structure of thought but also its process, and focuses on not only the issue of how people should think but also how to think in reality. How to deal with the relation of “thought” to “history” is concerned with vertically how to solve the issue of the idea’s genesis and social rootedness, and horizontally how to find out the location of a certain idea in its contemporary idea family tree and the connection between the idea history and other academic studies. The history of ideas is never a chronological history which merely narrates “idea units”. The critical history of ideas pays close attention to various elements coming from the history of civilization, and the method of pedigree is equally important like logical analysis.
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    Secret Negotiation between Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party in 1937- With two Lu Shan Negotiations as the center
    SHAO Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (6): 29-34.  
    Abstract1712)   HTML16)         
    CPC’s proposal of four guarantees for Kuomintang’s third plenary telegraph was originated from the two letters that was telegraphed by the communist international executive committee secretariat to the central committee of the communist party on January 20 and February 5 of 1937. On July 15, “The Declaration of Cooperation between KMT and CPC” was submitted, and the modified four guarantees in this declaration fully absorbed the spirit of the letter telegraphed by the communist international executive committee secretariat to the central committee of the communist party on February 5. The content of the previous negotiations of KMT and CPC in Xian, Hang Zhou and Lu Shan involved the issues of the communist party and the army under the leadership of CPC, the local government and each party’s united front, etc. but the main focus was about the legitimacy of the communist party. Chiang Kai-shek adopted relatively loose strategy in negotiations for the red army and the Soviet government, the main purpose of this was to dissolve the communist party and force communist give up independence. He tried his best to lay aside the “China’s communist manifesto on Kuomintang-Chinese communist cooperation” in order to delay the legalization of the communist party as far as possible. Under the resolute insistence of CPC and the persecution of Japanese military’s offensive attack, Chiang Kai-shek, firstly, orally admitted the legal status of Shan Ganning border region, then agreed to the adaptation of Red Army, and finally was forced to publish the “China’s communist manifesto on Kuomintang-Chinese communist cooperation”. It tells us, from the opposite way, the utmost importance of CPC during the new-democratic revolution stage.
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    Displaying of Rebellion in Turbulent Situation and Pursuit of Survival in Confusion—Advertisement Breakthrough of Internet
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (6): 59-63.  
    Abstract1418)   HTML18)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 122-124.  
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 99-104.  
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (4): 28-36.  
    Abstract1157)   HTML6)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (4): 37-43.  
    Abstract1311)   HTML6)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (4): 44-50.  
    Abstract1195)   HTML6)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (4): 81-88.  
    Abstract1342)   HTML7)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (3): 32-39.  
    Abstract1709)   HTML8)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 52-57.  
    Land Regulations was the primary basis of concessions’ existence and development, and played an important part in concessions’ construction. Land Regulations was the first City Planning Document and City Planning Law in modern Shanghai. The making of 1845 Land Regulations made a consideration of the tradition of both China and England and was the necessary result of the parties’ knowledge of concessions. The role that Land Regulations played in concessions’ construction showed in follows: confirming the boundary of concessions, laying down the subjects and principles of City Planning, and defining the content of City Planning.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 73-76.  
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 123-124.  
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 120-124.  
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    A Consideration of Academic Innovations and Innovations of Academic Assessment Mechanisms
    XU Hong-zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2009, 41 (3): 66-71.  
    Abstract1709)   HTML17)         
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    The Chinese Language as the Second Language and Developments of the Teaching Mode of Foreign Languages
    WU Yong-yi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2009, 41 (2): 89-93.  
    Abstract1971)   HTML8)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2008, 40 (6): 0-01.  
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