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Content of 经济问题研究 in our journal

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    Do Chinese Elements Matter?: Consumer Evaluation on the Localized Adaption Strategy for Global Brands from the Perspective of Stereotype Consistency
    HE Jia-xun, WU Yi & XIE Run-qi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 131-145.  
    Abstract929)   HTML207)    PDF (2395KB)(3308)      
    With the ever enhancing of China’s soft power in the world, the adoption of Chinese elements has been popularly practiced by numerous global brands as a localized adaptation strategy, the consumer attitudes towards which has seldom been studied. Taking six global brands’ real products from three categories as study objects, this thesis adopts the construct of stereotype consistency and collects data by survey from Chinese consumers in Shanghai to explore how Chinese elements used in global brands’ product adaptation strategy affect consumer attitudes. By applying total effect moderation model to integrate the variables of brand local iconness and global identity/local identity altogether and probe into their mediation and moderation effects respectively, this thesis addresses several key findings. Firstly, the stereotype consistency of Chinese elements positively affects brand local iconness and product purchase likelihood. Secondly, brand local iconness partially mediates the relationship between stereotype consistency and product purchase likelihood. Finally, consumer cultural identity (global identity vs. local identity) plays a moderating role in the process above. These findings make innovative theoretical contributions to interpreting the influence mechanism of Chinese elements on consumer attitudes, initiating empirical study on Chinese elements and providing global brands with suggestion on effective utilization of Chinese elements. In general, to improve consumer attitudes, the marketers of global brands shall understand thoroughly the true meanings and essences of local cultural elements and integrate them into the brands in a way as consistent to the stereotypes as possible. Notably, this adaptation strategy shall be adjusted to market segmentation with different cultural identity
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    The Changes of China’s Potential Growth Rate in Economic Transformation and the Breakthrough for New Round of “Promoting Reform through Opening up”
    YIN De-sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 146-155.  
    Abstract575)   HTML7)    PDF (1604KB)(1050)      
    Economic restructuring is the main direction for the transformation of China’s economic development mode. But in the process of economic transformation, China’s economic growth has relatively slowed. There is a growing concern about the endogenous growth momentum and long-term trends in China. With HP filtering method and multivariate state space method, this thesis finds out that the potential growth rate in China has relatively declined from the double-digit before the global financial crisis in 2008 down to about 8% in 2012. Lower capital allocation efficiency, together with capital supply shocks, is an important reason for the recent decline in potential growth rate. For the long-term economic growth momentum in China, the breakthrough of new round of “promoting reform through opening up” lies in market-oriented reform and globalization configuration of capital element, which can take China (Shanghai) pilot free trade zone as a test base. The market-oriented reform of capital element needs the liberalization of interest rate and exchange rate, while globalization configuration of capital element depends on RMB internationalization and capital account liberalization.
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    On China’s Intergenerational Income Mobility and Transfer Mechanism
    LONG Cui-hong & WANG Xiao
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 156-164.  
    Abstract714)   HTML7)    PDF (1447KB)(2355)      
    The study on intergenerational income mobility, which reflects the equality of opportunity in economic and social conditions, is practically significant. Through the optimizing of estimation methods and eliminating the deviation factors, this thesis analyzes CHNS data from 1989 to 2009 and finds out that in 2009 the overall intergenerational income elasticity of China is about 0.6, and the urban and rural area is respectively 0.8 and 0.5. This means that China’s intergenerational income elasticity is still on the high side compared with other countries. An empirical study on the internal transfer mechanism of intergenerational income mobility from the perspectives of education, health and social capital shows that human capital plays an important role in the process of China’s intergenerational income inheritance, and social capital is also having a significant influence on the inheritance. Therefore, on the one hand, the government should further increase the intensity of public expenditure and use a variety of ways to increase the justice and fairness of people sharing public resources such as health care and education; on the other, the government should continue to strengthen the reform of market economic system and break barriers regarding labor market segmentation and labor mobility between the urban and rural area, and remove occupational segregation and industry monopoly pattern, so that we can improve social efficiency, dynamic equal opportunity and income fairness.
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    The Transformation of the Role of China in Global Production Networks
    Tang Haiyan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 1-9.  
    Abstract793)   HTML15)    PDF (666KB)(1729)      
    Based on the theory of intra-product international specialization and the technique of value chain decomposition, this paper carries out an in-depth investigation of the transformation of the role of China in the global production network (GPN) from the aspects of quantity, products and regions. It shows that the role of China in the GPN has transformed from “a processing workshop” into “a production base” or even “a world factory” after over ten years’ efforts in industry upgrading. China has played a dominant role in the GPN of low technology products, but still played a subordinate role in the GPN of medium and high technology products. However, the subordinate degree of China is much smaller than many developing countries and even some high income countries. China acts as an important hinge in regional production networks and links these geographically separate networks into an integrate GPN through the bilateral “triangular trade”. The degree of collaboration with China, “a world factory”, determines the competitiveness of a regional production network to some extent.
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    Influence Factors on Private Enterprises’ Contributions to Strategic Emerging Industries
    CHENG Gui-sun, ZHU Hao-jie & ZHANG Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 10-16.  
    Abstract709)   HTML14)    PDF (1131KB)(1668)      
    By using China’s strategic emerging industries panel data from 1998 to 2010, this paper constructs a theoretical model and makes empirical analysis on influence factors on private enterprises’ contributions to strategic emerging industries. The result shows that some factors, including industry profit, industry incomes and the number of enterprises, the R&D funds, the number of patents, the export delivery value and the R&D inputs of the government, will have positive influences on the market performance of private enterprises in developing strategic emerging industries; but the factors such as the number of employees, the industry output value, the output value of foreign companies and the number of the state-owned enterprises will have negative impacts. This paper also makes suggestions as to how we can encourage private enterprises to enter and develop strategic emerging industries.
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    Structural Adjustment of China’s Financial Market: The Way to Avoid Crisis with the Liberalization of Capital Control
    ZHOU Lian-shi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 17-23.  
    Abstract894)   HTML14)    PDF (491KB)(1438)      
    The countries in practicing the liberalization of capital control have roughly experienced three different consequences: no crisis, no crisis but the imbalance occurred in national economy, and financial crisis. China’s financial market has high similarities with the third category. Besides its small scale of the market with low resistance of risk, the speculative factor is quite active, which originates from the disproportion of China’s market structure. Therefore, according to the financial structure theory of Raymond W. Goldsmith, we need to carry out structural adjustment of financial market so as to avoid financial crisis with the liberalization of capital control. We should establish a structure of capital market with the core business of corporate bonds, set up a structure of monetary market with the note discounts as the major part, and strengthen the connection between fundamental and derivative financial futures markets.
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    On the Hot Spots in China’s Employability Studies
    JIA Li-jun, GUAN Jing-juan,& YANG Ya-bei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 18-24.  
    Abstract785)   HTML14)    PDF (1301KB)(1556)      
    Based on co-term analysis, this paper explores the hot spots and their interrelations in employability studies as well as their social and economical implications. The hot spots mainly lie in higher education, higher vocational education, teaching reform and employment guidance. Driven by the knowledge-based economy, an ability-based society has been taking shape and employability has become a core element during the new round upgrading of human resources. As a result, in order to provide human resources with good quality for further development of economy, higher education must optimize its own personnel training strategy based on the trends of economic structure readjustment. Meanwhile, it’s also essential to accelerate the upgrading of higher vocational colleges and to comprehensively promote the guidance of career development and management throughout the process of personnel training.
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    The New International Division of Labor, Competitiveness of Manufacturing Industry and Development of China’s Producer Services
    TANG Hai-Yan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (2): 95-101.  
    Abstract1833)   HTML8)    PDF (1787KB)(2387)      
    The theoretical developments of manufacturing industry and producer services have provided a useful analytical framework for the interaction and integration of these two industries under the condition of new international division of labor. After a certain development phase of manufacturing industry, professional requirements of manufacturing industry to producer services will definitely increase. At the same time, the development of producer services also promotes upgrades of manufacturing industry. However, the chain that China’s producer services promote upgrading of manufacturing industry is very weak. This paper argues that it is the system bottleneck which leads to a weak chain effect. The key measure is to promote a “marriage effect” between state owned producerservice firms and state owned manufacturing enterprises. The cooperation can also avoid a “hollow out effect”, which is very popular in the postindustrialization era. The business innovation, mode innovation and product innovation based on the interaction and integration of producer services and manufacturing industry are fundamental methods to quicken up a development of China’s producerservice industry.
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    The Industrial Monopoly, Technical Progress and Industrial Income Gap 
    ——An Analysis Based on Twodigit Industries
    1、Kong-Qing-Yang , 2、Huang-Ji-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (2): 102-110.  
    Abstract1553)   HTML9)    PDF (1788KB)(1975)      
    Generally, China's industrial sector has made significant technical progress and also increased the industrial income gap. The market structure will affect industrial technical progress. Those monopoly industries get obvious technical changes, but their technical efficiency has been deteriorated, while competitive industries obtain comparative advantages in technical efficiency. Technical changes have widened the trade income gap, but the pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency have narrowed the gap on the contrary. A path widening the gap starts from industrial monopoly to capital deepening, then to technical changes, and then to trade income gap. From the view of the trade income gap and technological progress, China's industrial and technical progresses have an extensive feature. The cost of delaying reform may be higher due to the time cumulative effect of trade income gap.
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    The Local Market Fragmentation and Foreign Capital Preference during the Transitional Period
    HU Li-Fa
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (2): 111-117.  
    Abstract1326)   HTML8)    PDF (1790KB)(1715)      
    The local market fragmentation is in essence the fact that the local government takes various administrative measures to intervene market so as to protect local enterprises and market. It has produced in some relatively independent economic areas some economic system foundations which have resulted in China’s preference for foreign capital. It has fomented local government officials’ promotion incentives. It has led to a situation in which local enterprises have become uncompetitive and foreign enterprises have improved their bargaining ability so that they can enter a host country with more competitiveness than local enterprises. It has intensified local government’s corporateoriented behavior to strive for external resources and develop an “exportoriented strategy”.
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    A Reflection on Fairness of the Payroll Deduction Standard of China’s Individual Income Tax
    LIU Xiao-Chuan, SHI Wan-Ru
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 132-137.  
    Abstract1472)   HTML1)    PDF (1569KB)(1528)      
    The individual income tax system is an important tool for the government to regulate and redistribute taxpayers’ incomes justly. Besides, there is a social focus on the problem of fairness of the deduction standard of personal salary and bonus during China’s individual income tax reform. The quantitative analysis of effects of individual income tax reforms in 2008 and September 2011 in our country shows that the income gap between unfair distributions cannot be narrowed only by continuously improving the working deduction standard. Only through a combination of basic and additional deductions based on a comprehensive income tax system can we give full scope to the function of the fair social wealth allocation of income tax in China.
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    The Nexus of Income Gap, Economic Growth and Educational Inequality in China
    LONG Cui-Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 138-144.  
    Abstract1714)   HTML220)    PDF (1571KB)(2856)      
    This paper incorporates distributionlag model into a system of equations to study the nexus of income inequality, economic growth and education in China. The major findings are: (1) Income inequality has a negative effect on economic growth, and economic growth will in turn be helpful to narrow the income gap; therefore, controlling the income gap is conducive to economic growth and in turn conducive to narrowing the income gap, which may achieve a goal that both equality and growth develop coordinately. (2) The income distribution inequality leads to educational inequality, but the lessening of educational inequality has not promoted to narrow the gap in income distribution and a virtuous circle between educational equality and income distribution equality has not formed spontaneously. To make education, economic growth, income distribution into an endogenous nice track, we need a series of reforms, policies and measures to guide, and gradually solve such problems as unreasonable labor market structure, urban and rural variations in returns to schooling and unreasonable educational investment structure.
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    A Study on the Income Distribution Risk of China’s Fiscal Expenditure
    PENG Duan-Lian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 145-150.  
    Abstract1235)   HTML1)    PDF (1568KB)(1356)      
    Through constructing an income distribution risk index system of fiscal expenditure and using China’s 1985—2008 data for empirical research, this article finds income distribution risk levels of fiscal expenditure are relatively low in China, but there are gradually increasing tendencies, and the risk mainly comes from the present situation of income gap and macroeconomic environment indicators. On this basis, using an order probit method to analyze influences of fiscal expenditure’s main items on income distribution risk degrees, the main conclusions are: to increase the proportion of expenditure on agriculture can help to reduce the risk of income distribution; to increase the share of expenditure on education, health care and social security will increase the risk of income distribution; expenditures on industries, communications and national defense have significant roles in promoting the income distribution situation; expenditures on infrastructure, administration and subsidies can reduce the income distribution risk, but the effect is not obvious.
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    Transitional Dynamic Characteristics of Economic Growth in China’s Some Provinces
    CHEN Ti-Biao, RAO Xiao-Hui
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 125-131.  
    Abstract1615)   HTML2)    PDF (1571KB)(397)      
    This paper uses a kind of autocorrelation function (ACF) approach which accounts for the potential nonstationarity in the mean of the series and uses per capita GDP for Chinese provinces over the period of 1953—2007, and tests those transitional dynamic characteristics of the regional growth path in China. The results show that the characteristics of partial regional growth paths are different, but the speed of convergence is nonlinearity. Except Qinghai Province, the linearized neoclassical growth model fails to replicate the transitional dynamic characteristics of other provinces’ economy, and has some limitations in depicting transitional dynamic characteristics of the regional growth path in China.
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    A Reflection on Fairness of the Payroll Deduction Standard of China’s Individual Income Tax
    LIU Xiao-Chuan, SHI Wan-Ru
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 132-137.  
    Abstract1)      PDF (1569KB)(70)      
    The individual income tax system is an important tool for the government to regulate and redistribute taxpayers’ incomes justly. Besides, there is a social focus on the problem of fairness of the deduction standard of personal salary and bonus during China’s individual income tax reform. The quantitative analysis of effects of individual income tax reforms in 2008 and September 2011 in our country shows that the income gap between unfair distributions cannot be narrowed only by continuously improving the working deduction standard. Only through a combination of basic and additional deductions based on a comprehensive income tax system can we give full scope to the function of the fair social wealth allocation of income tax in China.
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