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    Western Inspirations: Early Hong Kong Literary Criticism and Foreign Literary Trends
    CHEN Guo-Qiu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (2): 106-111.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.1016.02.013
    Abstract336)   HTML9)    PDF (1424KB)(1179)      
    The first series of the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature covers the period 1919-1949. Many academics cast doubts over this because given the culturally backward and literarily unproductive situation of Hong Kong in the pre-1949 years, finding enough pieces to fill up a literary anthology should be an impossible task. Yet the Compendium editors’ painstaking searches revealed that early Hong Kong literary creative works and other literary narratives exist in abundance. For example, the volume Literary Criticism shows that Hong Kong was a platform where various kinds of literary debates were held; it was also a focal point where foreign trends were imported. Using two concrete examples, this article illustrates that one can observe a silhouette of Hong Kong in the May Forth New Cultural Movement. Moreover, a literary magazine published in Hong Kong in the 1930s demonstrated an extraordinarily broad scope and introduced Western ideas from different places. We can thus see that Hong Kong, as a cultural space, has the ability of cultivating cultural workers who are new and progressive in their political and/or literary thinking. It is also a place where different cultural trends converge and collide.
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    The Presence and Absence of “Guo Min” (Nation)——The Anti-Enlightenment Stance of Zhou Zuoren in the Later Period of Occupation
    YUAN Yi-Dan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (2): 112-119.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.1016.02.014
    Abstract348)   HTML19)    PDF (1693KB)(867)      
    Being occupied indicated a separation of “min” (people) from “guo” (state). After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937, the citizens of the Republic detained in North China were reduced to conquered people overnight. “胜国之民,何言政事,何云国民?” (People of a conquered nation, how could they discuss politics affairs, and how could they assert themselves as a nation?) The concept of “guo min” (nation) happened to serve as the entry point of Zhou Zuoren to deliberate the issues of Chinese thought in the later period of the Japanese occupation. From his two speeches titled “Chinese National Thought” to The Issues of Chinese Thought included in his collections, Zhou Zuoren’s diagnosis of the national thought turned from inward criticism to outward contradiction. The denunciation of the “national character” was in essence a set of enlightenment discourse, and the excavation of the deep-rooted bad habits of the nation by Zhou Zuoren during the “May Fourth” period performed conversely as a stumbling block to his change of thought in the fourties. The “guo — min” (state — people) separated in the real world stayed intact in Zhou Zuoren’s articles, which could be explained by a comeback of the racial revolution in the late Qing Dynasty but also should be attributed to the mere nominal existence of “the Republic of China” in the occupied area.
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    The Tradition and Modernity in Chinese Classical Poetry: A Review of WU Sheng-qing’s Modern Archaics
    JI Ling-Juan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (2): 120-125.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.1016.02.015
    Abstract419)   HTML9)    PDF (1267KB)(1612)      
    This article reviews the new book Modern Archaics by the young scholar Professor Wu Shengqing. The author rethought and re-examined the May-Fourth tradition under which the historical violence brought about with the springing of modernity suppressed and neglected the voices of fighting in the big era. She believed that the refiguring the roles and positions of Chinese classical poetry helped restore the historical context and surpass the literature descriptive system confined by the old May-Fourth tradition. And on the aspect of methodology, she emphasized the reality of historical text, the co-textual relations, as well as the balance between the partial reality of materials and profound perception. The book has deepened the exploration into the tension and argumentative dialogue between classical poetry and modernity; what is more important, it has provided new way of thinking of alternative writing format for the literature history.
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    On the Seduction in Oleanna
    LIANG Chao-Qun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 122-129.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.014
    Abstract349)   HTML5)    PDF (1594KB)(560)      
    The hegemony of discourse production constantly courses misunderstandings, resulting in gaps and contradiction in our consciousness. Almost all the available researches on David Mamet’s Oleanna unconsciously interprete it in the mirror of production, which has caused evasive interpretations. This paper places the play back into the tension between production and seduction both in Baudriallardian sense, reading carefully the seduction scenes in the play on stage and exculpating the accused character and the equally accused playwright. The significance of the play is not in its apparent confrontation with feminism, but in urging us to break the discursive monopoly of production, and facing our seducible self, and guiding us into a conscious reconstruction of the tension between production and seduction.
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    Exploring New Urban Poetics: On XU Fang’s Poetics and Poetry
    XU Dao-Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 130-136.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.015
    Abstract349)   HTML6)    PDF (1317KB)(566)      
    As an urban poet with consciousness, XU Fang has constructed a new kind of urban poetics different from traditional pastoral, modernist ones and even that of the school of “urban poetry” in the past. XU’s urban poetry mainly creates “pure poetry” of urban life, rebuilds a harmonious relation between human beings and cities, and grasp the current in the context of modern time and agricultural time. Embodying her idea of urban poetics, XU’s works consists of the following three aspects: First, regarding the city as a thing-in-itself and “the second nature”, she describes the city from the perspective of a dweller and an observer at the same time; second, she captures the new life styles in the city, finds out the characteristics of city life and affirms the distinguished significance and value of the city; third, she takes the city as a method to experience the city. XU’s exploration of urban poetics and urban poetry is significant in promoting urban poetry originated in Shanghai to a new level.
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    Annotations on WANG Yuanhuas “A Lecture on ‘Wenfu’”
    WANG Yuan-Hua-(Zhu-) Xia-Zhong-Yi-(Jian-Shu-)
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 167-172.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.017
    Abstract265)   HTML6)    PDF (1321KB)(865)      
    Scholars both at home and abroad who are interested in WANG Yuanhuas thought are familiar with his Creation Theory of Wenxin Diaolong written in the 1960s, but few of them know his favor of LU Jis “Wenfu”. There are two reasons to transcribe the recordings of his “A Lecture on ‘Wenfu’” in 2002 and make annotations: first, this lecture, which has not yet been included in the Collected Works of WANG Yuanhua, is really important for the evolution of WANGs literary theory; second, his interpretation of the sentence of “taking his position at the hub of things so as to contemplate the mystery of the universe” in “Wenfu” tells us that even in the new century, WANGs literary theory has not been free from the Soviet model, which he followed in his interpretation of Wenxin Diaolong before the Cultural Revolution.
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    Culture Reproduction and Social Reproduction: An Illustration of Bourdieus Sociology of Education
    ZHU Guo-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 173-189.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.018
    Abstract597)   HTML523)    PDF (3410KB)(4941)      
    As a theory of symbolic violence, Bourdieus sociology of education is based on the theoretical hypothesis of culture arbitrariness. Its main point is that the secret purpose of culture reproduction is to push social reproduction. Through the concepts of teaching activities, teaching authority, education work and education system as well as their logical connections, we can grasp the internal texture of Bourdieus sociology of education. The nature of education in each stage is related to its location in social space. The education system justifies social divisions by transforming social divisions into academic divisions. The education system monopolizes special capital, mainly the production, distribution and transferring of diplomas, and exerts symbolic violence to the society. The field of power penetrates deeply into the field of education and further threatens educational autonomy. Bourdieus sociology of education and its experimental research arouses heated debates and is worth further considering.
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    The Research of the Association between ZHU Xi and WANG Huai
    GU Hong-yi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (4): 129-132.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.017
    Abstract424)   HTML4)    PDF (1074KB)(850)      
    Regarding the relationship between ZHU Xi and the prime minister WANG Huai, the scholars always focus on their disputes and bad association after ZHU Xi impeached TANG Zhong-you in the ninth year of Chunxi and then WANG Huai opposed the doctrine of the Dao. However, very few people has paid attention to their intimate association before these events. We can learn the whole process of their association based on the letters from ZHU Xi to WANG Huai and other related historical records. In September of the eighth year Chunxi, thanks to WANG Huai’s recommendation, ZHU Xi was promoted to the manage the official granary in east Zhejiang. According to ZHU Xi’s Notes on Establishing Wufu Granary in Chong’an County, Jianning Prefecture, WANG Huai spoke highly of ZHU’s measures of reliving famine at that time. We can see that they had a very good relationship. However, they did not contact each other anymore after ZHU Xi impeached TANG Zhong-you .
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    On YAN Shu: The Evaluation of YAN Shu’s Literary Works as Well
    SHAO Ming-zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (4): 133-142.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.018
    Abstract455)   HTML8)    PDF (2324KB)(1120)      
    The remarks on YAN Shu and his ci poems in the past are highly prejudiced. Starting from YAN Shu’s official experience, this paper makes some clarifications on his political character and the role he played in Qingli Reform and Education Promotion Movement. He was not “noble” or “successful in career” all his life, but was actually “repeatedly struck down” due to his “upright and outspoken character”. During his fifty years in political activities, he spent about sixteen years either in relegation or exile. During Qingli Reform, he promoted the reform by arranging personnel in politics, provided strong support for the reformists such as FAN Zhong-yan and FU Bi, and actively advocated education. Meanwhile, he was one of the pioneers in the Restoring-to-the-Ancient Movement led by OUYANG Xiu and in the Poetry and Essay Innovation Movement led by HAN Yu and LIU Zong-yuan. His extraordinary achievements in poetry and essays played a positive role in the literary circle at that time. It is not appropriate for the later academia to evaluate his achievements only according to his ci poems. It is also necessary to re-recognize his ci poems from many aspects.
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    The Symbolic Writing of Jean Echenoz
    SUN Sheng-ying
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (4): 143-148.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.019
    Abstract433)   HTML7)    PDF (1319KB)(1134)      
    Jean Echenoz is a famous contemporary French novelist, whose works are known for his particular style of symbolization. Echenoz is an expert in presenting a static world of objects by using the synchronic accumulation of symbols that contain rich cultural information, providing the scene of floating and pausing symbols which features both synchronicity and diachronism, and finally forming a diachronic combination of zero symbols and genre ones. In this way he creates a symbolic empire at three levels. Echenoz’s symbolic writing has not only built a real world of today but also gained an independent value of its own.
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    On YIN Ban-sheng and His Comments on Novels
    ZHU Yong-xiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (4): 149-152.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.020
    Abstract406)   HTML7)    PDF (913KB)(1133)      
    In the studies of modern fictions, YIN Ban-sheng’s fiction comments have received much attention, but few people in academic circles know much about his life. YIN Ban-sheng is the literary name of ZHONG Jun-wen. According to the newly-discovered The Genealogy of Family Zhong in Qianqing Town, ZHONG Junwen, who failed repeatedly in the imperial examination, established the journal of Playing in the World and opened Bookstore Chongshizhai in Hangzhou after the imperial examination was abolished. As a bookstore runner, he was familiar with and disappointed at the chaos in the circle of fictions. His Comments on Novels was not merely a book of fiction criticism, but also served as a guide to those who purchased and read fictions.
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    Preface to Commentary on Shijiazhai Yangxinlu
    CHENG Yu-hei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 152-162.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.017
    Abstract763)   HTML4)    PDF (2859KB)(1744)      
    QIAN Da-xin’s Shijiazhai Yangxinlu has always been highly respected. It has been even regarded by modern scholars as the best among the Qing academic biji (a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches). However, nobody has written commentaries on this remarkable work in spite of quite a number of collations. Trying to fill in the gap, this paper makes commentaries on this book. The commentaries consist in seven categories as follows: (1) tracing back to the provenance, that is, to find out the sources of QIAN’s views; (2) rectifying the faults, that is, to correct his errors wherever detected; (3) filling in the deficiencies, that is, to make complete his explanations which are insufficient; (4) solving the puzzles, that is, to expound his ideas which may cause doubt; (5) elaborating on the right, that is, to make clear that for which his views are correct while his opponents’ are not; (6) investigating the raison d’être, that is, to probe into the reason where QIAN only indicates the facts; (7) making a hypothesis, that is, to suggest the grounds wherever he arrives at a certain conclusion with no proof. This serves the preface.
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    The Questions from Emperors: the Questions in the Final Imperial Examination and the Patternized Anxiety in the Song Dynasty
    FANG Xiao-yi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 1-9.  
    Abstract668)   HTML7)    PDF (1972KB)(2223)      
    The current study on the questions in the final imperial examination in the Song Dynasty usually confines itself to their historical values and stylistic significance. After being accepted as the only content in the final imperial examination, the practice of questioning and answering became an important way of communication between the emperor and the literati. The palace questions normally reflected the anxiety of the emperor, which often derived from the contrast between the present governance and the ideal one in the ancient, the excellent one in the Han or Tang Dynasties, or that of previous emperors in the Song Dynasty. The anxiety also came from natural calamities or the doctrines and recordings in the Confucian Classics. Such anxiety, as well as its causes, had occurred in the palace questions before. It can be called “the patternized anxiety”, which belongs to the political discourse shared by the emperor and the literati. It shows the serious limitations of ancient emperors in political imagination. Once the political situation was severe, however, the palace questions would possess some special political imprints mingled with and conceived by the patternized anxiety and usual political discourse as well.
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    Do Words Represent or Distort the Voice of the Mind?: A Case Study on the Poetry of BI Yuan
    YANG Xun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 10-16.  
    Abstract610)   HTML8)    PDF (1651KB)(937)      
    According to the notion that “words represent the voice of the mind”, a literary work is an authentic record and an accurate description of the author’s mind or experience. Nevertheless, ancient authors often revised their works over a long time, so that the last versions, quite different from the previous ones, did not reflect what actually had occurred. For example, BI Yuan, a famous writer during the reigns of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, modified his own poems from style to content to some extent in editing them in old age. So we should carefully examine the effectiveness and applicability of the notion of “words representing the voice of the mind”.
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    The Predicament of “Changing the Background”: On Beidao’s Poetry Creation after His Immigration Oversea
    LIANG Yan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (4): 138-143.  
    Abstract579)   HTML5)    PDF (1209KB)(1227)      
    The study on Beidao’s poetry creation after his immigration oversea shows that Beidao does not understand and even repels the present era. Meanwhile, he reflects on the background of the past age, which makes Beidao face more grief in nowadays. We can perceive today’s Beidao and previous Beidao, and the tension in his mind when he faces today’s Beijing and Beijing in the past. In fact, this demonstrates that he hovers between poetry creation and real background, poetry and reality, the reality in the poet’s imagination and the actual reality. The entanglement of life at present and in the past pushes Beidao to reflect on the past and the current. Hence, “changing the background” becomes the most important imagery in Beidao’s poetry creation oversea.
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    Chinese-language Media and the Construction of Cultural Identity of Chinese Immigrants: A Case Study on Australia
    CHEN Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (4): 144-150.  
    Abstract519)   HTML8)    PDF (1257KB)(2341)      
    Along with the increase of Chinese immigrants in Australia, the Chinese-language media in Australia have been developed. Up to now, the Chinese-language media in Australia have played an important role in the establishment of the cultural identity and community consciousness of Australian Chinese, as well as in the harmonious life and development of oversea Chinese under the guidance of multi-culture policy. Meanwhile, they played an irreplaceable role in the cultural and social ties of new and old immigrants, and in inheriting and developing Chinese culture. In Australia, the Chinese-language media have become the most important channel to propagate Chinese language internationally. The cooperation between local media across China and the Chinese-language media in Australia provides realtime broadcasting of “Chinese voice” and consequently forms a stronger identity of hometown for oversea Chinese.
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    Aesthetic Emotion and Will, Social Concern, and Humanistic Ideal: On the Similarities between The Literary Mind and The Carving of Dragons and Marxist Aesthetics
    LU Xiao-guang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 24-32.  
    Abstract731)   HTML11)    PDF (756KB)(1777)      
    The study of Wenxin Diaolong (The Literary Mind and The Carving of Dragons), which is a classical work of literature theory in ancient China, needs a new approach of putting it in the context of the “world literature”. On the other hand, the literature theory in Marxist aesthetics, which originated from the West, also requires a new way to combine itself with Chinese cultural resources so as to realize its development in contemporary China. This paper explores the similarities between Wenxin Diaolong and Marxist aesthetics from three aspects, namely, aesthetic emotion and will, social concern, and humanistic ideal.
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    The History of Modern Chinese Literature in Light of a Rhetor: Basing on an Examination of Modern Vernacular Examples in Xiucixue Fafan
    ZHANG Hong-qian & LIU Fei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (6): 52-61.  
    Abstract867)   HTML12)    PDF (778KB)(1348)      
    It is well acknowledged that Xiucixue Fafan (An Introduction to Rhetoric) built the foundation for Chinese modern rhetoric. Chen Wangdao applies for the first time vernacular examples as a response to the bias that “rhetoric cannot be used in vernacular” in the May 4thPeriod, which plays an important role in the process of the institutionalization of modern Chinese. Therefore, by studying Xiucixue Fafan and analyzing the modern vernacular examples in the book, we can examine the history of modern Chinese literature from a new perspective. Moreover, from the selections and changes of language examples in different versions of Xiucixue Fafan we can also see Chen Wangdao’s value orientation in literature and the political influence on the standard of literature judgment.
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    Wanxiang and the Literature in 1940s
    ZHANG Li-bing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (6): 62-71.  
    Abstract704)   HTML12)    PDF (673KB)(1174)      
    Wanxiang (Panorama) was a popular cultural magazine in Shanghai in 1940s, whose historical background are often described with the keywords such as “the anti-Japanese War”, “isolated island” and “enemy-occupied area”. The literature policy of the Japanese Puppet Regime, the editing principle and the market operation mechanism determine, the complicated culture environment and development of the different stages of Wanxiang and its three typical features in the followings: first, it adopts the narrative strategy of “implicit writing” about the war, containing the narration of nation state and the reflection on colonial modernity; second, literary creation turns to citizens’ daily life while the narrative language is filled with anxiety between “affirmation” and “criticism”; third, it promotes the “popular literature movement” that combines the tradition and the modern, and accommodates to both refined and popular tastes, and the “correct ideology”, “exquisite taste”and “common life” label the justified identity of popular literature. Wanxiang shows the complexity of literary history in the enemy-occupied area, enriches the literature in 1940s and presents the intricate development of modern Chinese literature.
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    On John Fryer’s “Movement of Writing Up-to-day Novels”
    CHEN Da-kang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (3): 1-14.  
    Abstract1072)   HTML234)    PDF (909KB)(2744)      
    The “Movement of Writing Up-to-day Novels” initiated by English Missionary John Fryer has always received high evaluation in the research of novels in modern times. By analyzing John Fryer’s articles for soliciting and the articles he received, this thesis is aimed to reveal that this movement was quite religious, most of the authors who participated in this activity were Christians, most of the articles they wrote were not novels and consequently this movement did not have great influence on the development of novels in modern times and was not related to the “new novels” thereafter. However, these articles have a high value as historical documents, from which we can know about the thoughts and activities of foreign missionaries, the operation of religious organizations in different areas, the psychologies of Christians, the middle and lower classes’ understanding of the current situation and future of the nation and their understanding of literature, etc.
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