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Content of 中国哲学研究 in our journal

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    A Comparative Study of Mou Zongsan’s Early Theory of Perfection and Later Theory of Unity
    YANG Ze-bo
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 33-39.  
    Abstract803)   HTML13)    PDF (414KB)(1404)      
    Mou Zongsan’s theory of unity consists of two sections: the early theory of perfection and the later theory of unity. Although the latter is more improved and at a higher spiritual level, it has more mistakes in some crucial theoretical issues, especially taking formlessness as a new a priori principle of unity and explaining formlessness with the concept of “putting down”. Because of these mistakes, Mou’s later theory of unity is much more confusing and complicated so that it is less accurate than his early theory of perfection.
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    The Metaphysical Views on History in Confucianism: Ideas of “Occasion, Name, and Fate” as Illustrations
    CHEN Shao-Ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 1-9.  
    Abstract1247)   HTML6)    PDF (1834KB)(1637)      
    This thesis probes into the metaphysical views on history in Confucianism with ideas of occasion, name and fate as illustrations. The aim is neither to provide a philosophy of history, nor to study the theoretical foundation of a scientific historiography, but to reveal the prerequisites of Chinese traditional historical narratives under the influence of Confucianism by analyzing the history of ideas. These ideas are often not theoretical expressions; on the contrary, they are something inserted in the overall background of ancient life. They influence history, life, morals and religions. To understand this is not only to understand Confucianism and historiography, but also to understand our spiritual tradition itself.
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    On Xunzi’s Doctrine of Rituals, Standards of Justice and Social Distinctions
    CUI Yi-Ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 10-16.  
    Abstract1366)   HTML5)    PDF (1757KB)(1728)      
    In politics, Xunzi argues for the government with rituals. Its main point is “the illumination of rituals.” What need to be “illuminated” are “standards of justice” and “social distinctions.” According to Xunzi, “standards of justice” are the value principles of rituals;” that is, “rituals” are morally justified because they conform to “standards of justice.” “Social distinctions” are the functional essence of “rituals,” and “rituals” are endowed with practical rationality because of “social distinctions.” Both “standards of justice” and “social distinctions” have rich meanings in Xunzi, and the relationship of them is fairly complicated. A deep examination of “standards of justice” and “social distinctions” as well as their relationship helps us understand the way of thinking, features of theory construction and historical limitations in traditional Chinese philosophy.
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    The Ontological Implication of Mou Zongsan’s “Vertical Interpretation of Vertical Relationships”
    YANG Ze-Bo
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 17-22.  
    Abstract1230)   HTML4)    PDF (1764KB)(1966)      
    The “vertical interpretation of vertical relationships” is an important conception in Mou Zongsan’s Confucianism. This conception is aimed at arguing that conscience is able to create beings. With its creation, everything in the universe has its moral significance and value and every case of moral achievement changes: the sufferings and sins followed by sacrifice to achieve morality are transformed into special happiness. From this we can solve the problem of perfect good (summum bonum) in Kant. However, due to some defects in his ontology, Mou Zongsan makes much confusion which is difficult to understand.
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    On Mou Zongsan’s Translation and Understanding of Kant’s “das Moralishe Gefühl”
    FANG Xu-Dong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 23-27.  
    Abstract1656)   HTML3)    PDF (1765KB)(2027)      
    “Das moralische Gefühl” is an important conception in the moral philosophy of Kant. Mou Zongsan, who devoted himself in absorbing the philosophy of Kant in Chinese, interpreted it in his own manner in his translation of Kant’s Theory of Ethics. Is “das moralische Gefühl” an ability or an innate endowment? Can “das moralische Gefühl” be the origin of moral cognition? What is the object of “das moralische Gefühl” on earth? On these significant theoretical issues, Mou Zongsan’s understanding of Kant remains to be discussed.
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    The Emotionalist ethics of Confucian ---to discuss “the son screen for the father from blame” again
    Wang Meiling
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 22-28.  
    Abstract1363)   HTML21)         
    If the events such as the son screen for the father from blame be properly understood, they must be under the Chinese culture of filial piety. The son who screen for the father from blame is to safeguard the feelings between the father and the son or to realize filial duty and the behavior of the son is determined by the emotion to the father. Confucius paid the same attention to “screen” and “advise”, but the later ages only inherit “screen”. Therefore the behavior of the son is going to an extreme.
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    Seeking for “Harmony”: The Chinese Traditional Medical Theory in a Perspective of Traditional Philosophy
    CHEN Li-yun &YAN Shi-yun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 29-36.  
    Abstract1386)   HTML19)         
    Being a quite special philosophical idea in traditional Chinese culture, “harmony” has become one of Chinese nation’s inherent values and loft ideals. The traditional Chinese medical studies, emerging from traditional culture, all penetrate the idea of “harmony”, which finds expression in harmony of life and spirit, harmony of various parts within human body, and harmony of human beings and nature. The loss of harmony is a fundamental cause for disease, and the target of treatment aims at harmony. All these doctrines have developed into a complete system and become key principles of traditional Chinese medicine.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (3): 1-11.  
    Abstract1488)   HTML9)         
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    The Theory Of No-Existence ——Zhang Taiyan’s Utopia On The Basis Of Thusness-philosophy
    Cai Zhidong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (3): 12-17.  
    Abstract1674)   HTML17)         
    Usually, people think that Zhang Taiyan’s theory of no-existence is one kind of nihilism. However, such idea is right partly, even wrong. In fact, Zhang’s theory of no-existence is one kind of utopia. Because it is affected by time theory of monism, and it wants to resolve the predicaments with which modern China faced, it has the characteristic of modernity. Such utopia theory has deep basis in Zhang’s unique Thusness-philosophy, and its basic trait is real Freedom and Equality. Meanwhile, Zhang thinks that if we cross the period of nationalism and with the help of spiritual accomplishment method, we will reach such utopia.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (3): 18-25.  
    Abstract1550)   HTML11)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (3): 26-31.  
    Abstract1342)   HTML12)         
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