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Content of 中国历史研究 in our journal

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    Jiangnan Cognition and Chinese Identity: “The Other” and the Formation of the Consensus between Hu and Han in the Northern Wei Dynasty
    LI Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 28-33.  
    Abstract1103)   HTML4)    PDF (1772KB)(1459)      
    This thesis examines the northern society’s cognition towards the south and the impact of this cognition on the construction of its own culture in the formation of Jiangnan (regions south of the Yangtze River) culture in the Six Dynasties. In the northern society, there were differences in Jiangnan cognition between Xianbei ethnic noblemen and Han scholar-bureaucrats, namely, the different modes of understanding between heterogeneous cultures, and the different understandings of the roles of various kinds of local knowledge in a homogeneous culture. The consensus of the Hu and Han cultures in the late Northern Wei Dynasty was based on the cultural context created by Emperor Xiaowen, in which “Chinese style” of Jiangnan was set up as the spiritual criterion in the northern society. As the result of the cultural assimilation into Jiangnan, Chinese awareness in the northern society became apparent. However, this kind of Chinese awareness was to create a new culture beyond the south, which laid a conceptual foundation for the coming of the flourishing Sui-Tang age.
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    The Development Stages and Characteristics of Cities in Jiangnan in the Qin-Han Dynasties
    HUANG Ai-Mei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 34-42.  
    Abstract1514)   HTML4)    PDF (1766KB)(1744)      
    Cities in Jiangnan (regions south of the Yangtze River) had property of administrative seat of a local government in the system of prefectures and counties in the Qin-Han Dynasties. The development of the cities can be divided into three stages, among which the reign of Liu Bi as the ruler of Wu in the Western Han Dynasty and the Late Eastern Han Dynasty had witnessed the high-speed development of Jiangnan. This shows that the development of cities in Jiangnan was closely related to the rising of local political power in the Qin-Han Dynasties. In this process, the administrative levels of the cities were changed when the setting of prefectures and counties changed many times. Meanwhile, with the economic and social development in regions, some cities in prefectures or counties gradually strengthened various differentiated functions, including trade and business circulation centers, production and administration bases, and transportation hubs and ports.
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    A New Study on the Book Inspection System in the Ming Dynasty: Based on Wang Dian’s Book Correction in Jianyang under the Imperial Order
    BAO Shi-Qing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 43-49.  
    Abstract1188)   HTML4)    PDF (1833KB)(1406)      
    The regulation about book inspection was not strict in the Ming Dynasty. The central government’s intervention in local publication was inefficient, and did not send imperial officials to carry out special inspections. Thus the responsibility of the book inspection fell on the censors, who were in charge of cultural education, especially officials in schools. Most of time, book inspection was spontaneous, which made relevant policy unstable and unsustainable, No systemic law or regulation had taken shape. Consequently, as a very bright-colored and dazzling phenomenon, there was an active, free and pluralistic book publishing prospect in the late Ming Dynasty.
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    Re-discussion on Discipline Construction History of Chinese Historiography in the First Half of the 20th Century
    WANG Ying-Xian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 50-57.  
    Abstract1465)   HTML3)    PDF (1757KB)(1419)      
    Since the modern time, the traditional Chinese historiography has transformed rapidly driven by the dynamic new historical thoughts. During the scientification of the history studies, history of Chinese historiography gradually became a booming sub-discipline, typically demonstrated in the college education. After the relevant institutions, curriculum system, faculty and textbook matured, the intellectual and discipline structure of history of Chinese historiography was built on those elements. A review on the development of it will shed more significance on the present highly specialized history studies.
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    The Emergence of Liberalism in China and Its Significance in the Period of after World War II
    ZHANG Qing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 37-47.  
    Abstract1542)   HTML18)         
    In the period of after World War II the Chinese evolution of liberalism does have its points worth to be focused. There were quite a few magazines marked with a "liberalism" footing, and many monographs discussing "liberty" and "liberalism" were published. Furthermore, "liberalism" also emerged as a political force, in addition to a group of intellectuals’ objective. In fact, as a political discourse, the question of "what is liberalism" or "where liberalism can go" began to be discussed widely after the war. It is hard to imagine that the real history of China’s liberalism could be re-constructed without addressing the above facts. Obviously, a clearer "picture of thoughts" about "China’s liberalism" can be attained when it is put into a longer history of modern Chinese thoughts. The fact that the understanding of China’s liberalisms falls into the pursuit of "justification" actually reflects those problems puzzling people’s efforts to describe "liberalism" in the Chinese-speaking world.
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    The Fund Raising for Local “New Government” in Zhejiang Province during the Late Qing Dynasty
    HOU Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 48-55.  
    Abstract1234)   HTML16)         
    In the late Qing Dynasty a wide range of fund-raising activities were carried out in every province for implementation of local “new government and policy”. With varieties of the tax source and diversity of tax-collectors, those activities cause reorganizations of the local authority structure. In Zhejiang Province the fund-raising was used for local education and police force. Its source of income included various contributions and some official subsidies. Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the whole activity did not form a complete specification of payments. A study on such an event can help us examine social influences of "New Policy" in the late Qing in a more geographical detail.
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    The Little Mysterious Folk Shorthand Writing – “Hua Shu”
    QIU Jian-li &LI Xue-chang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 56-64.  
    Abstract1845)   HTML20)         
    “Hua Shu” (dazzling numeral and character symbols) is a special series of numbers and words used by some accountants who were either in charge of dealing in farmland or collecting land rental for landowners in the region of Suzhou from the Ming and Qing dynasty to the Republic of China. “Hua Shu” consists of “numbers” and “characters”:the numbers here refer to the Suzhou numerals and Chinese numbers in figure while the “characters” here refer to a set of symbols of measurement which indicate farmland unit of area and capacity of rental grain, as well as monetary unit. Taking scripts clipped from rental books in Suzhou and Shanghai archives, deciphering and identifying them word by word, this paper argues that “Hua Shu” is a set of shorthand notations rather than a set of secret marks, and that it is very easy and simple to learn and to write.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (6): 64-70.  
    Abstract1551)   HTML8)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (6): 71-76.  
    Abstract1453)   HTML7)         
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    The Reconstructive of the Organizational Ecology: the Consolidation of the Pitchmen in Shanghai in Early Years after Founding of the PRC
    Liping Yang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (6): 77-84.  
    Abstract1299)   HTML16)         
    In the organization process in early years after founding of the PRC , a number of social groups to demonstrate a clear orientation of the counter-organization. The pitchmen should be one of the classic. This group had a strong orientation of the counter-organization for financially independence and a high degree of self-organization, at the same time, the social ecology had increased its compressive capacity. In order to organize the grass-roots society completely, the country reconstructed the organizational ecology through social control system, by which the pitchmen had been put into a strong atmosphere of the organization. Thus, the government not only re-organized but also consolidated the pitchmen successfully.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 93-98.  
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (3): 99-105.  
    Abstract1378)   HTML12)         
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    Du Yuesheng and Shanghai Bankers
    Bao Shufang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 106-112.  
    In the late 1920s,Du Yuesheng, the Shanghai "Tycoon" who building up a great fortune through trafficing opium and opening casinos,began to get involved in finance sector. Du Yuesheng and Shanghai bankers went through a process from non-interference to association. Make benefits in both sides is the essence of making friends between them.With the gang forces,based on political relations,and with flexible means,Du Yuesheng successfully got involved into the bank sector and made deep personal friendship with Qian Xinzhi and XU Jiqing. Du Yuesheng played a role of “government mouthpiece " between Kuomintang and Shanghai bankers. He and Shanghai bankers had a very long period of time to become allies with Nanjing National Government, and their centrifugal accelerated the collapse of the Kuomintang.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 30-37.  
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