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    A Broken Mirror Joined Together: the Sino -DPRK Relations during 1965-1969
    SHEN Zhi-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (4): 1-14.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.04.001
    Abstract516)   HTML286)    PDF (2506KB)(1185)      
    Brezhnev adjusted domestic and foreign policies, and strengthened economic and military assistance to DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) after he took office, so Kim Il-sung relaxed his attitude towards Soviet Union. Later, the “Cultural Revolution” broke out in China and the ultra-left foreign policy criticized the Workers’ Party of Korea as revisionism. Meanwhile, the Red Guards and rebels made a series of conflicts on the border between China and North Korea. This infuriated Kim Il-sung and the Sino-DPRK relations reached rock bottom. However, Mao Ze-dong himself never criticized DPRK and Kim Il-sung did not want to deteriorate the relation with China. Under the sudden tension on Korean Peninsula during 1968-1969, the U.S. adopted tough policies towards DPRK. Hence, DPRK needed strong support from China. Meanwhile, with the armed conflict on Zhen-bao Island which turned the Sino-Soviet relations into the ice point, China intended to eliminate the tensions with neighboring countries and urged to repair its relations with DPRK. Choe Yong-gon received an invitation to visit China unexpectedly on September 30, 1969 and appeared at Tiananmen Rostrum afterwards. China and DPRK gradually resumed friendly relations. However, the disputes between China and DPRK were just postponed rather than solved.
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    Confucian Classics Study as a Way of Life: Reading Collected Posthumous Works of Mr. WU Zhi-ren
    WANG Fan-Sen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (2): 1-9.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.1016.02.001
    Abstract502)   HTML307)    PDF (1874KB)(1171)      
    WU Zhi-ren (Pou-zhong, 1631-1659), also called WU Qian-mu, was an intellectual who lived in Haiyan County during the later Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty. In his short life, he devoted himself to practicing a new idea and a new life attitude, that is, “Confucian classics study as a way of life”. In Confucian tradition, which emphasizes practice, there are full of doctrines that guide life world. In spite of the variety of the relationship between Confucian classics study and life world, the existence of an organic relationship is definitely natural. However, under the impact of modern academic ideology, Confucian classics study is normally regarded as an objective study of classics. The ignore of the intimate relationship between Confucian classics and life world makes us fail to understand this important aspect of the intellectual history. Here is the historical significance of studying WU Qian-mu, a local intellectual whose vision and thoughts were relatively narrow: It can provide us an opportunity to examine a grass root intellectual’s activities in a region such as Haiyan when Yangming School was at low tide during the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty.
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    New Songs of the Jade Terrace and the Historicist Interpretation of Medieval Chinese Literature
    TIAN Xiao-Fei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (2): 10-17.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.1016.02.002
    Abstract522)   HTML11)    PDF (2011KB)(942)      
    In the age of Chinese medieval manuscript culture, the title, content, and authorship of a text are highly fluid. Through analyzing poems by Xiao Gang (503-551), Xu Gan (170-217) and Cao Cao (155-220) as preserved in the sixth-century poetic anthologyYutaixinyong(New Songs of the Jade Terrace), this article discusses how the sources of medieval texts negotiate with authorship attribution and textual variants, acting as crucial factors in the writing of literary history. The article calls for a historicist reading of medieval Chinese literature, which requires careful examination of sources as well as close reading of texts, hence averting anachronistic interpretations of medieval literature.
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    The Logical Starting Point of the Study of Humorous Language, Lies, Legal Language, Rhetoric of the Images of Organizations, Empirical Rhetoric, etc.: Thinking through “New Speech Act Analysis”
    HU Fan-Zhu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (6): 1-9.   DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.001
    Abstract411)   HTML17)    PDF (599KB)(1596)      
    An effective research paradigm must be a unity of aims, questions and methods. Hence, if “rhetoric” is redefined as “all processes of using language to realize one’s own purposes”, then the “ultimate target of rhetoric” shall be set as “effectively promoting the socialization of individuals, the interaction within groups and the modernization of social life by analyzing speech act”. The key issue of rhetoric is as follows: How can we modernize the linguistic communication among people, organizations, and between people and organizations in modern life? In order to solve this key issue, we find the most effective core concept is (new) speech act. Consequently come relative instrumental categories such as “subject type”, “purpose structure”, “discourse process”, “context parameter”, “media”, “interrelationship”, “behavior type”, “case analysis” and “system of rules (constitutive rules/strategic rules)”; in addition, it becomes possible to theoretically put forward a series of new questions such as “how to develop rhetoric of case database”. This constitutes the rhetoric based on “new speech act analysis”.
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    An Interpretation of Zhuangzi’s Qiwulun
    YANG Guo-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 1-25.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.001
    Abstract1218)   HTML23)    PDF (4223KB)(2205)      
    Qiwulun, i.e., Zhuangzi Chapter 2 explores into the issue of equality. Logically speaking, “qiwulun” means “qiwu-lun”, that is, a doctrine of the equality of things on the one hand, and “qi-wulun”, that is, the equality of views of things on the other. As a doctrine of the equality of things, qiwu-lun holds that the equalization of things with differentiation is possible in treating all things in the world in spite of the variety of their appearance. In “qi-wulun”,“wulun”refers to different views of things in particular and all debates of rightness and wrongness in general. From the perspective of qi, i.e., equality, “qiwulun” demands to overcome both the differentiation of beings and the debates of rightness and wrongness in the realm of idea. Philosophically speaking, Zhuangzi does have his insights when he advocates to achieve the unified being from the perspective of the dao and to overcome the state that “the comprehension of the dao is sundered in pieces under the heaven”. However, as far as reality is concerned, besides the dimension of correlation and unity, the world contains the dimension of variety and differentiation: “Things are not equal- this is the fact of things.” The denial and rejection of differentiation and distinction will inevitably lead to an abstract understanding of being. The equalization of things with differentiation will also easily result in a speculative metaphysics which is distant from actual and concrete beings. The coexistence of the perspective of the dao and the abstract equalization brings Zhuangzi’s “qiwulun” complicated theoretical implications.
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    The Debate of Heaven and Human from the Perspective of Value
    YANG Guo-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (6): 1-7.  
    Abstract711)   HTML11)    PDF (1027KB)(1254)      
    From the perspective of value, the debate of heaven and human involves both the being of human itself and the relation between human beings and objects. Concerning the being of human, Confucianism focuses on transforming innate nature into virtue, while Daoism aims at maintaining and returning to innate nature. Both of them have their own insights and blind points. It would be reasonable to overcome the confrontation and separation between innate nature and virtue, which implies that we shall confirm the nature of human beings and simultaneously avoid the formalization and externalization of social norms. Regarding the relation between human beings and objects, we need to realize overcoming at three levels today: First, overcome the pre-modern perspective, which adheres to the primitive unity of heaven and human; second, discard the biased modern perspective so as to overcome the abstract separation of heaven and human; third, overcome the post-modern perspective so as to re-establish the unity of heaven and human in an advanced historical stage with fully developed interaction of heaven and human. Through seeing and treating the relation between heaven and human from the aspect of historism, we value the unity of the principle of humanism and the principle of nature.
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    On the Historical Context and Historical Contradiction of the Imperial Examination System Pursuing Fairness
    YANG Guo-qiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (4): 1-20.  
    Abstract466)   HTML8)    PDF (4433KB)(1022)      
    When the feudal system was replaced by the province-country, emperors had to select officials for administration. Guided by the Confucian political ideal, selected officials should be wise men. Therefore, both the previous recommendatory system and imperial examination system afterwards were aimed to select “the wise and the competent”. In the recommendatory system, a small number of people choose another small number of people. By contrast, in the imperial examination system, officials are selected according to their intellectual performance in exams, and a large number of people are allowed to attend the selection by “registering with their own resumes”. The selecting process is so extensive, widespread, communal and public that fairness is essential to it. During over 900 years from the early Song Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, various measures, including the final imperial examination (presided over by the emperor), locked examination hall, covered names of examinees, transcription, regional differentiation, provincial examination, different examinations for sons of officials and common people, and stereotyped writing with eight parts in the range of the Four Books, are all aimed to eliminate some partial advantages and subjective elements in order to maintain fairness that between the influential and the common, the rich and the poor, regions favoring learning and those indifferent to learning, examiners and examinees. Nevertheless, since the wise and the competent are distinguished from the common, eliminating all partial advantages inevitably results in the fact more and more common and ordinary persons are selected, which is against the original purpose of selecting the wise and the competent. Correspondently, the most open official selecting system coexists with the most severe ideological control, and in the process of maintaining fairness, an anti-knowledge tendency arises in the official selecting system, which originally takes knowledge as measurement.
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    The Political Unreality of Political Realism
    Michael Freeden
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (3): 1-06.  
    Abstract755)   HTML5)    PDF (512KB)(1274)      
    The paper contends that political realists shrink the complexity of the political, confining it to macro-discussions of power, confusing realism with liberal legitimation principles, reintroducing the ethical concerns from which they sought to distance themselves, and overlooking the emotional and the vernacular. In particular, recent realists engage in prescriptive rather than interpretative analysis in which democratic and humanitarian ideals are regarded as the basis of a realist approach, ignoring the fact that a properly real understanding of the political cannot be reduced to those features.
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    Several Factors Impacted the Transformation of Rites in the 18th Century
    YANG Nian-qun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (3): 7-15.  
    Abstract799)   HTML4)    PDF (629KB)(1408)      
    The discussion about the transformation of rites in the 18th century should not limit itself in the intellectual history or the history of ideas. Rather, the transformation should be understood in a more complicated network of the interaction between institutions and ordinary life. Therefore, we should not only focus on the relation between the ritual system and the intellectual transformation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also take into account the connection of this transformation with the guidance of the emperors’ cultural tastes in the Qing Dynasty. By reflecting on the predicament of Confucian “dual rites”, we can see how the emperors and the gentry in the Qing Dynasty search the ways to overcome it, understand better the relation between textology and the “administrative practice” of rites, revaluate the function of the imperialist examinations system, and explain the leading role of the identity and rational movement of the literati with low social status in the rites reconstruction.
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    Facing a Historical Opportunity:The Sino-American Rapprochement and Sino-North Korean Relations(1971-1974)
    chen zhi hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 1-14.  
    Abstract999)   HTML8)    PDF (670KB)(2468)      
    To extricate themselves from diplomatic predicaments,both China and the United States needed a rapprochement in their relationship. At the same time,it offered a historical opportunity for the peaceful resolution of the Korean issue. In its diplomatic negotiations with the United States,the Chinese government paid special attention to the interests and demands of North Korea and promised to assist Pyongyang in achieving peaceful unification. With China’s diplomatic maneuvers with the United States and efforts at the UN,the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea was disbanded in November 1973. In this process,North Korea adopted more radical and uncompromising measures,which were in sharp contrast to the Chinese tactics. Primarily due to the escalated tension between South and North Koreas,the issue of U.S. withdrawal from South Korea was not resolved. Taking advantages of the Sino-American rapprochement,the international standing and security environment of North Korea was greatly enhanced. During this period of time,China and North Korea was able to maintain friendly relations,and the relationship was further improved. In sum,China made an effort to help North Korea,while North Korea depended too much on China.
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    Zhou Enlai and Kissinger’s November 1973 Visit to China
    Chen Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 15-26.  
    Abstract774)   HTML10)    PDF (760KB)(2704)      
    By comparing declassified American documents with available Chinese materials, as well as referring to the author’s dialogue with Dr. Kissinger himself at the “Kissinger documentary conference” at Yale University in March 2012, this paper tries to have some fresh exploration of Kissinger’s visit to China in November 1973, Zhou’s discussion with him about Chinese-American military-intelligence cooperation and, in relation with them, the Politburo’s criticism of Zhou after Kissinger’s visit.
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    On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Transcendental-Pragmatics for Life
    Gunnar Skirbekk
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (2): 1-13.  
    Abstract963)   HTML15)    PDF (1787KB)(1166)      
    As the philosophical reflection on presuppositions inherent in speech-act, transcendental-pragmatics has both philosophical and practical significance. In the post-war intellectual constellation, transcendental-pragmatics, as a philosophical response to skepticism and civilization crises, seeks the ground for constructing a modern civilized society. A reasonably revised transcendental-pragmatics is capable to cope with its internal theoretical challenges on the one hand and the change of intellectual and institutional surroundings on the other, and consequently play a positive role in fostering and strengthening a spirit of enlightenment with self-critique and self-consciousness.
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    The Relation between Zhang Zhi-dong and Kang You-wei and Their Cooperation in the Shanghai Qiangxue Association and the Qiangxue Journal
    MAO Hai-Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (1): 1-10.  
    Abstract1387)   HTML9)    PDF (1711KB)(1971)      
    Zhang Zhi-dong and Kang You-wei began to contact each other in Nanjing, in autumn of the 21st year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign. Zhang Zhi-dong took charge of Liangjiang (Jiangnan Province and Jiangxi Province) Governor because of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, opposing to the peace negotiation conducted by Li Hong-zhang et al. Kang You-wei became famous because he launched the Gongche Shangshu Movement and sent in memorials to Emperor Guangxu. The middleman between them was Zhang Zhi-dong’s assistant Liang Jing-fen. Huang Shao-ji also participated in their activities afterwards. After meeting each other, Zhang Zhi-dong helped Kang You-wei organize the Shanghai Qiangxue Association and issue the Qiangxue Journal. There were big disagreements between Zhang and Kang in terms of intellectual and political thoughts. Kang insisted on his own doctrines in the Qiangxue Journal and consequently broke with Zhang Zhi-dong et al, which was the turning point in their relation. This also shows they turned against each other politically because of their intellectual divergences. There are new historical data in “Archives of Zhang Zhi-dong” in the library of the Institute of Modern Chinese History in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, which help us know more details of this process.
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    A New Study on the Cause of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions: Based on FAN Ye’s History of the Later Han Dynasty
    MOU Fa-Song
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (6): 1-16.  
    Abstract1589)   HTML269)    PDF (1838KB)(2016)      
    The three rumors recorded in the “preface” of “The Biography of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions” in FAN Ye’s History of the Later Han Dynasty, are not cumbersome meaningless words at all since they aimed at retrospecting to the cause of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions. The rumor in Ganling County was targeted on the supreme ruler Emperor Huan of Han. This actually heralded the “controversy of partisans” which “abused the imperial court”. Ganling county was divided into “the north and the south” parts and behind this was, the severe political competition between the powerful official LIANG Ji and notable bureaucrats LI and DU. They were also connected closely with the opposition of the evil and the just in the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions. The rumors in Runan and Nanyang prefectures unveiled deeply the local social background and their institutional origin. Rumors in schools marked the formation of the public opinion in national intellectual circles. The systematization of well--known scholars based on the public opinion (all the scholars nationwide were called with names in sequence) showed that scholars were very self--organized and highly prestigious in society, which was regarded as the important characteristics of the noble family system later. The narrative of the three rumors in the “preface” of “The Biography of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions” conveyed FAN Ye’s understanding and interpretation of the cause of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions.
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