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    Loess Plateau, Steamed Bun, Breasts and Tombs: On the Images and their Implication in A Hungry Village
    XIA Zhong-yi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (2): 104-111.  
    Abstract1301)   HTML10)    PDF (1682KB)(1626)      
    Reading Prof. Wang Zhiliang’s long novel A Hungry Village is like appreciating a great play. When the stage curtain is open, at least three aspects worthy of attention: the beautiful setting, the framework of the story and the role performance, which are connected to each other on the one hand and different from each other on the other. The narrative factors which are still thrilling up to now are not constructive to the overall structure of the novel. They are only like glistening fibers woven into the bedding (the background of the story).The story is painstakingly arranged in another framework, namely, the overall poetical context crisscrossed with the images of “loess plateau, steamed bun, breasts and tombs” and the historical deliberation implied in this poetical context.
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    Modernity of the Modern Old-style Poetry: On the Poetry Creation of Zhao Puchu
    ZHOU Ping & BAI Li-na
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (2): 112-119.  
    Abstract984)   HTML9)    PDF (1682KB)(1262)      
    China is always a country of poetry. Since the May 4th New Cultural Movement, especially since 1949, the “old style poetry” has almost disappeared in the narration of “the history of modern literature” because of the dominant doctrine that “the history of modern Chinese literature is the history of the development of new literature”. But as a matter of fact, while the new style poetry developed vigorously, the creation of different kinds of old style poetry had not ever stopped, and the old style poetry embodied its own unique value in the 20th century. The poetry written by Zhao Puchu, a later Buddhist leader, is a good example. Zhao wrote over 2000 works including various types of old style poetry and antithetical couplet in his life. Due to his continuous innovation in the style and content, his poetry displays another kind of modernity different from that in the new style poetry, namely, “the poeticization of daily life” and “the aestheticization of religious life”. Therefore, we can conclude that the old style poetry, as far as its surviving in modern times and its modern artistic spirit is concerned, do have its “modernity”. They should not be neglected in the history of modern Chinese literature in the 20th century.
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    Narrative, Rhetoric and Time: On the Rhetoric of Repeating in Cao Naiqian’s Novels
    HAN Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (2): 120-124.  
    Abstract901)   HTML9)    PDF (1675KB)(1069)      
    Cao Naiqian’s novels have a distinctive language style. A great amount of repeating rhetoric is one of its characteristics. His repeating rhetoric has excellent effect on pushing forward the development of stories, revealing the subjects of poverty and ignorance, containing psychological implication in behaviors and displaying a special idea of time. It helps to reach a high level in the discourse model and narrative model. Moreover, repeating rhetoric implies the author’s concept of Chinese villages as a pre-modern place: time in Chinese villages is stagnant or circulatory, and rural peoples in the bottom of society are fatefully within the cycle of poverty and ignorance. This one-sided denial of the oriental civilization constitutes a serious disadvantage of the author’s position, which is originated from a blind worship of the western civilization.
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    A Comparative Study of the Modal Particle Ye in Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar
    LIU Ya-hui
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (2): 125-130.  
    Abstract960)   HTML9)    PDF (1692KB)(1695)      
    A comparative study of the descriptions of the modal particle ye in Notitia Lingae Sinicae written by French missionary Joseph de Prémare and those in Ma’s Grammar shows that Joseph de Prémare was the first scholar in the history of Chinese grammar who described the modal particle ye comprehensively from the perspective of grammar in 1728 and the descriptions of ye in Ma’s Grammar were not beyond Prémare’s framework. As for the methodology, Prémare mainly combined grammar and rhetoric based on the particularity of Chinese language. This comparative study also shows different concepts of grammar in eastern and western scholars.
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    BIAN Zhe
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (6): 17-.  
    Abstract1110)   HTML5)    PDF (1688KB)(1260)      
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    Art Embodiment of the Tragic Character and Life Course: On the Poems and Essays of CHEN Bao--chen, “an Old Adherent of the Collapsed Qing Dynasty”
    LIU Yong-Xiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (6): 17-23.  
    Abstract1617)   HTML11)    PDF (1688KB)(1443)      
    Among the so--called “old adherents of the collapsed Qing Dynasty”, many of them have outstanding literary talent. Due to the ideology and the doctrine that “each age has its own typical literature”, they were labeled with “fallacy in Tongcheng school” and “evils engaged in the study of Selected Literary Works” during the Colloquial Language Movement, and rebuked as “diehards” and “reactionaries” for a long time. Except mentioned and criticized in the study of the history of the late Qing Dynasty, their literary achievement has been unfairly ignored. Their literary works are hidden in cabinets and their names are buried in oblivion, leaving no record at all in history of literature. CHEN Bao--chen is a typical example among them. As works of an “old adherents of the collapsed Qing Dynasty”, CHEN Bao--chen’s poetry is the art embodiment of his tragic character and life course. Without unfamiliar literary quotations, his poems are characterized by peace and fairness. He uses idioms and makes vulgar expressions elegant. He is so good at using words, creating atmosphere, expressing deep emotions, and using metaphors and similes that he is able to move different types of readers. He is a talent poet. He is good at the septa--syllabic verse. With unceasing flow of words, his poetic essays are full of unusual ideas organized in strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes. His essays in ancient style of are written in a free and natural way. Those written in his old age are plain and amiable in tone in spite of the fact that the thinking is a little jumpy and the narrative is a little complicated and confused. As his best essays, the memorials to the throne written in his early age are inspired, daring, valiant and express distinctively his concern about the country.
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    Motifs and the Narrative Pandering to Noble Prize of Literature: On the Narrative Features of the Novels written by CAO Nai--qian, a Shanxi Farmer Writer
    LIU Xu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (6): 24-31.  
    Abstract1291)   HTML10)    PDF (1693KB)(1256)      
    CAO Nai--qian’s novels do have something special and distinctive. The narrative is quite simple and the strategy of keeping extremely backwards in narrating creates real and persuasive objective effect. Because of omitting and little narrate intervenes, there is boundless space for readers’ interpretation. The profound reveal of the poverty and ignorance in villages in China creates a unique world of Yanbei (regions north of Yanmen Pass) in terms of meaning instead of cultural object. However, with CAO’s indulgence in poverty and ignorance in his whole writing career, there are three basic motifs in his literature: poverty, ignorance and sexual desire. Each motif appears repeatedly in all his works, which means to simplify and defame villages in China. It is the narrative pandering to the Noble Prize of literature and the abnormal yearning for western identity that cause CAO Nai--qian to take himself out of the reality in China in his novels. This is a serious issue which Chinese writers shall take into consideration.
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    Great Suffering and True Literature: On A Hungry Village, a Novel written by WANG Zhi--liang, a Professor of Russian Literature
    MIAO Jun-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (6): 32-39.  
    Abstract2896)   HTML10)    PDF (1689KB)(1374)      
    A Hungry Village is the first work which directly and profoundly represents the tragedy of “people eating people” during “three years of great Chinese famine”. Suffering gives birth to true literature. The novel makes a literary reflection on the miserable historical event, which helps people remember and retrospect the history. Moreover, it also expresses the strongest desire from life instinct of the common people, and reveals the significance of the desire to the social development. What’s more, through the description of nonconventional, unmoral and anti--humanity behaviors such as “people eating people” in extremely arduous conditions, the novel discovers the profound contradiction in human nature and common Chinese people’s understanding of the ultimate value of life in great suffering.
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