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    The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Productivity Rate: An Empirical Study based on the Industrial Data of China
    ZHANG Tao & YAN Su & CHEN Ti-biao
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 110-118.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.012
    Abstract452)   HTML4)    PDF (1444KB)(1048)      
    This paper incorporates the market structure measured by HHI into the analysis of the effect of real exchange rate fluctuations on firm productivity rate. Using panel data for empirical analysis, we find three main conclusions. Firstly, real exchange rate appreciation has a significantly negative effect on all types of firms. Secondly, real exchange rate appreciation significantly improves the productivity of non-export firms in less-competitive industries, but it decreases the productivity of firms involved in export, the extent to which is positively related to the industry HHI and the level of export dependence.
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    The relationship between knowledge management, organizational learning, innovation and core competencies
    Lingfeng Yi,Shuo Ouyang, Minghui Liang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 119-124.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.013
    Abstract395)   HTML5)    PDF (1077KB)(2385)      
    With the method of cross sectional study, we conducted a questionnaire survey among 406 organizations. Then, using multiple regression analysis and path analysis to study the internal relations among knowledge management, organizational learning, innovation and core competence, which can provide a theoretical basis and practical reference for the organization to maintain and enhance the core competence. The results show that: (1) knowledge management has significant regression effect on organizational learning, innovation and core competence, and the regression effect of organizational learning on innovation and core competence is also remarkable. (2) “Tacit knowledge creation” in knowledge management significantly affects the organizational learning, innovation and core competence, while the regression effect of "knowledge transfer and sharing" on the above variables are not significant. (3) Except “shared vision”, each factor of Organizational learning has significant regression effect on innovation and core competence. (4) Organizational learning has an indirect influence on core competence. Knowledge management has both direct and indirect influence on core competence .The following conclusions have been founded that: Tacit knowledge creation is the core content of knowledge management, and an important source of organizational core competence. Organization should not only attach importance to strengthen the knowledge management itself to enhance the core competence, but also pay attention to the integration of knowledge management and organizational learning. Taking advantage of organizational innovation to indirectly promote the core competence of the organization.
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    Globalization of Chinese Brand and the Brand Strategy of Embedding Chinese Elements: A Case Study on Li Ning
    HE Jia-xun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 118-124.  
    Abstract2171)   HTML283)    PDF (471KB)(4042)      
    The big challenge that Chinese multinationals face is how to build a global brand when they have already expanded their business on a global scale. For the enterprises, it is an important brand strategy to give consideration to Chinese and Western cultural differences and to blend the values and elements of the two cultures to build the global orientation of Chinese brands. With theoretical and practical analyses, this thesis elaborates on the important strategy of Chinese leading companies, that is, embedding Chinese cultural elements in the product design. This strategy has been successfully applied by Li-Ning since 1999. Chinese leading companies can learn more from Li’s practice in enhancing their value-added brand image in the world.
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    Focusing on Main Business and Diversifying Investment: Compatibility or Contradiction?:A Case Study on Youngor
    YE De-lei & TIAN Yan-hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 125-130.  
    Abstract998)   HTML14)    PDF (638KB)(2038)      
    If Youngor simply and mechanically had focused on the development of garment industry in the time of listing, it would have been restricted by a series of environmental factors. In a specific stage of economic development in China, it is reasonable for Youngor to choose the three carriages of garment industry, real estate and financial investment as its industrial layout. Youngor’s practice should not be simply interpreted as ignoring its proper occupation. Focusing on main business does not mean that a company should not be involved in any other industry or business at any time. The development mode of Youngor brings enlightenment to others, but it should not be simply imitated. Youngor’s practice of investment choice actually reflects the development environment of China’s real economy. What we need to do is to clean up and optimize the economic environment rather than simply require enterprises to follow certain rules or disciplines.
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    Short-term Wealth Effect and Performance Increase of Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case Study on Shares of Shanghai Friendship Group Inc. Merged Shanghai Bailian Group Co.
    WANG Xia & RAO Ying-ying
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 131-137.  
    Abstract1142)   HTML14)    PDF (932KB)(2673)      
    This thesis applies the event study method and accounting method to investigate the case that Shares of Shanghai Friendship Group Inc. merged Shanghai Bailian Group Co. This M&A created positive short-term wealth effect on both the amalgamated company and the target company. The financial situation and profitability of Shares of Shanghai Friendship Group Inc. has been improved. This thesis shows that market investors has affirmed Shanghai SASAC promoted the integration of advantage assets to realize the “Four Center Goal”. For shareholders, M&A has created the positive wealth effect and the short-term financial performance has been increased.
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    Institutional Investors’ Activism, Venture Shareholders’ Control Rights Competition and Corporate Governance: A Case Study on NVC Lighting Technology Corporation
    ZHANG Mu-bin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 138-144.  
    Abstract1046)   HTML14)    PDF (515KB)(2065)      
    With the example of NVC Lighting Technology Corporation, this thesis examines the influences of institutional investors’ activism on venture shareholder’s control rights and corporate governance. This research reveals that constantly dispersed shareholding structure and increasingly powerful institutional investors will become normal in China. Whether institutions as large shareholders will improve corporate governance depends in part on their objectives, their preference and cost-revenue tradeoff. In the long term, institutional investors’ activism will promote corporation governance, and help to improve venture shareholders’ financial abilities and risk prevention abilities, and will contribute to a mature professional managers market and more powerful protection of stakeholders’ interests.
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