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    On the “Structure of Culture and Life” in the “Unity of Body/Appearance and Spirit” and Its Methodological Significance: The Implication of Cultural Philosophy in the “Distinction between Body/Appearance and Spirit” in Ancient Chinese Philosophy
    ZHU Yi-ting
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 1-13.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.001
    Abstract499)   HTML12)    PDF (2119KB)(1084)      
    “Body/appearance” (xing) and “spirit”(shen) constitute a pair of important categories in ancient Chinese philosophy, while the distinction between them an significant theme. Originally as a philosophical reflection of the structure of human life, this pair of categories has prevailed in various fields such as art, literature, architecture, medicine and martial arts. Along with the arising interest in traditional Chinese learning, the relationship between body/appearance and spirit in painting, traditional Chinese medicine, the nourishing of life, martial arts and other fields has been widely discussed. However, neither discussion has reached the level of cultural philosophy. To propose and argue for the concept of the “structure of culture and life” in the “unity of body/appearance and spirit” is to reveal the implication of cultural philosophy in the “distinction between body/appearance and spirit” in ancient Chinese philosophy as well as its methodological significance to current cultural construction.
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    The New Historical Study of Revolution and the New Narrative in the Study of Shanghai in 1950s
    ZHANG Ji-shun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 14-20.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.002
    Abstract428)   HTML6)    PDF (1431KB)(1665)      
    Challenged by the “theory of totalitarianism” and the “theory of modernization”, the historical study of revolution that takes grand narratives of revolution as the only research approach and method has been discarded by many researchers of the history of contemporary China. Also influenced by these two kinds of theories, especially the latter one, the historical study of Shanghai has “bidden farewell” to grand narratives of revolution, separating social and cultural history from the history of revolution, and then putting the historical study of Shanghai in 1950s in the “black narrative” of totalitarianism and the isolation of modernization. This new approach recalls the history of revolution in terms of the continuity of Chinese revolutions in 20th century and its multiple meanings and provides a new dimension of the historical study of Shanghai. In light of this new approach, the historical study of Shanghai in 1950s presents various facets. Three kinds of narratives and perspectives, that is, revolution, nation and society, collide and influence one another. The statement that “the image of metropolis is vanishing, while the modernity remains” reflects the new narrative melody as well as the historical theme in Shanghai in 1950s.
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    On the Revision of LÜ Si-mian’s A History of China in Modern Chinese Language and Related Issues
    ZHANG Geng-hua & ZHU Wei-ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 21-30.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.003
    Abstract308)   HTML7)    PDF (2030KB)(1031)      
    With the change of the situation and public opinions in 1920s and 1930s, it became a difficult problem for both LÜ Si-mian, the author and the Commercial Press, the publisher whether it is necessary and how to revise certain “inappropriate” depictions and comments in LÜ’s A History of China in Modern Chinese Language. Despite of its unwillingness, the press tended to make necessary revision under the pressure of the situation and public opinions so as to ensure the reprint of the book. On the contrary, LÜ refused to revise his book because of external forces, let alone revising his academic opinions according to certain practical needs. However, he had to take public opinions and the situation of the press into account. As the last choice, the revision of the book was eventually carried out by the editor of the press. The case of this revision shows the lasting problem in historical study: Should a historian pander to public opinions in the price of the truth or persist in the truth when there is conflict between seeking for the truth in historical study and practical needs of society? Should a society demand a historian to cover the truth to cater to public opinions or not? There seems to be no answer to this dilemma up till now.
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    On the Suppression of LÜ Si-mian’s A History of China in Modern Chinese Language
    WANG Meng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 31-38.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.004
    Abstract428)   HTML6)    PDF (8515KB)(1100)      
    LÜ Si-mian’s A History of China in Modern Chinese Language was firstly published in1923. As the first book of China’s general history written in modern Chinese language, it has a great role in China’s history of historiography and that of education. However, few people know that this book was once suppressed by the government of the Republic of China, which had been a heated discussion for decades in the academic circle. Later, this debate even went beyond the academic field. This thesis tries to restore the process of suppression, the reactions of the academic circle and the fate of this book during the political movements in the new era. We may understand the intellectuals’ particular situations as well as their corresponding choices.
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    Political Empowerment and Political Integration: A Political Analysis on the Enlargement of Suffrage in the U.K. in 1832
    WANG Ke-yuan & QI Wei-ping
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 39-44.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.005
    Abstract469)   HTML9)    PDF (1106KB)(1161)      
    Political empowerment is beneficial to the realization of the political integration of marginal population. Reform Act 1832 in the U.K. realized the political empowerment of the bourgeoisie in industry and commerce because of the following three reasons: first, the middle class, who “had money but no power”, and the lower class did not want to continue the same life as before; second, the ruling class could not rule as before; third, it was influenced by French Revolution and other international elements. The realization of the political integration of the bourgeoisie in industry and commerce due to Reform Act 1832 and the enlargement of suffrage, i.e., the political empowerment, was quite significant: first, in the short term, it relieved the sharp political conflict and maintained political stability at that time in the U.K.; second, in the long term, it promoted the political awareness of compromise and provided a paradigm for later peaceful reforms in the U.K.; third, it also explains why reformism dominates the history of the labor movement in the U.K. The political system reform in current China can learn much from the reforms in the U.K.
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    The Imbalanced Development, Class Conflict, and the Reconstruction of Productive Relations: On Marx and Engels’s Theory of Development
    HU Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 45-55.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.006
    Abstract340)   HTML6)    PDF (1870KB)(1354)      
    Marx and Engels lay keen emphasis on the issue of development. Rather than simply from the perspective of economy, they consider it in terms of the global development of capitalism as well as related class conflict and the reconstruction of productive relations. Due to the imbalanced development in the capitalist system, multi-layer political and economic relations exist in the capitalist system at the international level, which makes class conflict in the capitalist system inevitable, and the consequent reconstruction of capitalist productive relations intensifies the imbalanced development in the capitalist system in turn. However, such an imbalanced system has created the premise for the further development of human society, and lays a solid material foundation for a more advanced social system. Hence, Marx and Engels believe that capitalism has positive significance to the development of human society.
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    Rights, Virtue and Happy Life
    LIU Ke
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 56-62.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.007
    Abstract470)   HTML8)    PDF (1201KB)(981)      
    Happiness is always an important issue in ethics. Differing from that in the ancient time, contemporary discussion about happiness takes rights as the premise and key to obtain happiness in life. When Rawls and other philosophers explain rights with “primary goods”, they effectively point out the fundamental material conditions for happiness in social life. Amartya Sen regards capability as a key concept for rights, stressing that happiness is not only about the meeting of external conditions, but it is all about the application and display of personal capability. Sen’s concept of capability comes from Aristotle’s theory of function. In Aristotle, function and virtue are closely linked in the sense that the function of human beings demonstrates in a teleological way the excellence, and consequently the value of human beings. Sen’s discussion of happiness from rights to capability and then to virtue shows that we can go beyond the abstract context of modern normative ethics and understand rights in the context of human value and the meaning of life on the one hand, and we can also re-examine and re-define happiness from the perspective of virtue.
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    Nietzsche’s Discovery and Re-interpretation of Agonistic Ethics
    FAN Zhi-jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 63-68.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.008
    Abstract392)   HTML9)    PDF (1002KB)(1326)      
    Modern political theory of agonism is a result of introducing Nietzsche’s agonistic ethics to understand liberty and democracy. Nietzsche discovers the ignored ethic of agonism in ancient Greece and expounds it deeply in his Also Sprache Zarathustra. Nietzsche states that agonism and transcendence constitutes the essence of life. He builds a nation in a “benign war” for the cultivation of supermen, reconstructs agonistic ethics of friendship, and re-defines agonistic concepts of good and justice. Being aristocratic, Nietzsche’s agonistic ethics is opposite to and competitive with modern cooperative morality of common people. It aims to avoid moral banality caused by the dominance of the morality of common people. However, it is both possible and necessary for these two to reach reconciliation through competition.
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    The Practice of Tantric Buddhism and the Formation and Development of the Custom of Five-color Strings in the Song Dynasty
    XIA Guang-xing YAN Wei-wei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 69-74.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.009
    Abstract381)   HTML8)    PDF (1386KB)(1504)      
    Tantric Buddhism Sutra was firstly translated into Chinese and spread in China in the late Han and early Wei Dynasties. In the Tang Dynasty, Tantric Buddhism school was founded and its practice was widely accepted by both government officials and common people. Although it was greatly weakened due to the catastrophe that Buddhism suffered during the period of Huichang in the Tang Dynasty, Tantric Buddhism, with its secularization, had penetrated into the daily life of common people. For instance, the custom of five-color strings and the folk practice of Tantric Buddhism impacted upon one another. Influenced by the doctrines of Five Agents, there had been the custom of wearing five-color strings to avoid and drive out evil spirits in the Dragon Boat Festival since the Han Dynasty. However, in the Song Dynasty, it was combined with the Great Compassion Mantra of Tantric Buddhism and then Candraprabha, one of its main Buddhas. With such enchantment, people began to wear five-color strings not only in the Dragon Boat Festival but in the Double Seventh Festival as well, and this custom was even transformed into the “Daughter’s Festival” in some places. A historical study of this custom helps us not only represent the special folk culture in the Tang and Song Dynasties but also understand better the social life and religions at that time.
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    The Mechanism Change of Folk Customs in Beijing’s Inner-city Areas in the 18th Century Reflected in the Inscriptions on Tablets
    JU Xi)
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 75-82.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.010
    Abstract380)   HTML6)    PDF (1439KB)(1079)      
    In the late Ming and the early Qing Dynasties, the city folk customs in Beijing nearly remained the same in form, but the custom undertakers and their motivations had greatly changed. The inscriptions on 585 tablets in the inner city areas in Beijing show that since the 18th century, the inner city areas in Beijing had not only witnessed a peak of tablet establishment, but also seen a change of the subjects who set up temples and tablets from the officials and eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty and the Han officials in the early Qing Dynasty to common citizens. Meanwhile, the names of guilds and firms were inscribed on the back of tablets for the first time, non-governmental organizations with autonomy cropped up, and feminist organizations started to appear, all of which reflects the fact of social transformation. Folk activities such as celebrating the birth of Guan Yu, offering incense on Mount Yaji were inherited from the Ming Dynasty, but their undertakers and motivations had been totally changed. This shows that the practice of reforming and taking advantage of folk custom resources does not merely exist in modern society. The inscriptions on tablets help us discover the inner mechanism of folk customs.
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    On the Issues concerning Agricultural Co-operatives in the Structural Reform of Japan’s Agriculture
    ZHANG Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 83-91.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.011
    Abstract370)   HTML6)    PDF (1522KB)(1194)      
    As far as the reform of Japan’s Agricultural Co-operatives is concerned, there are opposite voices such as “protection should be regarded as the premise of reform” and “disintegration is prior”. This paper aims to analyze the key problem that Japan agriculture meets, that is, the position of Agricultural Co-operatives in the structural reform and the relationship between Agricultural Co-operatives and the structural reform, so as to find out a middle- and long-term feasible solution to Japan’s Agricultural Co-operatives reform. The paper also examines important agricultural policies related to the structural reform in Japan after World War II. The future reform of Japan’s Agricultural Co-operatives wants administrative reforms in organizations and operation and stripping off its financial business so as to transform Japan’s Agricultural Co-operatives into organizations specialized in agricultural business in a middle term and competitive modernized agricultural organizations in a long term.
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    On the Operation Mechanism and Development Dilemma of the Involvement of Professional Social Work in the Petition Mediation: A Case Study on the C Project in Shanghai
    WU Tong & CHEN Bei-li
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 92-100.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.012
    Abstract380)   HTML6)    PDF (1611KB)(1153)      
    With the projects that governmental departments purchase social work service to mediate petition as the research object, this thesis attempts to reveal the operation mechanism and development dilemma of district-neighborhood petition mediation mechanism via social work service. We shall admit that professional social work organizations have achieved a benign interaction between the state and society in terms of compliant letters and visits mediation, activated national administration resources and enhanced efficiency of petition mediation by linking to national organization networks via a series of regulations. Therefore, it is an exploratory and effective attempt for the mediation mechanism which aims to maintain social stability to adopt professional social work. Of course, both the consignor (government) and the consignee (social organizations) need to understand correctly and objectively the role and status of professional social work in dealing with petition and orientate precisely social work’s involving in order to maintain its professionality and legitimacy. Moreover, we should not limit the role of professional social work to the social conflicts that are difficult for the department of petition to deal with, but put the professional social work in a bigger mediation mechanism, endow it with more freedom and trust, promote the development of the overall work of petition and eventually correct the malpractices in current petition system.
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    The New Urbanization and the Possibility of a Breakthrough in the “Hu Line”
    ZHANG Yong-yue & SONG Yan-jiao & ZHANG Chuan-yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 101-112.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.013
    Abstract390)   HTML6)    PDF (2127KB)(1043)      
    It has been 80 years since the “Hu Line” was put forward in 1935, while the pattern of uneven distribution of population in China hasn’t changed much. However, some key factors affecting population distribution are facing from quantitative to qualitative transformation in new historical conditions. Different from natural conditions, accelerated economic and technical conditions and the strategy requirement from social policies may change the pattern of the “Hu Line”. In this process, the new urbanization is the goal of breaking through the “Hu Line”, namely, relative equilibrium of population distribution in space, balanced development of regional industry and the equalization of urban-rural public services. At the same time, the new urbanization may give an important impetus to the breakthrough of “Hu Line”. The example of Xinjiang Province provides an evidence of the possibility of breaking through the “Hu Line” in the western regions. Therefore, relevant departments should actively build population flow channels to gradually realize the space equilibrium of population distribution, strengthen industrial development to achieve the region balance of industry and promote the integration of public services to realize the region equilibrium of livable conditions.
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    The Strategy Choices of China’s Central-Controlled State-Owned Enterprises’ Outbound Foreign Direct Investment
    FENG Ti-yi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 113-123.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.013
    Abstract444)   HTML6)    PDF (2075KB)(1545)      
    The expanding rate of Chinese outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) is unprecedented, and the majority is undertaken by Central-Controlled state-owned enterprises (CSOEs). However, to the best of our knowledge, there has little analysis of CSOEs’ OFDI in literature for the reason of unavailable data. To fill the research gap, this paper focuses on describing the nature characteristics of CSOEs’ OFDI by using hand-collected data especially concerning industry distribution, location distribution and entry modes. The results show that CSOEs prefer to invest in nature resource-rich countries and industries, Asia and Africa attract most CSOEs’ OFDI, and investments in rest of continents are increasing steadily. The location distribution is more rational over time. Industry distribution concentrated on the second industry, such as mining, construction and manufacture. In addition, setting up new plants or wholly-owned new companies is the main entry mode. In effect, the 2008 finance crisis has promoted CSOEs’ OFDI, especially in mergers and acquisitions.
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    An Analysis of Onshore and Offshore RMB Exchange Rate Linkage Based on the Data before and after the Establishment of CNH Market
    SHENG Bao-lian & QING Nan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 124-132.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.015
    Abstract502)   HTML8)    PDF (1373KB)(1098)      
    In August 2010, Hong Kong’s offshore RMB market, namely CNH market, was officially born, which makes a diverse RMB exchange rate market structure together with onshore RMB exchange rate (CNY) market and offshore non-deliverable forward (NDF) market. Due to the fact that the interaction of RMB exchange rate between these three markets attracts more and more attention, the research on the linkage relation of onshore and offshore RMB exchange rate under this background is of great significance. This paper selects RMB exchange rate against US dollar of CNY, CNH, NDF1M and NDF1Y from January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2014. Taking the establishment date of CNH market, August 23, 2010, and December 31, 2012 as nodes, three stages are divided. Using co-integration test, Granger causality test and impulse response function, the interaction relationship between onshore and offshore RMB exchange rate before and after the birth of CNH market is measured. The empirical results show that before the establishment of CNH, CNY is Granger cause of NDF1M, after that, close information transmission between CNY and CNH is existing, and the impact of NDF1Y on CNY goes through the trend from decreasing to increasing. In short, the birth of CNH market makes RMB exchange rate in three markets more and more interactive.
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    On Hotspot and Frontier Issues concerning Internet Finance Research: An Analysis Based on Citespace
    XU Xin & FENG Shi-hui
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 133-139.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.016
    Abstract447)   HTML7)    PDF (1532KB)(2188)      
    With the development of information technology and mobile communications, the internet financial service platforms, including the third-party payment, online microfinance and credit payment, are rapidly rising. Internet finance is expanding with an unprecedented speed, which not only changes the traditional finance a lot, but also brings a vast number of new topics to academia. This paper tries to use Citespace to analyze the literature of internet finance in Web of Science from 2003 to 2013. By using visualization map in the analysis of the institutes and countries, this paper tries to show the influence distribution in the field of internet finance research. We find that America makes the most contribution in the amount of academic literatures and England has the biggest academic influence in this field. A keywords co-occurrence analysis will discover the development history and hot topics in the past ten years. This paper also discusses the future development trend based on the literature co-occurrence and burst detection and believes that risk-management will be a frontier issue.
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    On the Self-transformation of the Noble Literati in the Northern and Southern Dynasties: A Case Study on YAN Zhi-tui’s Criticism of FAN Ye
    CAO Xu & QUAN Liang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 140-148.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.017
    Abstract398)   HTML6)    PDF (2128KB)(889)      
    At the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, YAN Zhi-tui remarked FAN Ye’s The History of the Later Han Dynasty but ignored FAN’s name. YAN and FAN were both noble scholars, but YAN disliked FAN’s faith and personality. YAN’s criticism of FAN was a symbol of the self-transformation of the noble literati. YAN changed his thoughts and lifestyle to adapt to the new time and survive in the new social environment. He was an example of successful transformation.
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    Physical and Metaphysical Reflections on “Translatability/Untranslatability
    GAO Ning
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 149-156.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.018
    Abstract472)   HTML6)    PDF (1784KB)(1335)      
    This paper explores the question of translatability/untranslatability from the physical and metaphysical perspectives by examining the Japanese translation of the classical Chinese poem “In the Quiet Night” (Jingye si). This paper argues that translatability depends on being effable. While translatability is more important at the metaphysical level, translatability and untranslatability are interdependent at the physical level. The degree of translatability concerns both translatability and untranslatability.
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    An Examination on Coral Net’s Plagiarizing YU Feng-qing’s Prefaces and Postscripts of Paintings and Calligraphies: Also on the Difficult Situation of Public Cataloguers in the Ming Dynasty
    HAN Jin & ZHU Chun-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (2): 157-166.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.019
    Abstract397)   HTML6)    PDF (2292KB)(1499)      
    Prefaces and Postscripts of Paintings and Calligraphies and Coral Net were compiled successively in Jiaxing County, Zhejing Province during the reign of Emperor Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty. These two books are both catalogs of paintings and calligraphies in the style of collecting prefaces and postscripts. Coral Net and its compiler WANG Luo-yu are more famous, which are frequently quoted by appreciators of paintings and calligraphies in past dynasties. By comparing these two books, however, one can find that many prefaces and postscripts are respectively recorded in them. Coral Net copies a lot of sentences and ideas from Prefaces and Postscripts. Technical methods such as changing word order and revising relative signature in order to conceal the fact of plagiarism. The limited spread of Prefaces and Postscripts leaves space for Coral Net to plagiarize. WANG Luo-yu’s advantages in his family reputation, his wide circle of acquaintances and his influence result in a higher position of his book in later generations. The fate of YU Feng-qing, as well as his lower status, his difficult situation in life and work, was common among public cataloguers of paintings and calligraphies. This also reflects the big problem of seeking academic sincerity.
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    Jun zhai du shu zhi and literary criticism
    WU Cheng-Xue, HUANG Jing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (1): 1-13.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.01.001
    Abstract497)   HTML6)    PDF (2884KB)(999)      
    As the earliest extant bibliography with abstracts compiled by a private bibliophile in China, CHAO Gong-wu’s Reading Notes in the Official Residence has an irreplaceable role and great significance in the history of Chinese bibliography. However, from the perspective of the history of literature and the academic history of literary criticism, its catalogue style, categories, prefaces and abstracts reflect the author’s idea of literary criticism. It is not only a magnum opus in bibliography, but also a collection of reading notes involving the history of literature and the history of literary criticism. Hence, it is a unique text for us to understand literature and politics in the Song Dynasty. ZHAO Xi-bian’s Supplementary Reading Notes is also an important complement to CHAO’s Reading Notes in literary criticism.
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