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    29 January 2007, Volume 39 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Some Concepts and Their Definitions in Medieval Chinese and Western Taxation Theories
    Luan-zhai GU
    2007, 39 (1):  2-9.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.002
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    There were basic theories of taxation both in Chinese and Western societies of the middle ancient period. In China, the basic taxation theory derived some specific theories.The basic theory was an in-depth theory, whereas those specific theories were a kind of surface theory; in general the former determined the latter?s properties, whereas the latter reflected the former?s characteristics.If the basic theory was absolute, then specific theories were generally absolute too; if the basic theory was democratic, then specific theories were generally democratic.

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    An Analysis of Taxation Theory in Medieval England
    Cheng SHI
    2007, 39 (1):  10-15.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.003
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    Influenced by the lord-vassal system, a king of medieval England had dual identities: supreme lord and monarch.As a supreme lord, the king should"live on his own, "that is, he should live on his ordinary income derived from crown lands.But the ordinary income was often hard to sufficiently satisfy his needs.Hence, the king levied personal taxes on his subjects on the pretence of "common good"and "common need"so as to meet with ever increasing administrative and military expenditures.The Parliament seized the power to authorize moveable taxes by acting as the judge of "common good", thus facilitating the constitutional development of medieval England.

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    The Principle That "The King Shall Live of His Own" and the English Basic Theory of Taxation——A Quantitative Analysis of Tudor Kings' Not Breaking the Principle That "The King Shall Live of His Own"
    Dian-qing ZHANG
    2007, 39 (1):  16-21.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.004
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    The principle that"The King Shall Live of His Own"was important in English theory of taxation.In the late medieval period and early modern period, among others, it served as a weapon to curb Kings' levying taxes.Some scholars, seeing certain changes in the tax system, hold that Tudor Kings broke such a tradition.This paper is intended to prove that Tudor Kings still conformed to the principle that "The King Shall Live of His Own"through quantitative analyses of the revenues from taxes granted by the Parliament and the war expenditure.

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    The Legal Theoretical Logic and Results of Taxation in Chinese Monarchical Society
    Yi WANG
    2007, 39 (1):  22-29.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.005
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    Compared with medieval European taxation, Chinese taxation in the monarchical society was quite different in its foundation of legal theory as well as in its formation.The Western taxation took private propriety as the foundation of its legal right, and at last a constitutional regime developed in which state taxation was controlled by common people with a representative system.In China, however, the foundation of taxation since the Qin Dynasty onward lay in that the imperial power was the final owner and dominator of all persons and their possessions.Such a legal notion not only led to a radical difference of Chinese monarchical society from European society in its institutional orientation, but also directly or indirectly molded a series of important characteristics of Chinese institutions.

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    Chinese Emperors' "Justified" Right of Levying Taxes and Corvee——A Comparison with the Western Theory of Taxation
    Min-lan HUANG
    2007, 39 (1):  30-36.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.006
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    According to the medieval Western theory of taxation, a king could levy taxes only with the consent of taxpayers.On the contrary, an ancient Chinese emperor levied taxes and corvee, dispensing with people's consent.In order to effectively reign over society, however, monarchs, officials and men of letters in all dynasties made a lot of explanations and illustrations to demonstrate legitimacy of emperors' levying taxes, thus constructing a basic theory of taxation endemic to China.that is, a theory about an emperor's possession of all land and people under the heaven.The great difference between Chinese and Western theories of taxation was caused by their own social conditions, including a contrast of tax-gatherers' and tax-payers' status and power, and different Chinese and Western cultures and social universal ideas.

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    A Preliminary Study on the Development of Buddhism and Its Fusion with Cultures——A Discourse Starting from "Liu Shi Li Wen"
    Guang-chang FANG
    2007, 39 (1):  37-42.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.007
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    As a historical cultural formation, the Buddhist development is not a self-evolution of Indian culture, but results from confluence of diverse Asian cultures including Chinese culture and West Asian cultures. Through a critical examination of some original Buddhist scriptures and texts in this paper, it can be realized that such confluence finds expressions not only in the merging of Indian Buddhist culture into China, but also in the spread of Chinese native culture into India so as to influence Indian Buddhist culture and in tum flow back to China as a form of Buddhist culture.

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    Opinion and Truth——A Modern Interpretation of Dge-vdun-chos-vphel's Klu-sgrub-dgongs-rgyan
    Ban-duo-jie BAN
    2007, 39 (1):  43-48,54.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.008
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    In his essay of Klu-sgrub-dgongs-rgyan Dge-vdun-chos-vphel expresses his distinct impression and insight on Madhyamika's ideas.Starting from the relationship between opinion and truth, he radically denies the possibility and reality of human beings' recognition of absolute truth in their empirical scope.As a result, theoretically he denies an omniscient observer and thus advocates a pluralistic methodology in the Tibetan Buddhist theory.

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    The Influence of the Sarvastivada's Idea of "Real-bhava" upon Hui Yuan's Thought
    Jin-hua XIA
    2007, 39 (1):  49-54.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.009
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    As a famous monk in early Chinese Buddhism, Hui Yuan and his thought had an important and farreaching influence upon later Chinese Buddhism. This paper primarily explores two issues. One is that since Hui Yuan accepted Sarvastivada's abhidharma teachings, especially the idea that every dharma was real-bhava, he believed that dharma-nature was real-bhava or unchangeable entity. This thought was different from dharma-nairamya of Nagarjuna's Madhayamaka in India, so he was criticized by Kumarajiva at that time. The other is that Hui Yuan quite appreciated the idea of self in Tri-dharmika-vastra, considering "ego" ("shen", in his words) as something transcending the spiritual and the physical so as to oppose the then doctrine of extinction of soul.

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    The Structural Art of Capital and Marx' Aesthetic Ideas
    Xiao-guang LU
    2007, 39 (1):  55-62.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.010
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    Capital can be aesthetically read, and its aesthetic implication stands out as its structural form.The structure of Capital consciously sticks to the aesthetic principle of "art integration"in its dealing with the relationship between part and whole, finding expressions not only in its narrative orientation of "from absolute to concrete", but also in its narrative technipue of "diversion-progression".The most striking structural feature of Capital lies in its logical procedures full of dialectics; its logical starting-point, categorical transition, connection among principles, and joint of several volumes, all show the law of passing from one form to another and from one connected order to another.The structure of Capital aims at expressing the subject's style as well as the objective law.What it explores is not merely a kind of economic law just as 2+2=4.Its structural form implies aesthetic elements.As an intellectual production, Capital pursues an objective of political economics in its theoretical content and puts into effect the idea of creation according to the laws of beauty in its structural form.

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    The Change of Einstein's Thought of Philosophy of Science
    Hai-hui FU
    2007, 39 (1):  63-66, 72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.011
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    Many scholars have always been disputing whether there is a significant change in Einstein's philosophy of science.Some of them hold that Einstein changed his thought from empiricism to rationalism.Some argue that such a change did not exist.Still others think that Einstein's philosophy is imbued with a pluralistic tension.However, further studies from relevant logic and historical facts have proved that the transformation did happen.When making a study of a scientist's philosophical thought of science, we should distinguish between his own expression of his thought and his practice.The role of his philosophical thought of science upon his scientific activities is limited.

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    Residential Spatial Differentiations in a Metropolis and Their Solutions
    Jia YU, Jin-hong DING
    2007, 39 (1):  67-72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.012
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    With the ongoing process of globalization, the social space of a metropolis in China has witnessed profound changes, one of which is the residential differentiation that has appeared in various geographic scales.The reasons of residential spatial differentiations in China differ from those of other countries.The primary reasons of accelerating differentiation lie in the social stratification triggered by the gap of income and the concept of "city management" held by government.These two factors have contributed to segregation and congregation of different social classes, which has consequently exerted influences on disadvantaged groups in terms of provisions of public goods.The mixed-income housing is a solution to alter residential differentiations.However, separated residence for different social classes is an inevitable trend in consideration of commercialized urban real estate markets.Therefore the effectiveness of mixed-income housing depends on certain economic and political bases, in particular government's active leading role.

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    A Tentative Study on Restructuring of Metroplitan Poplulation Space and the Urban Conflicts——A Case Study of Shanghai
    Chun-lan WANG, Shang-guang YANG
    2007, 39 (1):  73-77.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.013
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    The population density is so high in metropolises in the eastern region of China that it is imperative to redistribute urban residents.Accompanied with a quick redistribution process comes the problem of location conflicts within a metropolis and hence the contradiction between inner(or central) city and its suburbs.Such a contradiction is attributed to an impetuous mood in the urban expansion, an absence of governmental vertical and horizontal communicative mechanisms, and a lower level of public participation.Effective solutions to this problem depend on advanced guiding ideas about urban development, a series of specific institutional reforms, and the realization of citizens' right of participation.

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    A New Research Perspective of Macro-controls on the policy of Migrant Population in Cities
    Chen-xi HUANG
    2007, 39 (1):  78-83, 94.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.014
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    How to control the size of rural migrants has always been a hot topic in a metropolis during recent years.Since the flow of rural migrants is mainly determined by labor market factors which are out of governmental control, there are wide disputes on whether the city government should and can control the inflow of rural migrants.This paper argues that both the role of government and market economy are essential in adjusting and controlling the size of rural migrants.The macro adjustment and control of rural migrants not only means a control of size and a setup of population entry system but also a coordinated development process between rural migrants and cities.

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    A Fractal Study on Population Suburbanization in Shanghai
    Zhan-e YIN, Shi-yuan XU, Ning JIA
    2007, 39 (1):  84-87.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.015
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    Adopting analyses of relevant statistics and GIS and based on the fractional theory, this paper attempts to explore a general role of population suburbanizing in Shanghai by using Shanghai's censuses from 1982 to 2003.The fractal dimensions (box fractal dimension and correlation fractal dimension) of population distribution in Shanghai are calculated and the relationship between fractal characteristics and changes of population distribution is discussed here.The research concludes that from the 1980s to 2003 the fractal characteristics are good guidelines for reflecting suburbanizing of Shanghai, showing lower population growth in its down-town area, compared with higher population growth in its suburbs.

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    A Research on the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Corporation Competitiveness
    Rong YANG
    2007, 39 (1):  88-94.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.016
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    Corporate governance has a positive correlation with corporation competitiveness.Such a relation between them is essential and logical to corporation competitiveness.As an endogenous variable, corporate governance is interconnected and interplayed with other variables.Therefore, it plays a role in forming, changing and developing corporation competitiveness.From a view of practice, we should start with establishing and perfecting corporate governance in order to get stronger corporation competitiveness.According to this perspective, Chinese corporations need to establish a modern corporation scheme and perfect corporate governance if they want to win in the global market.

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    The Word of "Zuo Wei" and Its Grammaticalization in Modern Chinese Language
    Jue WANG
    2007, 39 (1):  95-100,105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.017
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    The word"zuo wei"in contemporary Chinese may be distributed in ten sentence patterns, in which the "zuo wei"as a verb is distributed in the first six patterns and the prepositional"zuo wei"the last four patterns.The verbal"zuo wei"and the prepositional"zuo wei"performed great oppositions in their semantic meanings and syntactic functions.In the process of evolution the phrases led by"zuo wei"consistently shifted forward in the linear sentences, and at the same time its syntactic functions gradually degraded from predications to adverbial modifiers.Therefore, "zuo wei"finished its progress of grammaticalization, changing from a verb to a preposition.

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    The Principle of Appropriateness Is Not the Supreme Principle of Rhetoric
    Jia-xuan CHEN
    2007, 39 (1):  101-105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.018
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    The appropriateness of a verbal act is an important subject-matter in pragmatic and rhetorical studies, and what is more, many linguisticians have regarded the principle of appropriateness as the supreme principle of rhetoric since the 1990's.Then the question is whether this assertion is scientific or not.Has"the principle of appropriateness"been confronted with any difficulty in its theory and practice?If so, is there any higher principle than"the principle of appropriateness"?A clearer recognition may be acquired by means of defining rhetoric.

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    A Study on the Political Role of Poetry in the Tang Dynasty
    Qiao-bin DENG
    2007, 39 (1):  106-112.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.019
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    The tradition that "political situations can be observed through poems" was restored and developed under the Tang Dynasty. The reasons lay in that the implementation of the system of presented scholar created a condition for poets who could participate in political activities, emperors' accepting admonitions and a system of remonstration promoted the development of the spirit of frank criticisms, and under a loose literary circumstance politics might be remarked on by poets. Du Fu, Yuan Jie, Bai Juyi and the like all emphasized the poetical role of political education.

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    The Value of the History of Study on Modern Chinese Fiction——A Concurrent Study on the Reconstruction of the Foundation of Literary History
    Da-kang CHEN
    2007, 39 (1):  113-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.020
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    A review and comment on the history of study on modern fiction enables people to know well its century-old research outline and weak points, and enables scholars to realize what are emphases and methodological improvements of further studies.The book of On the History of Study on Modern Chinese Fiction has done some valuable work in this respect.The slogan, "Rewrite the History of Literature", has been put forth for more than twenty years, and writings on the literary history have been published one after another.But there is no essential methodological difference among various writing modes, if viewed from the angle of research history.It shows that the first task is to reconstruct the foundation of literary history, including a study on the research history of literature.

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    A Critical Examination of Zhang Zhixiang's Compilation of Collection of Ancient Poems
    Xun YANG
    2007, 39 (1):  117-120.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.021
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    The Collection of Ancient Poems, edited by Zhang Zhixiang of the Ming Dynasty, included poems written during the period of Han, Wei and Six dynasties. Its completed time was before Zhang's another compilation of The Collection of Tang Poems. The whole book was divided into 44 parts according to the content of those poetic works, so that it was often mistaken as a classified book. In fact, its distinct editorial way just followed a previous compiling style of some collections of poems and essays, which facilitated later generations to study a certain kind of poems.

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    A Tentative Exploration of Wang Anshi's New Commentaries on the Book of History
    Xiao-yi FANG
    2007, 39 (1):  121-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.022
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    New Commentaries on the Book of History was an improtant book written by Wang Anshi of the Northern Song Dynasty. It influenced imperial examinations for 60 years and represented Wang's political ideas and scholarship. In his interpretations of The Book of History, Wang Anshi set up a general and close connection between "the Way of heaven" and "human affairs" so as to participate in political practices and push the reform forward.

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