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    25 June 2004, Volume 36 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Idea of Parliament: Its Entry into China
    2004, 36 (6):  1-19.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.001
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    In the history of modern times the parliamentary election was held in China for four times in 1909, 1912, 1917 and 1948 respectively, which resulted from introductions of the parliamentary thought into China. The figures introducing such an idea might be roughly classified into three: governmental officials, missionaries from the West, and distinguished personages. These intellectuals' recognition of Western parliamentary politics went through four stages. From 1840 to 1870 there were only its preliminary introductions, just some knowledge and no inherited ideas. During the period from 1871 to 1895 it was regarded as having a function of rallying minds, involving some values. In the decade of 1895-1904 the theory of civil rights rose, stressing that the parliament was an expression of the people's power. And after 1905 the people required the parliamentary idea to be put into reality.

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    Chinese Christianity in the Developmental Course of Modernity
    2004, 36 (6):  20-26.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.002
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    Since the turn of Ming and Qing dynasties the development of Christianity has been deeply involved in the process of China's modernization to such an extent that the confluence of Christianity and China's modernization has profoundly manifested itself in the new methodology of Catholic mission, Protestant cultural educational project, theory and practice of Chinese reformation movement, and even in peasant uprisings such as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Boxers (Yihetuan). In the beginning of the 20 th century Christianity was consciously or unconsciously engaged in various activities such as the New Cultural Movement, debates on religious issues and the national salvation to shape China's modernity.

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    The Category of Society and Its Axiomatic Ideology in Chinese Consciousness of Modernity
    2004, 36 (6):  27-34.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.003
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    The establishment of society plays a crucial role in the consciousness of modernity. In modern China the category of society has become another idolatry in the intellectual circles since the nation-state discourse was quitted, and its world outlook basis is the modern conception of axiom. The axiom, displaying itself as public opinion, is an ideology of society per se, legalizing collective wills and desires and drawing individuals' self-identity to their dependence on others in society. Hence, the category of society as well as its ideology of axiom in modern China manifests its characters in tensions with individuals. The criticism of it constitutes another aspect of Chinese consciousness of modernity

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    The Transition of the Conception of Individual: An Important Issue in Studies on China's Modernity
    2004, 36 (6):  35-41,93.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.004
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    The establishment of ideas about the individual's independence, freedom and rights in the intellectual and cultural world is an important aspect and mark of modernity, as well as a central topic in the Enlightenment world since Western modern times. Since China's modern times, the consciousness of individual emancipation requiring breaking through the bond of conventions and the consciousness of salvation in pursuit of a prosperous and strong nation by means of the individual's efforts to improve himself have prompted an initial formation of the modern conception on the individual in the elite intellectual world. Its content mainly covers two interlocked aspects. The one, based on humanism, is to demand human liberation, affirm human value and pursue autonomic and equal personality. The other, based on Western liberalism, is to demand human political liberty and democratic rights. In the former sense the modern Chinese conception of the individual is chiefly embodied in the idea of individual emancipation; in the latter the conception embraces such ideas as liberty, democracy and right internally, embodied in expressions of these ideas. It is helpful for a more profound understanding of the growth of modernity in China and its problems to sum up those intellectual resources.

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    Negative Individuality and Positive Individuality——A New Perspective of Analyzing Mainstream Thinkers during the May Fourth Period
    2004, 36 (6):  42-47.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.005
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    The idea of individuality is not only a leading discourse that mainstream thinkers such as Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and Hu Shih held in the May Fourth Movement, but also one of important ideas of China's modernity. We may define the conception of individuality during the period of May Fourth in terms of negative and positive dimensions. The negative individuality means a resistance to patriarchalism and servility. The positive individuality is associated with rationalism in epistemology and utilitarianism in ethics. Views of individuality during May Fourth reflect a developmental course of consciousness of modernity from one respect. Those mainstream thinkers of that time have taken note of multiple implications and meanings of negative and positive individuality, which shows that Chinese intellectuals' understanding of modernity is deepening. Meanwhile, the disadvantages in the idea of individuality indicate some difficulties in the growth of Chinese consciousness of modernity.

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    The Classification of Chinese Ancient Books and the Development of Modern Chinese System of Knowledge
    2004, 36 (6):  48-59,117-118.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.006
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    In the turn of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China a new classification for those ancient Chinese books and records began gradually to run parallel to the old method after its break through the framework of four traditional divisions of a Chinese library (i.e. classics, history, philosophy, and belles-letters) . With an introduction of Dewey decimal classification, the classification of ancient Chinese books turned to the modern Western book classification. Owing to a close relation between book classification and knowledge system, changing book classification was not an easy work. It was important in the transformation of the traditional Chinese system of knowledge to the modern Western system of knowledge, and also an important embodiment of the reconstruction of the Chinese system of knowledge in the late Qing period. Accordingly, the process of the substitution of Dewey decimal classification for the four-division classification was a process in which those books classified as four divisions would come under various disciplines in the system of decimal classification, and also a process in which the system of four-division knowledge would be integrated with the modern Western system of knowledge.

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    The Modernity of Chinese Scholarship and Its Historical Situatedness——Taking the Example of Wang Guowei's Drama Studies
    2004, 36 (6):  60-70.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.007
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    At the turn of the twentieth century Wang Guowei strove to engage in a dialogue with the world in new conditions of scholarly exchange, in an attempt to establish a “global scholarship, ” while scholars outside China saw in Wang an “authentic” Chinese voice and source of intellectual authority. Wang Guowei's pioneering work in the field of drama studies, his History of Song and Yuan Drama, was a product of these disparate historical forces. Examining the production and historical situatedness of Wang Guowei's drama studies will shed light not only on mechanisms of the production of modern scholarship, but also on recurrent themes in modern Chinese scholarship such as the notion of a “modern historiography” and nationalism.

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    The Changing of "Folk" in the 20th Century in the Perspective of Folklore
    2004, 36 (6):  71-77.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.008
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    The "folk" is one of key terms in folklore. The notion of "folk" developed in the twentieth century as the discipline of folklore did. The change implied the intellectual's position on folk. Owing to different specific circumstances, the implication of "folk" varied.

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    An Exploration of the Relationship between Epistemology and Modernity
    2004, 36 (6):  78-85.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.009
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    The theme of this paper is about the interconnectedness between epistemology and modernity. It focuses on the following three aspects. First, the scientific revolution in the 17th century constituted an immediate background for the rise of epistemology as the first philosophy in modern times. Second, in contrast with theoretical reflections on human knowledge in ancient times, the modernity of epistemology as first philosophy is highlighted. Third, the epistemological tradition since Descartes and some core ideas of Western culture are in a complex relation of mutual support. The conclusion is that there is a deep and internal relationship between epistemology as first philosophy and modernity.

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    On Normativity of Modern Logic and Its Problems
    2004, 36 (6):  86-93.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.010
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    Modern logic takes the criterion of validity as the source of its normative effectiveness. In fact, this criterion is not an effective method for evaluations of arguments in natural language. Moreover, in the respect of how to deal with issues related to the world of life, the neutrality of subject-matter, the ideal of formalization, the close-world assumption and logical monism, presupposed by the criterion of validity, all have some theoretical deficiencies. Therefore, it is difficult for modern logic to have a fruitful effect on the construction of and criticism at modernity.

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    The Utopian "Negative Dialectics"——An Investigation and Reflection on the Chinese Intellectual Drive in the First Half of the 20th Century
    2004, 36 (6):  94-102.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.011
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    In the early part of the twentieth century the historical stage pose of the utopian public intellectual was a wonder in Chinese society and history. In the beginning it was a producer and supplier of utopian ideas, and later became a spokesman and defender of ideology. The modern Chinese intellectual transformation from its utopian discourses to ideological discourses meant a break of the humanistic Chinese intellectual "spectrum." In history Chinese humanistic intellectuals had been safeguards and expositors of social ultimate values and purposes. Today, the modern Chinese intellectual should reestablish a connection with history, returning to its tradition as a value bearer. It is requisite for it to realize three transformations: 1) the transformation from an enlightenment attitude to an educational attitude, 2) the transformation from a "center-frontier" consciousness to a "watcher" consciousness, 3) the transformation from an orientation of political power to an orientation of social public spheres.

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    The Marriage of Lower Strata: Between “Modern” and “Feudal”
    2004, 36 (6):  103-108.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.012
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    Since China's reform and opening up, people have gradually enjoyed a kind of “modern” marriage that involves various patterns from love to sex and to an extramarital affair. It seems to be a social advance. On the contrary, some of the subalterns still have their so-called feudal marriage such as marriage by exchange and marriage by purchase, which seems to be “backward” and “immoral.” In accordance with their states of existence, however, they tend to have no choice but the “feudal” marriage. One of their major moral aspects is “existence.”

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    Representations on the "Dirty Trousers"——The International Advertising Capital and the Remaking of Consumptive Ideology in Contemporary China
    2004, 36 (6):  109-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.013
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    By exploring how an international advertising company has transformed Fu Mingxia, a national heroine (an athlete receiving 4 Olympic gold medals), into an advertisement star, this paper deals with issues of how the consumptive ideology has been made in contemporary China and how international capital has taken part in the making of the ideology. The consumptive ideology has been taking a hegemonic position in current China. Its tough domination of our everyday life is calling for our immediate attention.

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