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    25 January 2003, Volume 35 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    To Understand DAI Zhen-A Discussion with Mr. QiAN Mu and Mr. YU Ying-shi
    Xin-sheng LU
    2003, 35 (1):  20-27, 41.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.007
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    There has been and still is a fever of study on DAI Zhen, which began from the early 20th century and remains as it is until now. DAI Zhen established a quite comprehensive and thoughtful system, expounding on his scholarship, methodology, teleology and criticisms at Song - Confucianism. QIAN Mu and YU Ying - shi are two important figures in the study of DAI Zhen, and their views have produced a wide influence at home and abroad. However, some of their conclusions are still open to fur- ther discussion.

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    Unexpected Results in Reorganizing Rural Communities——A Focus on the 1930's Rural Cooperative Movements in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces
    Quan-min ZHAO, Ping XIN
    2003, 35 (1):  34-41.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.009
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    The rural cooperative movement, first arising in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, was a socio - economic measure taken forcibly by the Nanjing government so as to reorganize rural society in the process of establishing a modern nation - state. With the development of such a movement from top to bottom, however, cooperative societies gradually came to be controlled by rural political powers and finally became landowners' and despotic gentry's tools of seeking profits. The causes for this not only lay in a close relation of the cooperative movement to the transformation of local political institutions, but also in an excessive dependence on the state administrative power (for example, its enforcement of the neighborhood administrative system). In the end the cooperative movement was not successful and drifted off the government's purpose of "saving the rural area" and "relieving peasantry". It exemplifies that the rural autonomy and the cultivation of ability in self - organization can only depend on farmers and their communities themselves instead of the government administrative power.

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    The Combination of Traditional Thoughts and Modern Values in the Perspective of the Principle of Autonomy
    Xiao-ming HU
    2003, 35 (1):  49-56, 63.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.011
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    Focusing on "autonomy" as a key category in modernity, this paper makes an intensive study of its definitions and confronted problems in the Chinese cultural and social context, and also makes an analysis of the issue of how " Chinese thoughts of autonomy" in tradition become intellectual resources. And by doing so, the author shows a good willingness to find a new approach to understand Western modernity.

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    The Self- Control over the Administrative Power
    Bao-ying GUAN
    2003, 35 (1):  64-71.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.013
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    Since the assertion of "the rule of law and building a socialist legal country" was written in the Constitution, the control over administrative power has become a hot issue in the circles of our administrative jurisprudence and in the practice of rule of administrative law. Most of scholars seem to inquire into the control theory of administrative power from the angle of external control. The external and himself - disciplined control is necessary, but it is passive and at dear cost. The autonomous self - control over administrative power, that is, internal control, is active and at low cost, which few scholars have studied systematically. Thereof, this article tries to make a systematic research on self - control over administrative power, including its legal significance, mechanisms, and its challenges to rule of administrative law.

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    A Reconsideration of Law Logos
    De-hai JIANG
    2003, 35 (1):  72-78.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.014
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    The rationalization of law is a constant tradition of Western law civilization since ancient Greece. With the universalization of the justice procedure principle in contemporary legal states and the questioning to the "member parole decay" about post- modern jurisprudence, the substantial logos advocated by the classical school of natural law is returning to a logos at a much higher level after the two challenges which appeared in the end of 19th century and in the second half of 20th century. The Marxist thoughts about the union of free persons and the emancipation of human beings, which is the banner for building our legal system, has deepened the law logos from the other side. The fundamental orientation of China's legal modernization is nothing but the rule of rationalized law, and its essence consists in realizing the rationalization of just procedure by means of setting up basic principles of law logos in the course of building our socialism with Chinese characteristics, thus embodying the great Marxist ideal of free human union and human emancipation.

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    The Initial Independence of the Genre of Storytellers' Scripts——An Examination of the Literary Genre of the Scripts of Qing Ping Shan Tang
    Qing-hua WANG
    2003, 35 (1):  98-104.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.018
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    This paper makes an analysis of the Scripts of Qing Ping Shan Tang, focusing on the o-ral literary character and folk character of the genre of the Song - Yuan storytellers' scripts and then on the literate genre of the early Ming modeled storytellers' novels. In this way the development and initial independence of the genre of storytellers' scripts may be observed.

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    A Written Conversation on Financial Competitions and Reforms under the Condition of Opening - up
    Qi-wu JIANG
    2003, 35 (1):  1-5.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.002
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    In the context of financial globalization and China's entry into the WTO, our country is stepping up its financial opening - up, since it is confronted with a much more complex, intense and competitive environment. How to deepen the reforms of our financial structure, system and institution and strengthen their competitive power so as to meet challenges and serve the economic development in a better level is indeed a current discussion topic for both intellectual and practical departments. In October 2002 Business College, East China Normal University, hosted a symposium of financial compedtions and reforms under the condition of opening - up, inviting many specialists and scholars at home to have a heated discussion about the topic. Here are published a group of articles, which are selected from some speeches at the conference and from some delivered treatises. Among them are: "The Situations and Their Tendencies Confronted by the New Phase of Financial Opening - up", by Professor JIANG Qi - wu, from the College of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University; "The Institutional Reform : A Key to Heighten Our Financial System's Competitive Power", by Professor PAN Ying - li, from the Business College, East China Normal University; "The Selection of the RMB Exchange Rate", by Professor ZHANG Zhi-chao, from the Business College, East China Normal University, "A Study of the Heightening of Our Banks' Competitive Power", by Professor DAI Guo - qiang, from the Finance College, Shanghai Finance University; "The Improvement of Management Structure in State - owned Banks", by Dr. FANG Xing - hai, deputy general manager of Shanghai Stock Exchange. All these five short but excellent articles have striking views, academic values and enlightening significance. It is hoped that they will result in a further profound research.

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    LÜ Si - mian and New Historiography in the Early 20th Century
    Geng-hua ZHANG
    2003, 35 (1):  28-33+121.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.008
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    The new historiography in the early period of the 20 century was a revolution of Chinese historiography in a true sense of "paradigm". As a path - breaker in this field, Lü Si - mian put his new historiography into practice and made great contributions in finding new approaches to historical materials, establishing a novel pattern for composing general history, and applying new theories in social sciences to historiography with a view to enrich methods of historiography.

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    The Local Autonomy and Its Legitimacy in Shanghai of the Late Qing Dynasty
    Song-qing ZHOU
    2003, 35 (1):  42-48.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.010
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    The local autonomy of Shanghai was a highlight of local political practice in the late Qing Dynasty. This paper discusses some legal resources of Shanghai autonomy from four parts that include public appealing, official support, good appearance, and election model. The autonomic appealing from civil gentry met with an official response and combined with each other, thus becoming initial legitimate resources of autonomy. The autonomic practice and the election model brought the public into line with autonomy and got their powerful support, thus becoming subsequent valid resources of Shanghai autonomy. Just due to the in - depth legal support, Shanghai autonomy got a power to balance the official influence.

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    The Nationalist Thought in the "Theory of New People
    Ya-qin CHEN
    2003, 35 (1):  57-63.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.012
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    As a political theory, nationalism views nation as the highest human group, which is different from cosmopolitanism advocating the "universal harmony in the world" and also from liberal individualism. It insists that the unification of a nation should be superior to democracy and liberty, and therefore, the individual should devote himself to his nation without any additional preconditions. All this is shown in LIANG Qi-chao's "Theory of New People". First, in IIANG's theory the "world group" is turned into the "nation group"; in other words, the relationship between group and individual in political ethics is virtually the one between public and individual. Second, his so - called liberty raises national liberty and meanwhile suppresses individual rights and personality. Through this case we can realize why Chinese nationalism, in the sense of feelings instead of politics, is short of the content of nationalism.

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    On the Standard of Compensation for Requisition of Land and Its Quantitative Method in Our Country
    Pei CUI
    2003, 35 (1):  79-82.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.015
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    There is a striking real contradiction of land compensation in our country's requisition of rural land. In the development process of our socialist market - economy structure the requisition of rural land should be carried out in accordance with the market principle of "exchange at equal value", and the compensation amount for the requisition of land should be subject to the normal market price of the land taken over. In accordance with the regional difference, local departments may adopt an incomplete monetary model, that is, a combination of money compensation and labor arrangement, or a complete monetary model. In the former the most appropriate accounting method for land compensation should be the income method through appraising real estate, and in the latter the market comparative method or the mock development method may be adopted.

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    The Macro - Assessment of the Intensive Use of Urban Land——A Case Study of Baotou City
    Bing-bing BAI, Shun CHENG, Lan-wei LI
    2003, 35 (1):  83-88, 124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.016
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    The macro - assessment is an analysis of the state of intensive use of urban land and its potential tendency on the whole, and it has a non - fungible specialty in the assessment of a good or bad structure of urban land use. It is a basis of medium or micro assessment. The general paradigm of macro - assessment of urban land use is involved in setting up an assessment index system covering spatial arrangement of urban land, degree of utility, use efficiency, etc., discovering the difference in use efficiency of urban land through a comparison of cities, and advancing some approaches and measures in further raising use efficiency of urban land.

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    The Gender Move and the Reconstruction of Shanghai Floating Space
    Gang LUO
    2003, 35 (1):  89-97.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.017
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    Through a discussion and analysis of some specific cases and introducing a special historical situation and spatial dimension, this paper makes an attempt to discover a complicated relationship between the "gender move and the formation of urban floating space in the context of the course of Shanghai's urbanization.

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    The Language Intuition as the Unconsciousness of Language
    Da-wei LIU
    2003, 35 (1):  105-112.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.019
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    With the deepening of language teaching reforms the concept of language intuition is becoming more and more important to us. But so far we still have not had a satisfying theoretical definition and demonstration as to it. Starting from the opposition between conscious and unconscious mentality that is caused by the formation of language, this paper argues that unconscious mentality has an indispensable important role in activities of the whole human mind, demonstrates that language intuition is nothing but our unconsciousness of language, and explores further those expressions of intuition in students' linguistic competence and language learning.

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    On the Category of Animacy
    Jue WANG
    2003, 35 (1):  113-119.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2003.01.020
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    The category of animacy is here discussed from three aspects. The first is something about animacy in the objective world. The second is the animacy category in linguistics. And the third is the meaning structure of animate words.

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