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    15 May 2015, Volume 47 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    An Interpretation of Zhuangzi’s Qiwulun
    YANG Guo-rong
    2015, 47 (3):  1-25.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.001
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    Qiwulun, i.e., Zhuangzi Chapter 2 explores into the issue of equality. Logically speaking, “qiwulun” means “qiwu-lun”, that is, a doctrine of the equality of things on the one hand, and “qi-wulun”, that is, the equality of views of things on the other. As a doctrine of the equality of things, qiwu-lun holds that the equalization of things with differentiation is possible in treating all things in the world in spite of the variety of their appearance. In “qi-wulun”,“wulun”refers to different views of things in particular and all debates of rightness and wrongness in general. From the perspective of qi, i.e., equality, “qiwulun” demands to overcome both the differentiation of beings and the debates of rightness and wrongness in the realm of idea. Philosophically speaking, Zhuangzi does have his insights when he advocates to achieve the unified being from the perspective of the dao and to overcome the state that “the comprehension of the dao is sundered in pieces under the heaven”. However, as far as reality is concerned, besides the dimension of correlation and unity, the world contains the dimension of variety and differentiation: “Things are not equal- this is the fact of things.” The denial and rejection of differentiation and distinction will inevitably lead to an abstract understanding of being. The equalization of things with differentiation will also easily result in a speculative metaphysics which is distant from actual and concrete beings. The coexistence of the perspective of the dao and the abstract equalization brings Zhuangzi’s “qiwulun” complicated theoretical implications.
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    Synergistic Governance of Social Credit: Institute, Technology and Culture
    CHENG Min-xuan & LI Xiao-hong
    2015, 47 (3):  26-31.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.002
    Abstract ( 384 )   HTML ( 16 )   PDF (981KB) ( 998 )   Save
    Institute, technology and culture are indispensable parts for social credit governance. In this paper, institute is generally referred to those about credit. Technology is the technological factors for social credit governance which is also called social system in narrow sense. Culture is to cultivate credit culture. In what extent a state or area’s credit governance will be, which is determined by the extent of institute and technology as well as culture’s synergistic governance can reach to .Perfect institute and technology is aimed to strengthen external bounds of social credit governance while cultivating culture is paid attention to develop internal bounds of credit main bodies. With the synergistic governance of the three, rational credit and honesty credit can exist together. And with credit culture’s invisible effecting, honesty credit will be strengthened gradually. Only with the synergy of the three can social credit governance touch the degree of synergistic governance, as well good credit order may be developed and sustained.
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    On the Reconstruction of Ecological Tibetan Cultural Landscapes in Nalang
    FAN Chang-feng
    2015, 47 (3):  32-40.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.003
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    Who are producing space, portraying landscape? And for whom? From the perspective of anthropology and new cultural geography, this paper investigates the crises, ruins, memory and reconstruction of cultural landscapes of Tibetan villages in Nalang in the northeastern Tibet Plateau in China. It finds out the appeal to cultural identity construction and power shifting to lower levels is concealed under the veil of landscapes. Collective memory plays an important role in the reconstruction of cultural space and memory selecting is a dynamic process which creates meanings for the present. The reconstruction of cultural space is more than the renovation and repair of visible geometric figures. More importantly, it means the renovation of local sense of belonging, values, order and power, as well as the space of local organizations, in which symbolic resources are invisible systems of meanings. From the perspective of cultural anthropology, those who master the past control the future and those who own landscapes have a stage to deliver discourse.
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    An Legal-historical Examination of Patent Pool, Competition Restraint and Antitrust Regulations: A Case Study on Germany before and after the First World War
    ZHANG Chen-guo
    2015, 47 (3):  41-47.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.004
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    The overlapping area of patent law and competition law, especially the subject matter of regulation against the abuse of patent rights in the form of patent pool by means of competition law, constitutes a key issue for the intellectual property law research in China. Based on China’s current legal and social context of patent fever, the transformation of the patent law, the enforcement of antitrust law fine-tuning, and competition policy re-balancing, this thesis adopts a legal-historical approach to examine the model of Germany before and after the First World War comparable to the present state of China. It studies the historical origin of the subject matter in the German context, analyzes the formulation and enforcement of the antitrust policy regarding patent pool under certain macroeconomic background and concludes the pros and cons for the related theoretical research and the definition of regulative approach concerning the subject matter in China.
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    On the Illegal Absorption of Public-savings: Thinking from Securities Regulation
    Liu Xinmin
    2015, 47 (3):  48-56.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.005
    Abstract ( 393 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF (1595KB) ( 952 )   Save
    The article 176 of Criminal Law of P. R. C. (Amendment VIII) regulates the crime of the illegal absorption of public-savings, but the high-pressure attacks always produce an undesired performance. This paper argues that we shall take the so-called illegal absorption of public-savings as a new kind of securities which meets the “investment contract” features and hence put it into the scope of regulation of Securities Law of the P. R. C. (revised in 2014). At current stage, the practical approach is to expressly provide the standard for “other securities approved by the State Council” and use administrative power to promote market innovation. We shall strengthen civil liability for the protection of public investors to regulate the illegal absorption of public-savings.
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    On the Perfecting of the Compulsive Isolated Drug Rehabilitation in China—— from the Comparative Perspective
    WANG rui-shan
    2015, 47 (3):  57-62.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.006
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    Although, the new ideas of the drug rehabilitation have been established in the Drug Law, but there are some problems in the compulsive isolated drug rehabilitation, such as the compulsive isolated drug abuse treatment place in the charge of the public security department do not help the clients, and the drug abuse treatment assumed partly by the public security department and the Justice Bureau type is resource-wasting, and the drug rehabilitation organ evaluating its own is unfair, and the facilities in the drug rehabilitation places is not enough for its goal, etc.. There are some advices as follows by referencing the the California Rehabilitation Center. Firstly, the government cancels the compulsive isolated drug rehabilitation place in the charge of the public security department. Secondly, the place increases the medical conditions and other facilities. Thirdly, the government build the third-part drug test authority.
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    On the Crisis of Korean Peninsula in Middle-late 1960s
    DENG Feng
    2015, 47 (3):  63-75.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.007
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    After Chinese People’s Volunteer Army returned to China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) took this opportunity to initiate the peaceful unification of the peninsula, aiming to alleviate its tension with the U.S. However, the U.S. implemented the policy of “hostility, restriction and non-contact” in its “asymmetric relationship” with DPRK, gave up the peaceful unification of DPRK guided by South Korea, maintained the separation of the peninsula and handicapped the development of DPRK by strengthening the power of South Korea. This brought a serious crisis to Korea Peninsula in middle-late 1960s. Especially, due to Johnson Administration’s promotion of the normalization of the relations between South Korea and Japan, the alliance of the U.S., Japan and South Korea made a considerable threat to the national security of DPRK. In addition, Kim Il Sung attempted to unify the peninsula in a way of Vietnamese Reform. As a result, constant mild conflicts occurred between DPRK and South Korea and the tension in the peninsula was intensified. However, the U.S. excerted contradictory policies: on the one hand, it prevented South Korea from attacking DPRK for the stability of the peninsula because of its involvement in Vietnamese War; on the other hand, it increased to a great extent its military aids to South Korea, which intensified the rivalry of South Korea objectively. Therefore, the alliance of the U.S. and South Korea was a great hindrance that prevented the alleviation of the crisis of Korea Peninsula. The U.S. had limited choice when handling the crisis, so it was inevitable that its policies towards the peninsula came into a dilemma.
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    Heated Exchanges on European Collective Security between the United States and the Soviet Union, 1954-1957
    Liu Kui
    2015, 47 (3):  76-86.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.008
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    It was the first time for the Soviet Union to propose formally the proposal of establishing the European Collective Security System at the Berlin Four-power Talks of Foreign Ministers on Feb 10th. 1954. After that, the problem of European collective security had become one of the foci for a long time until the burst of the dispute on the Berlin Issue between America and the Soviet Union in 1958. According to relevant archives, it is easy to find the basic difference between America and the Soviet Union on it. The Soviet Union wanted to establish the European Collective Security System and detoured the dispute of the German Issue between the West and the East for achieving more purposes such as stabilizing the division of Germany and Europe which was good for the controlling of its zone in Europe, weakening the West alliance and excluding the American troop from Europe and so on. America stood for some point of view that Germany must reunify in the free elections firstly then considered the problem of European Security, reunified Germany must join the NATO, and it objected the Soviet suggestion of setting up the system of European Collective Security which would weaken the force of the West alliance. For the sake of the immense divergence, the Soviet Union and America were unable to agree on each other’s viewpoint on European Collective Security at the Berlin Four-power Talks of Foreign Ministers and subsequent conferences. This paper argues that there are two main reasons about this, one is that these two countries didn’t truly quit the containment policy which was based on the power, the second is that it was hard to form consensus on European collective security between these two countries due to divergences over the German question, especially different ideas which they had on the sequence of solving the German Issue and European collective security.
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    On the Making of the British Communist Party’s Crisis of 1956
    CHU Qing-dong
    2015, 47 (3):  87-94.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.009
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    The Crisis of 1956 was the most serious and critical situation the Party was in since its foundation. The making of the crisis attributed to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Secret Report, and Hungarian Revolution, etc. As the members of the British Communist Party got to know the contents of the Secret Report, the Communist Party’s Historians’ Group emerged as the nucleus of vocal opposition to the Party. However, in order to keep the cooperation between international communism and the Party, the leadership of the British Communist Party suppressed free and public discussion on the questions raised by the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This caused the dissatisfaction and ‘rebellion’ of the communist intellectuals. What’s worse, British Communist Party supported the Soviet Union’s army to invade Hungary, while the communist intellectuals required the Party to cut clear line with Soviet Union. With the leave of many members and intellectuals during the fierce competition, the Party suffered from the Crisis of 1956.
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    Research on Coordination Development of Shanghai Urban Recreationalization
    Lou Jia Jun, Li Limei, Xu Peng
    2015, 47 (3):  95-101.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.010
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    Urban recreationalization is a form of urban development in the post industrial era. The level of urban recreationalization is the result of coordinated development of leisure-related elements. Constructing an evaluation index system and model, this paper analyzes the process and characterizes of Shanghai urban recreationalization coordinated development in the period of 1978-2013. The results suggest: first, Shanghai urban recreationalization see four stages from low to high coordinated since the reform and opening up; second, leisure industry and consumption are the important factors in promoting coordination development; third, the rapid growth of leisure consumption reflects the feature of urban recreationalization to improve living standards as the fundamental point.
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    An empirical study on the relationship between tourism development and economic growth—a panel data analysis of the EU case
    CHEN Xiao-jing
    2015, 47 (3):  102-109.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.011
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    This paper applies the heterogeneous panel conintegration technique to investigate the causal relationship between tourism development and economic growth for EU countries (including EU 15 and EU 12) for the time period of 1996-2011. After allowing for the heterogeneous country effect, a conintegrated relationship between tourism development and GDP is substantial. It is also determined that from the long time effect perspective, there exist bidirectional causality between tourism development and economic growth in both EU 15 and EU 12; this is also the case in EU 15 from a short time effect perspective but only unidirectional causality in EU 12. This has been reproved from the country groups divided according to geographic factors. These empirical findings have great policy implications.
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    The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Productivity Rate: An Empirical Study based on the Industrial Data of China
    ZHANG Tao & YAN Su & CHEN Ti-biao
    2015, 47 (3):  110-118.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.012
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    This paper incorporates the market structure measured by HHI into the analysis of the effect of real exchange rate fluctuations on firm productivity rate. Using panel data for empirical analysis, we find three main conclusions. Firstly, real exchange rate appreciation has a significantly negative effect on all types of firms. Secondly, real exchange rate appreciation significantly improves the productivity of non-export firms in less-competitive industries, but it decreases the productivity of firms involved in export, the extent to which is positively related to the industry HHI and the level of export dependence.
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    The relationship between knowledge management, organizational learning, innovation and core competencies
    Lingfeng Yi,Shuo Ouyang, Minghui Liang
    2015, 47 (3):  119-124.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.013
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    With the method of cross sectional study, we conducted a questionnaire survey among 406 organizations. Then, using multiple regression analysis and path analysis to study the internal relations among knowledge management, organizational learning, innovation and core competence, which can provide a theoretical basis and practical reference for the organization to maintain and enhance the core competence. The results show that: (1) knowledge management has significant regression effect on organizational learning, innovation and core competence, and the regression effect of organizational learning on innovation and core competence is also remarkable. (2) “Tacit knowledge creation” in knowledge management significantly affects the organizational learning, innovation and core competence, while the regression effect of "knowledge transfer and sharing" on the above variables are not significant. (3) Except “shared vision”, each factor of Organizational learning has significant regression effect on innovation and core competence. (4) Organizational learning has an indirect influence on core competence. Knowledge management has both direct and indirect influence on core competence .The following conclusions have been founded that: Tacit knowledge creation is the core content of knowledge management, and an important source of organizational core competence. Organization should not only attach importance to strengthen the knowledge management itself to enhance the core competence, but also pay attention to the integration of knowledge management and organizational learning. Taking advantage of organizational innovation to indirectly promote the core competence of the organization.
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    The Model of Chain Aktionsart: a New Model to Explain the Aktionsart Structure of Verb
    ZUO Si-min
    2015, 47 (3):  125-136.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.014
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    After analyzing some disadvantages of the two usually applied models of mono aktionsart and double aktionsart, this paper suggests the model of chain aktionsart as a new model to depict the aktionsart structure of verb. The new model is discussed by means of analyzing some verbs and some relevant problems. As an explanatory theoretical construct, the model of chain aktionsart is founded on the idea that different types of aktionsart contained in a verb generally reflects different links (sub-events) of an event chain. The model can be formulated as ‘activity —→ transition —→ state’, or as ‘V: 【activity】, 【transition】, 【state】’ in analyzing the aktionsart structure of a specific verb. The model of chain aktionsart can be applied to a verb with double or mono aktionsart.
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    The Linguistic Category of Quantity and the Quantity Category System in Chinese
    ZHAO Guo-jun
    2015, 47 (3):  137-145.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.015
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    Quantity is a linguistic category about the size, scope and degree of things, events, properties or state of something. And the quantity categories in a language constitute a system. The Chinese one is made of two subsystems: type system and value system. While the value system can be divided into linguistic quantity and substantial quantity in terms with whether the reference of the forms is within or out of the language sign system, the linguistic quantity includes mood quantity and affection quantity. The substantial quantity falls into two subcategories: the basic and the derived, with the latter formed by adding some parameters to the former. And the value system mainly refers to the value, limit, ratio, or order of values. A certain quantity can be defined by its type and value.
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    On the Study about the Structural Elements of the Sentence Pattern “A ye bushi(也不是), B ye bushi(也不是)” and Its Creation Mechanism
    Shi Hui-min&WangXiao-xu
    2015, 47 (3):  146-151.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.016
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    “A ye bushi(也不是), B ye bushi(也不是)” is a widely used sentence pattern in modern spoken Chinese. This sentence pattern has a simple structure and a fixed construction meaning. The former part and the latter part of the sentence pattern represent symmetry and cohesion. This paper intends to give this sentence pattern an intensive analysis, including structure, meaning and function. A description will also be given of the emergence and development process from the diachronic aspect, trying to use Cognitive Linguistic theories to explain the mechanism of the sentence pattern’s creation and evolution.
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    Preface to Commentary on Shijiazhai Yangxinlu
    CHENG Yu-hei
    2015, 47 (3):  152-162.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.017
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    QIAN Da-xin’s Shijiazhai Yangxinlu has always been highly respected. It has been even regarded by modern scholars as the best among the Qing academic biji (a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches). However, nobody has written commentaries on this remarkable work in spite of quite a number of collations. Trying to fill in the gap, this paper makes commentaries on this book. The commentaries consist in seven categories as follows: (1) tracing back to the provenance, that is, to find out the sources of QIAN’s views; (2) rectifying the faults, that is, to correct his errors wherever detected; (3) filling in the deficiencies, that is, to make complete his explanations which are insufficient; (4) solving the puzzles, that is, to expound his ideas which may cause doubt; (5) elaborating on the right, that is, to make clear that for which his views are correct while his opponents’ are not; (6) investigating the raison d’être, that is, to probe into the reason where QIAN only indicates the facts; (7) making a hypothesis, that is, to suggest the grounds wherever he arrives at a certain conclusion with no proof. This serves the preface.
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    Comments on the Seminar of “Local Consciousness and National Identity since the Ming and Qing Dynasties”
    YU Hai-bing
    2015, 47 (3):  163-166.  doi: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.018
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    Research of locality has become a heated topic in the academic circle. The Seminar of “Local Consciousness and National Identity since the Ming and Qing Dynasties” is aimed to examine the relationship between local consciousness and national identity from the perspective of national construction, carry out cross-field dialogues in terms of historical anthropology, social history, political history, history of ideas, and study on intellectuals, and explore the historical process of national construction and national identity of modern China via different approaches and subjects. Participants in the seminar mainly discusses the issues such as what is “locality”, whose “locality”, what kind of “China”, and what is “China”. Firstly, with varied connotations and denotations, “locality” can mean an administrative region, a geographical or a cultural space. It’s a dynamic notion covering countries, counties, provinces as well as south, north, northeast, and northwest regions. Secondly, the historical subjects who take part in the construction of local consciousness and national identity are diverse, so the imagined “China” varies from the intellectual elite and institutional culture at the national level to the religion experts and social organizations at the local level, and from the border of China to the external world. Finally, scholars heatedly discussed the identity behind the diversity of “locality” and many issues such as when and how China became a nation-state from multi-perspectives of the relationships between locality and nation, race and nationality, tax system, protocol and religions, war and industrial capitalism. The variety will not hinder our understanding of “China”; rather, it is the premise and beginning of our understanding.
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