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    15 March 2017, Volume 49 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    “Guarding against and Eliminating Traitors” in Each Recovered Province during the Revolution of 1911: A Case Study of Shanghai Military Command
    SANG Bing
    2017, 49 (2):  1-16.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.001
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    It was an important task to guard against and eliminate traitors in each recovered province during the Revolution of 1911. Due to some hearsay, media reports, the defamation of and people who had ulterior motives, and the fact that treason was a political rather than legal term, the issue of traitors appeared to be disordered in spite of the fact that the range of traitors had been substantially narrowed at that time. As a matter of fact, both the military political power in each province, including Shanghai Military Command, and Nanjing Provisional Government made great efforts to achieve a balance between keeping the stability of political power and building a civilized image. Excessive capturing and slaughtering was effectively avoid thanks to the practice of separating the reconnaissance agency and law enforcement agency, and seriously treating the accusation of traitors. However, in a changeable political climate, it had been frequently witnessed that a former traitor became a founder of the Republic once the standards for treason changed. Causing disharmony among recovered provincial governments and serious divergences between leaders and grass roots, this brought a great challenge to the political ethics of the revolutionary party. keywords: traitors to China, the Revolution of 1911, recovered political powers, Shanghai Military Command

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    A Temple of Zen Buddhism or Martial Arts?: On the Superimposed Memories of “Southern Shaolin Temple” in Fujian
    CHEN Jin-guo
    2017, 49 (2):  35-47.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.003
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    In recent decades, arguments on the site of "Southern Shaolin Temple" in Fujian have never been ceased, and many areas have even fought over the cultural legacy of the temple. These arguments involves how to deal with the superimposed or eliminated social historical memories and the reconstruction of local history. This paper explores the superimposed memories of "Shaolin Temple" as a temple of Zen Buddhism and "Southern Shaolin Temple" as a temple of martial arts. This also helps deliberate upon the imagination of the nation and the pathetic historical view deeply rooted in the cultural memories of Shaolin Temple in Fujian. Beginning from a pagoda epigraph, this paper reveals why the historical memory of "Shaolin Temple" "inheriting Zen Buddhist Master Huang-nie" was consciously or unconsciously erased, while the tragic complex of fighting against "Japanese pirates" and the "Qing Dynasty" accumulated in the legend of "martial arts" in "Southern Shaolin Temple" has become today's "historical fact" after it was emphasized repeatedly. The reconstruction of the concept of "Southern Shaolin Temple" today shows that the superimposition is typical in social memories, collective memories and historical memories. When social memories are conveyed, preserved and constructed through various "social texts" such as historical literatures, myths and legendaries, activities and rituals, religious texts, art works and cultural landscapes, different kinds of memories, including those of individuals, groups, history and regions, will be selected and integrated into new superimposed memories, which serve as the basis of the construction of social, cultural, group and regional identities.
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    Global Religious Transformation and Chinese Community: Secularization, Religionization, Rationalization and Embodiment
    Robert Paul Weller
    2017, 49 (2):  48-55.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.004
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    This paper discusses four of the most important global trends as they were accommodated, adjusted, and transformed on both sides of the Taiwan Strait: the removal of religion from politics(secularization), the attempt to confine it to a purely religious sphere(religionization), the increased interest in textual authority and religious self-consciousness(rationalization), and an increase in the direct physical manifestations of belief through unmediated physical experience(embodiment).The current similarities show the relative importance of shared cultural traditions and share global influences over differing forms of political control. Nevertheless, some significant differences have also appeared in the religious ecology of the two places, especially in the relative importance of local temple worship, Buddhism, and Christianity. One result is that Taiwan's adaption to global religious change has had much stronger indigenous Chinese roots than we see on the mainland.

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    Catholicism in Local Tibetan Society in Western Yunnan: Religion as a Social Classification System and the Practice of Life “Order” in Village
    HU Meng-yin, HUANG Jian-bo
    2017, 49 (2):  56-65.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.005
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    With an anthropological observation, this paper examines Catholicism in a Chinese Tibetan village, Cizhong in Yunan Province. Catholicism, together with Tibetan Buddhism as another local religion, not only plays a role of a "religion" but also a social classification system in the village. These two different religions become standards for social classification, so that a new order is established to maintain the stability of public life in the village. Indicating an integrating process of a heterogeneous society, the religious social classification system and the historical narrative of the village that ensure the whole village is the "subject" in public affairs.

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    The Evolution of the Official Position of Prince's Zhongshuzi and the Formation of the Eastern Palace Affiliated Bureau in the Han, Jin and Southern Dynasties
    LIU Ya-jun
    2017, 49 (2):  66-72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.006
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    In the servant official system of the Eastern Palace in Han, Jin and Southern Dynasties, prince's Zhongshuzi was always the highest in rank. "Officials and Courtiers Table" in The History of the Han Dynasty has forgotten to record Zhongshuzi. During the period of Emperors Xuan, Yuan and Cheng in the Western Han Dynasty, Zhongshuzi was gradually transformed from a personal follower of the prince to an official title, a "position close to the prince" and in the same rank with "Shizhong". In the Jin Dynasty, it was clearer that Zhongshuzi was "appointed by the Court" and its power of dissuading the prince was strengthened. Managing "Fang", the "affiliated bureau" of the Eastern Palace, Zhongshuzi has three main functions and powers, that is, "following and assisting the prince, especially reminding him to deport himself in a dignified manner while receiving visitors", "pointing out the mistakes and making suggestions to the prince", and "handling state affairs and official documents". Regarding "handling state affairs and official documents", the power of Zhongshuzi was extended to have supervising authority to other officials in the Eastern Palace with its institutional classification by setting positions such as state affairs reporter in the bureau, reporting servant. During the period of the Kingdom of Song in the Southern Dynasties, it was regular that the Left and Right Guarding Generals took charge of Zhongshuzi as their additional post, revealing that the succession of the throne was attached great importance when the imperial power was once restored in the Southern Dynasties. However, during the period of the Kingdom of Liang in the Southern Dynasties, there was no specific rule about who took charge of Zhongshuzi full-timely or part-timely, showing that the independence of the position of Zhongshuzi was strengthened again. The reason was that the prince had governed the state for a long time and depended on the "documents managed by the Eastern Palace" in the late years of Emperor Wu in the Kingdom of Liang.
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    Inscriptions on Bricks in the Cemetery Built in the Jin Dynasty in Longkou and the Situation in the Qing-qi Area in the 20th Year of Emperor Taiyuan's Reign
    WEI Bin
    2017, 49 (2):  73-78.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.007
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    The situation in the Qing-qi area in the age when the states of Eastern Jin and Later Yan were in confrontation has never been figured out due to the lack of historical materials. The unearthed inscribed bricks from the cemetery of the Jin Dynasty in East Wutong village, Longkou City in 2007 provides an important new clue, which shows that it is incorrect to include the whole region of Qing-qi in the "Map of the State of Yan 10 years after it was founded" in Vol.Ⅴ of Chinese Historical Atlas, for the most part of Qing-qi was under the power of BI Lv-hun, who was a loyalist to Eastern Jin at that time. The cemetery in East Wutong is a family cemetery comprised of two tombs built in the Western Jin Dynasty and another two in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which shows the long-lasting power of local aristocrats. In spite of the continuous migration southwards from Hebei province after Yongjia Chaos, the aristocrats in Qing-qi had not lost their political power in local society until the Southern Yan ruled the area. Due to the geographical factors, the west part of Qing-qi, together with Linzi and Guanggu, was influenced by Hebei migrants, whereas its east part kept "indigenous". We should pay keen attention to the differences in the region when studying the history of Qing-qi in the 4th and 5th centuries.
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    On the Faith in Nryana in the Weijin, Sui and Tang Dynasties
    YAO Xiao-dong
    2017, 49 (2):  79-88.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.008
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    In early Indian mythology, Nryana was the son of Purusha Nara. In later Brahmanism, especially in the texts of Vaishnava,Nryana gradually became identical with Visnu-Krsna. After the rising of Buddhism,Visnu(Nryana),as one of the three main gods in Brahmanism,was “ absorbed”as a guardian of Buddhism. In some Chinese sutras,“ Nryana”has been translated as “ Vajra Giant”or “ Hooklock Giant”and used to refer to Buddha or Bodhisattva. It was very common for people had faith in Nryana in the Weijin, Sui and Tang Dynasties in China. To get the supernatural force of Nryana, people conducted religious behaviors such as practicing the esoteric teachings of Nryana,using Nryana as their religious names,going on a pilgrimage to the holy site of Nryana Cave and making statues of Nryana.
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    The Formation and Development of the Idea of Parallel Prose as Practical Writing in the Song Dynasty
    ZHOU Jian-zhi
    2017, 49 (2):  90-98.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.009
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    The idea of parallel prose(pianwen) as practical writing was so highlighted that it became the fundamental understanding in the Song Dynasty. Consequently, the separation between practical writing and others became clear, so that the former adopt the parallel style while the latter the free style. The evaluation of "practical" parallel prose was diversified, some considering it as useful while others useless. Only focusing on the idea of parallel prose as "practical" writing can we deepen the research of parallel prose in the Song Dynasty since the word "practical" was essential to the understanding and evaluation of parallel prose in the Song Dynasty.
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    The Anxiety Concerning “Immortality”: On OUYANG Xiu's Epigraphy Activities from the Perspective of Intellectual History
    XIE Yan
    2017, 49 (2):  99-106.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.010
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    Performing epigraphy activities was a powerful way to realize their dream of being "immortal" for ancient Chinese people. In his epigraphy activities, OUYANG Xiu demonstrated his extraordinary anxiety concerning "immortality". With great enthusiasm, OUYANG compiled Records of Ancient Inscriptions(Jigu lu), wrote lots of epigraphs for the departed, and composed articles and engraved them on the stones for local officials. However, from time to time, he showed his sensibility and anxiety about "vanishing" and "fading away" of life and things, which reflected the negative impact of the failure of political reform during Emperor Qingli's reign and the shifting system of local officials. OUYANG's mentalities were shared by many scholar-officials who engaged in similar activities during Emperor Renzong's reign. The anxiety concerning "immortality", as well as its manifestation, was intellectually symptomatic in the sense of reflecting the process toward maturity of the new class in the period of social transformation.
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    Seeking for the Implication of Praise or Censure just from Literal Meaning: On the Characteristics of OUYANG Xiu's Study of Chunqiu from the Perspective of Yuyi Records
    CHENG Wei
    2017, 49 (2):  107-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.011
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    When he was exiled as the county magistrate of Yiling, OUYANG Xiu recorded his trip to Yiling in one volume of Yuyi Records(Records on Service). This book, for the first time, expressed his understanding of two purposes of the "writing styles of Chunqiu(Spring and Autumn Annals)": literally recording actual events and making praise or censure. While the latter was the consensus among the scholars of Chunqiu, the former was quite innovative. It is of great significance in the history of Confucian classics studies since it revealed OUYANG's efforts to reestablish objective criteria of interpreting Confucian classics in the new academic trend of "following the classics directly after abandoning traditional annotations" since the Mid-Tang Dynasty. Yuyi Records is unique, in which OUYANG made an innovative writing practice by adopting the "writing styles of Chunqiu" to record his own experience.
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    The Regrets of a Southern Song Dynasty Loyalist: CAI Zheng-sun's Poetic Activities in the Song-Yuan Transition
    BIAN Dong-bo
    2017, 49 (2):  116-124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.012
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    The Song-Yuan transition constituted a great turbulence in Chinese history, in which nomadic people gained the rulership of the whole of China for the first time on the one hand and a large community of loyalists to the subjugated reign appeared for the first time in China's history on the other. Studying oversea Chinese texts, this paper reveals the "great history" of a "nobody" in restoring a Southern Song Dynasty loyalist CAI Zheng-sun's poetic activities after the Southern Song Dynasty was subjugated. Born in Jian'an, Fujian, CAI lived over ten years in Hangzhou in his youth and returned to his hometown after the collapse of the Southern Song Dynasty. Being congenial to the loyalists to the Southern Song Dynasty in the south, CAI organized a poetry club with loyalists and compiled three poetic works: Numerous Records of the Poetic Circle, On the Rules of Lianzhu Poetry from Thousands of Poets in the Tang and Song Dynasties, The Elaborate Edition and Supplement Annotation on SU Shi's Poems Echoing TAO Yuan-ming. CAI admired TAO Yuan-ming, refused to use the title of Yuan emperor's reign, regarded himself as a man of Song and insisted on his cultural identity.
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    Russia and the West: The Path Choice of Russian Foreign Policy in the Past 30 Years
    LIU Jun
    2017, 49 (2):  125-131.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.013
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    Since the mid-1980s, Russia has experienced repeated setbacks with the diplomacy of "going west". The results of Gorbachev's "new thinking" were the collapse of the Soviet Union as well as the decline and fall of the Soviet Communist Party. Yeltsin's diplomatic strategy was "leaning to one-side", which was leaning towards the Western countries headed by the United States. However, this could not win Americans' trust. With the expansion of NATO and the breakout of Kosovo war, Russia-US relations hit the rock bottom. Putin tried to take advantage of the September 11 attacks to move closer to the West. After a short term of Russia's return to the Western society, Russia and America ended in confrontation after the war between Russia and Georgia. The Ukraine crisis in 2014 resulted in Russia's annexation of Crimea, but Russia was beset with difficulties and troubles both at home and abroad due to the sanctions imposed by United States and Europe. By this time, the relation between Russia and the West has undergone a fundamental change, marking the end of Russian foreign policy of going west.
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    History, Historical Views and Russian Politics in the Past 30 Years
    ZHANG Shu-hua
    2017, 49 (2):  132-140.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.014
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    History is closely related to the destiny of a nation and a ruling party. The incorrect view of history was the intellectual cause of the failure of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union(CPSU). Since the 20th National Congress of CPSU, Soviet society had incubated the intellectual trend of historical nihilism under historical reflection, which was activated and spread widely after Gorbachev's promotion of "democratization and transparency". This led to the intellectual chaos in the society, the intellectual dissolution and finally the historical trial of CPSU. Russian leaders' endeavor to get out of the "historical perplexity" and the "intellectual and political trap" in recent years also demonstrates the importance of history and historical views.
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    Does the Optimization Effect of Technical Structure Exist?Empirical Evidence from Regions and Industries
    DONG Zhi-qing, JIAO Cui-hong
    2017, 49 (2):  141-154.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.015
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    From the perspective of the New Structural Economics, this paper constructs a neoclassical economic growth structure model by introducing technology structure into the aggregate production function with reference to Chinese provincial and industrial panel data from 1999—2013. We examine the suitability and optimization effect of technical structure in different industries and regions of China, predict the optimal path of industrial technology structure and explore the impact of the deviation from the optimal technical structure on the economic growth and technological progress. The result shows that industrial productivity has a polarization trend, and most of the industries are still gathered in the lower level of productivity, and technological progress, technical contribution and the growth rate of the contribution exist some potential. Moreover, there is the reasonable technical structure for different industries and regions, and the deviation from the optimal industrial structure has significantly inhibited the economic growth and technological progress in the middle and western regions. This means that they have great potential for restructuring their industrial technology structure. However, industrial technology structure optimization shall lift the rate of technological progress in the middle regions while raise economic growth rates in the western.

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    Political Risks, Free Trade Environment and the Geographical Layout of China's OFDI: A Comparative Analysis Based on the Central and Local Enterprises
    XU Shi-teng, CHEN You-zhi
    2017, 49 (2):  155-162.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.016
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    Aiming at the increasing OFDI(Outward Foreign Direct Investment) of Chinese enterprises in recent years, this paper explores the geographical layout of OFDI from the perspective of central and local enterprises quantitatively. The study indicates that bilateral free trade agreements and investment agreements significantly promote China firms' OFDI. The central enterprises have more tendency to make OFDI in the higher-risk countries or regions than local enterprises. Both the market and resource factors have significant impact on the local enterprises' OFDI. China should speed up the free trade agreements and investment treaty negotiations with other countries, focus on the political risks of OFDI, and support and guide the local enterprises' OFDI.

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    Will the New Executive Get Higher Compensation?: From the Empirical Evidence of Peer Reference Effect
    YANG Rong, LUO Kun
    2017, 49 (2):  163-172.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.017
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    Based on the institutional environment of China, this paper uses the 2008—2014 data of China's A-share listed companies to explore how to adjust its executive compensation contract and whether the company will promote the growth of executive compensation. We find out that there is a peer reference effect in the contracts of executive compensation, the new executives positively associates with executive compensation growth, and the company which has a new executive event will tend to use the peer reference effect to improve the level of executive compensation. Moreover, this tendency is stronger when the new executives come from outside and the former executives are abnormal turnover. The research of this paper is of great theoretical and practical significance to providing reference for the reform of the state-owned enterprise executives, and to deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises.

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    Internal Control and Corporate Performance: Industry Clustering Analysis and An Empirical Test Based on Chinese Listed Companies
    HUANG Xiao-lin, CHEN Guan-ting
    2017, 49 (2):  173-180.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.018
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    Based on the 12625 observations of the listed companies in China, this paper examines the relationship between internal control and corporate performance in accordance with the overall samples and industry samples. We find that there is a positive correlation between internal control and corporate performance in the overall listed companies and various industries samples. However, the impact of internal control on corporate performance is different in various industries: the impact is significantly stronger in the technology-intensive and labor-intensive industry than in the capital-intensive industry. Therefore, we suggest that policy makers should expand the scope of implementation of internal control standards, gradually promote the implementation of internal control standard in the SME board, GEM listed companies and large and medium-sized unlisted enterprises, and develop internal control guidelines for related industries when it is necessary. In addition, we suggest that the capital-intensive corporate management should establish an adaptive internal control system according to the characteristics of the internal control in order to improve corporate performance.

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