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    15 September 2017, Volume 49 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A New Study of the Origins of the Policy of the Disbandment of Tribes and the System of Authorized Tribal Chiefs in the Northern Wei Dynasty
    MOU Fa-song
    2017, 49 (5):  1-12.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.001
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    After the Former Qin Dynasty conquered the state of Dai, the tribal union under the surname of Tuoba was disbanded. This policy adopted by Emperor Daowu of the Northern Wei Dynasty was actually learned from the Former Qin Dynasty, which aimed to divide the tribal union into smaller tribes and integrate them into the national system of the Northern Wei. However, the tribal institution as well as the domination of tribal chiefs remained. These tribal chiefs were authorized in the Northern Wei Dynasty. In fact, this practice can be traced back to the Sixteen Kingdom Period.

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    How to Understand the Historical Position of Today's China?
    HU An-gang, ZHANG Wei
    2017, 49 (5):  13-18.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.002
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    To understand the historical position of today's China in the development of the world and the process of national rejuvenation when taking the whole spatio-temporal picture of the world and history into consideration,we can analyze the time axis of China's development from four angles of different terms.Firstly,we analyze the several periods at the primary stage of socialism and their internal relationships in the past 70 years since the foundation of new China.Secondly,we can focus on the logic behind China's "economic miracle" in the past 40 years since the Reform and Opening-up.Thirdly,we can examine the transition of China's strategic goal from "all-side chasing and surpassing" to "all-side transcending" since the beginning of the 21st century.Fourthly,we can study the transitional historical position and the orientation of forging ahead in "XI Jin-ping Era" after the 18th CPC National Congress by comparing the "New Normal" with the "Old Normal".

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    The Economic New Normal and the Great Logic of Development:Intellectual Origins and Economic Innovations
    QUAN Heng
    2017, 49 (5):  19-25.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.003
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    The Economic New Normal,as an important claim in XI Jin-ping's economic theory,formulates the great logic for China's economic development in the future.It demonstrates the profound change in the international environment of China's economy on the one hand and its current feature and strategetic choice on the other.In the New Normal,China's economy will keep the middle and high speed in development and transform the developing momentums so as to successfully surpass the "middle-income trap" stage and forge ahead towards a high-income economy.The Economic New Normal,as well as its new surpassing mode of development,is beyond the traditional linear mode of economic development,indicating the dualism of overall surpassing and structural excellence of a post-surpassing economy and the feature of quadratic surpassing.With its innovation,the Economic New Normal has great theoretical and practical significance for economic development,especially that of surpassing mode.

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    Memory Studies in Modern Philosophy
    YANG Qing-feng
    2017, 49 (5):  26-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.004
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    The fire of memory goes out in the stove of philosophy.Methodologically,philosophy still takes reflection and description that Bergson and Husserl used more than 100 years ago as its method,whereas the new methods in the disciplines of history,psychology and neuroscience have achieved plenty of academic achievements.In terms of theory,in these fields new concepts such as social memory,collective memory,historical memory and cross-cultural memory emerge continuously,whereas in philosophy no effective ideas have been put forward except memory types.In terms of practice,practical activities of memory such as various commemorative activities,memory material exploration and memory experiments have been carried out at multiple levels in those fields,whereas in philosophy no similar activities have been carried out.Such a situation is due to the internal factors of philosophy:the strong tradition of seeking knowledge and truth makes it ignore the issue of memory.To re-ignite the fire of memory in philosophy,we should return to the phenomena of memory themselves,exploring the constitution of memory experience and constructing the philosophical starting point of memory research.

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    Folk Literature in the Construction of National Memory
    HUANG Jing-chun
    2017, 49 (5):  38-45.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.005
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    Folk literature is oral and shared by all the people in a country.As an important carrier of national memory,contemporary folk literature is produced in the form of both oral performance and written texts.It is spread through oral performance,written texts,films,networks and other channels.Festivals and ceremonies provide an institutionalized performance window for folk literature.Contemporary folk literature continues national memory through ritual and textual association.A large number of folk literature works emerge in the form of "collective texts",which play a role of memory medium,maintain national common sense of history and values,and build the cultural identity of the Chinese nation through interaction.Chinese contemporary folk literature constructs the political identity of the state on the one hand and the national identity on the other,both of which are consistent in content to most extent.

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    TheVictim Consciousness in the Memory of National Socialism in the Federal Republic of Germany
    FAN Ding-Liang
    2017, 49 (5):  46-53.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.006
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    There arose a "defensive" victim consciousness in the society of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) immediately after the World War Ⅱ under the background of the wartime experiences,the denazification by and the accusation of "collective guilt" from allied powers.In the 1960s and 1970s,fueled by the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials,the student movements and the policy of historical reflection adopted by Social Democratic Party (SPD),Germans began to find the causes for the sufferings in their own history and this victim consciousness became more and more "critical".In the 1980s,the conservative historical policy adopted by Christian Democrats Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) regarded the executors of the Nazi regime as its victims too.A "constructive" victim consciousness which aimed to shape the German self-identification emerged in the Bitburg event. Since the 1990s,especially since the beginning of the 21st century,the German victim consciousness has experienced reviving and expanding,appearing in numerous publications and films.In the complaint memory display mode,this consciousness finally became "offensive",which implied a victim discourse competition between Germans and Jews.It's legitimate and significant for Germans to narrate their traumatic memory of the World War Ⅱ,so it is wrong to demonize it.What is important is to figure out how to discuss the memory in the public sphere and view it critically and how to Europeanise it by shucking off the restriction from the nation states.
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    Memories of “Emigrants to Manchuria” and Their Inheritance in Postwar Japan from the 1980s to the Early 20th Century
    ZHAO Yan-min
    2017, 49 (5):  54-61.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.007
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    The memories of emigrants to Manchuria had experienced two periods from the 1980s to the early 20th century:the transnational period from the 1980s to the late 1990s,and the inheritance period from the early 21st century.In the first period,the transnational memory urged emigrants to reflect on the victim memory which was formed during the process of fighting against the mainstream social and historical ideologies in local society,fostering the formation of memories as inflicters.Being trapped between the two identities,the emigrants tried to devote themselves to the building of the Sino-Japan friendship as a means to escape from their own dilemma.Since the early 21st century,the memory of emigrants to Manchuria has entered the inheritance period largely in the form of oral statement of history and museums.Such activities reveal a process of sharing and expanding of personal and collective memories,and a practice of turning "negative assets" into an enterprise of peace and friendship in the future.

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    The Constructed “Fear Memory”:An Analysis of the Daily Life Experience of Japanese in Shanghai
    Nakamura Takashi
    2017, 49 (5):  62-69.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.008
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    Japanese who live in Shanghai have been greatly affected both as individuals and groups by the 2012 anti-Japan demonstration. "Feeling fear" is the main narrative of this event,and their "fear memory" was mainly the psychological reaction to what happened "now and here",and later it was turned into the body memory.The irritative and biased reports from Japanese media have greatly terrified "Japanese in Japan".Therefore,the "fear memory" of "Japanese in Japan" is constructed by Japanese media,so in a sense it is a kind of "imagined fear".We can see "fear in physical memory" and "fear in imagination" in the fear of this event.However,Japanese who live in Shanghai that the author interviewed keep a cool mind towards this event and keep distance to politics.Through their narration of the incident,we can find that there exist "cross groups" living between the two countries,who feel sympathy with each other.In addition,some Japanese even emphasize that China and Japan are "neighbors separated only by a strip of water" and wish a friendly relationship between the two countries.This wish is "voiced" after living in Shanghai where Japanese have contacted with Chinese frequently in daily life for a long time.

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    The Premise of Creating “Commonwealth” and the Logic of Remaking Productive Labor:A Critical Interpretation to John Holloway's Argument with Hardt and Negri
    SUN Liang
    2017, 49 (5):  70-76.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.009
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    Based on the wealthy co-form at the age of cognitive capitalism,Hardt and Negri conclude that the production of biopolitical labor contains the possibility of communism.One of the central themes of their revolutionary doctrine of "from capital to class" is the rejection of Hegel's dialectics.Holloway criticizes that they have misunderstood Hegel's dialectics,which has been abandoned with the negative,and eventually led to dependence on capitalism.Consequently,the inherent contradictions of capitalism are ignored and even eliminated.As to the problem of the system of "common wealth",Holloway also believes that the key issue is to overcome existing capitalism,rather than establish an alternative rule system.By reflecting on their argument,we find that it is important to make a breakthrough in Hegelian dialectics for the interpretation of Marxism.However,they thoroughly deny Marx's analysis of the objective basis of capitalism crisis by assuming that capitalist crisis is caused by subjective will,which definitely deviates from the methodology principle of capitalism criticism.

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    Controversies on Commonwealth from the Perspective of the Critique of Political Economy
    ZHOU Jia-xin
    2017, 49 (5):  77-82.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.010
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    Since the publication of Commonwealth in 2009,there have been controversies between the authors,i.e.,Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri,and David Harvey on the latest development of capitalism,philosophical methods and practical revolutionary strategies.The main differences include:how to understand the information society and virtual capital in globalization;how to evaluate the materialism of Spinoza in the radical philosophy today;and what is the relationship between commons and class struggles.As a result,Harvey begins to discuss Marx's value theory again in his recent seminars and forthcoming publications.This paper argues that,facing the rise of the 4th Industrial Revolution,we should pay more attentions to Harvey's studies on contemporary capitalism.

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    An Analysis of the Impacts of High-tech Industry Agglomeration on Labor Productivity:Based on China's Provincial Panel Data
    WANG Peng, WANG Wei-min
    2017, 49 (5):  83-94.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.011
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    The development characteristics of high-tech industry makes its agglomeration level higher than other industries,which has an important influence on labor productivity.This paper uses high-tech "double-digit" industry panel data of 31 provinces and cities in China from 2004 to 2014 to make linear regression and non-linear regression in the impacts of high-tech industry agglomeration on labor productivity.The results of linear regression show that diversification agglomeration of high-tech industry can improve China's labor productivity,but its significance is not robust,and specialization agglomeration will restrain the improvement of labor productivity.What's more,it is found that the impacts of diversification and specialization agglomeration on labor productivity in the eastern region and the central region is not significant,and the effect on labor productivity in the western region is consistent with that at the national level.The panel threshold tests show that the effect of high-tech industry agglomeration on labor productivity is a complex nonlinear relationship,which has some differences in different regions.Diversified agglomeration of high-tech industry is more consistent with nationwide,the eastern region and the central region,and there is no threshold effect in the western region.There is a significant negative impact on labor productivity both at the national level and in the central region before the second threshold,while the second threshold has no significant effect on labor productivity.There are negative and significant effects before and after the two thresholds in the eastern and western regions.A further investigation of the human capital as the threshold variable reveals that there is a certain spatial heterogeneity and stage characteristics in the impacts of high-tech industry agglomeration on labor productivity in China.

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    Is Monetary Policy Dependent on the Inside and Outside?:An Empirical Study Research from the Perspective of Spillover between Countries
    JIA Ying-li, WEI Xue-li, LIU Cheng-cheng
    2017, 49 (5):  95-105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.012
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    Under the background that the representative of the traditional economic variables has weakened,this paper creatively selects the asset price index to characterize the monetary policy operation,constructs the economic activity factor and the price level factor based on a large number of basic economic indicators,and studies the spillover effects of monetary policy between China and the US under the TVP-SVAR model.The empirical analysis finds that monetary policy has direct and indirect spillover paths,the policy spillover effects between these two countries is bidirectional,and it has different spillover intensity and persistence in different years.The results show that although monetary policy of "shifting one's troubles or difficulties on to neighbors" will contribute to the domestic economic development in the short term,it will be self-reliant in the long run due to the policy game with other countries.The gradual opening up of the economy has facilitated the domestic monetary policy optimization,but it also highlights the importance of international coordination,in order to achieve the maximum efficiency on the basis of cooperation.

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    On Systemic Risk Spillover and Systemic Importance of Commercial Banks:Based on the CoVaR Model from China's 16 Listed Banks
    LI Ming-hui, HUANG Ye-ni
    2017, 49 (5):  106-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.013
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    Based on Adrian & Brunnermeier (2011)'s model,this paper uses week data of 16 listed banks in China from 2005 to 2016 to use CoVaR model to calculate commercial banks' systemic risk and their importance ranking.It shows that among 16 listed banks,the individual CoVaR and ΔCoVaR of state-owned banks (SOBs) are higher than those of joint-stock banks(JSBs). The systemic importance level of SOBs and some JSBs that have been rapidly developed in these years are greater than the rest.Moreover,scale and connection are significant factors that drive up ΔCoVaR and the importance level.Both "Too Big To Fail" and "Too Systematic To Fail" apply to Chinese commercial banks.As for the impact of systemic risk spillovers,the scale is 4.8 times of connection.As for the degree of importance ranking,the scale is 7.2 times of connection.

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    An Empirical Study of Financial Development and China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment
    CHEN Lin, ZHU Yi-fan
    2017, 49 (5):  117-124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.014
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    This paper investigates the effect of financial development on China's OFDI by using panel data of 31 provinces during the period of 2004-2012.Firstly,examining the effect of financial development from the perspectives of indirect financing and direct financing on China's OFDI,the result shows that in general the size of credit market promotes China's OFDI significantly.Secondly,this paper further discusses the potential effect of long-existing financial repression in China on its foreign direct investment.The result shows that the financial repression does play a certain role on China's OFDI.This paper also examines the effects of financial development on OFDI of different regions.

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    Volunteer Freedom Corps:A Special Attempt for the U.S. to Use Escapees during the Early Cold War
    ZHAO Ji-ke
    2017, 49 (5):  125-132.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.015
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    In order to alleviate the great pressure of the U.S.military,shortly after his taking office,Eisenhower proposed to mobilize European escapees to establish "Volunteer Freedom Corps" to contribute to the common Europe defense.In order to achieve this objective,the Eisenhower administration did make efforts at home and abroad.However,because the Cold War tensions were reduced and the U.S.changed its Cold War strategies,and some personnel changes made negative influence,Eisenhower finally decided to abandon this initiative,and instead adopted other methods to use escapees to meet the demand of the Cold War.Through the analysis of VFC,this paper is to reveal how the U.S.made unremitting efforts to win the Cold War on the one hand and the limit of the Cold War confrontation on the other.

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    The Geneva Conference on Laos and the Improvement of Sino-French Relations:Also on China's Diplomatic Strategy of “Two Intermediate Zones”
    GAO Jia-yi
    2017, 49 (5):  133-140.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.016
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    The enlarged Geneva Conference on Laos from 1961 to 1962 was an important occasion for new China to play an active role on the international stage.During the period of the enlargement of the Sino-Soviet divergence and the aggravation of the Sino-American antagonism,the Chinese diplomacy had two tendencies:on the one hand,China was increasingly supporting the world revolution;on the other hand,she tried to improve the relations with the countries in the "Intermediate Zone".At the Geneva Conference,China achieved the object of neutralizing Laos and gained the time for the revolution of the Pathet Lao,and meanwhile she also moderated the relations with France via the Indochinese problems.As a result,this conference became a key moment for the establishment of the Sino-French diplomatic relations.Though the diplomatic strategy of "Two Intermediate Zones" hadn't been formally proposed by MAO Ze-dong,the Chinese foreign policies in the Geneva Conference on Laos had already corresponded with this diplomatic strategy.

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    From Meaning-Matching to Name-Rectification, an Urgent Step in Outward Translation of Chinese Culture
    PAN Wen-guo
    2017, 49 (5):  141-147.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.017
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    Geyi,or Meaning-matching,is an inevitable step in cross-cultural translation and communication.And after that,another step,the step of name-rectification,is needed in order to overcome the defects of meaning-matching and get on the right way.By name-rectification,it is meant to re-examine and re-define the important cultural terms and their translations in the light of systematic theory in cross-cultural communication.The translation and introduction of Chinese culture to the world,though having made great achievements in the past hundreds of years,has certain drawbacks.Mainly due to the historical limitation,many meaning-matching translations were created,causing undesirable effect in cultural mutual understanding.Now we are in a new period of translating and introducing Chinese culture to the world with more and more people turning to the enterprise.The name-rectification must be brought into full consideration.This paper discusses the significance of the name-rectification,its existing problems and the ways out.

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    On the Modelization and Development of Verb-object Construction from the Oracle Inscription Age to the Period of the Book of History in Official Script of the Han Dynasty
    MA Qing-hua, LI Wei-zheng
    2017, 49 (5):  148-158.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.018
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    The verb-object construction in oracle inscriptions is primarily verb-object,but there is also the form of object-verb.With a mark,an object precedes its verb for the purpose of emphasis.In the case there is no mark,the fact of an object precedes its verb is due to a relatively low level of syntactic modelization in the original language.Typically,an object in oracle inscriptions is not a true object but an attachment object.However,a true object functioned as a typical object in the Western Zhou Dynasty.The word order of double-object construction in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Book of History (Shangshu) in Official Script of the Han Dynasty still have the trace of a relatively low modelization level.

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    A Historical Examination of the Phrase “It Seems” and Its Recent Development
    ZHU Jian-jun, TANG Yi-li
    2017, 49 (5):  159-164.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.019
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    Here is the historical development of the phrase "it seems" (haoxiang):a verbal phrase consisting of a verb and its modifier→a verb meaning "seem"→ an adverb meaning "seemingly"→a conjecture modal adverb→a circumbendibus modal adverb→a discourse marker.The usage of a discourse marker is developed in modern spoken Chinese,but its unique discourse function has been paid very little attention in the academic circle.Hence,it is necessary to study it at a deeper level.

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    On the Correspondence between ZHANG Tai-yan's Attitudes in Political and Academic Fields and His Recognition of Field Disciplines
    ZHANG Hong-qian
    2017, 49 (5):  165-172.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.020
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    It is generally believed that there is a contradiction between academic conversation and political revolution in ZHANG Tai-yan.His rejection of the newly excavated documents at that time was considered as a typical example of his academic conversation.However,we cannot simply claim that ZHANG "always rejected" excavated documents,or "first was skeptical but finally convinced of" them.ZHANG did acknowledge the truth of some oracle bones in his old age,although still questioned the decipherment.He also acknowledged the truth of most bronzes as well as the decipherment before the Song Dynasty,while questioned the decipherment after the Song Dynasty.He praised highly the literary significance of The Stone Inscriptions in Three Character Styles,as well as Chencang Stone Drum,and even claimed that it had the same status with Shuo Wen Jie Zi.By studying ZHANG's attitudes towards excavated documents,we can see his respect for the inherent logic in the academic field and find out that he cannot be simply characterized by an academic conservative.Furthermore,both of ZHANG's relative radical attitude in the political field and his spirit of preciseness in the academic field are based on his profound recognition of disciplines in different fields.In spite of their contradiction at the first glance,they are consistent and correspond to each other.

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