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    15 July 2017, Volume 49 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Structural Parallelism and the Building of a Grammatical System: Exploring Chinese Grammar in Terms of Class Inclusion
    SHEN Jia-xuan
    2017, 49 (4):  1-11.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.001
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    Structural parallelism, as the source and manifestation of native speakers' intuition of their language, is the factual basis for a language to become a system. In building a grammatical system for a particular language, it is important to depend on structural parallelism in dividing form classes and grammatical functions. Depending on structural parallelism, the well-established grammatical system of English is built on the setup of "class distinction". To build an elegant grammatical system for Chinese, we should also depend on structural parallelism and adopt the setup of "class inclusion". For instance, the word "shi"(be) in Chinese, as a judgment verb, constitutes a specific category of verbs; the word "you", as a verb indicating existence or possession, constitutes another specific category of verbs; the word "zai", similar to "there be" in English, constitutes a subcategory of verbs. Putting "shi", "you" and "zai" together, we can find that all predicates in Chinese are signifying something so that nouns "include" verbs. The subject-predict structure in Chinese takes a signifying form of suowei(signified)-suoyiwei(signifier). Based on structural parallelism, there is "class inclusion" as far as objects and objective complements in Chinese are concerned. In other words, objective complements are included in objects as dynamic resultant objects. Similarly, adverbials are included in attributives as dynamic attributives. We should adopt the setup of "class inclusion" rather than "class distinction" to analyze Chinese grammar. Only in this way can we simply and conveniently describe and explain Chinese grammar.
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    The Moral Implication of the “Unity of Heaven and Human”
    ZHU Yi-ting
    2017, 49 (4):  12-19.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.002
    Abstract ( 259 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (526KB) ( 686 )   Save
    By studying traditional thought and culture, we attempt to know the original ideas of ancient sages and the intellectual connotations in early philosophical discourses. However, more importantly, we try to grasp the significance of traditional thought, find out the "principles valid in ancient and modern times", and discover something that can be creatively transformed into modern "values". Examining the traditional idea of the "unity of Heaven and Human", we really find some "principles valid in ancient and modern times", which can be used as cultural and intellectual resources for us to create modern values to solve current "spiritual crisis" and "ecological challenges". Nevertheless, in order to creatively transform and develop excellent traditional cultural resources into real ingredients of modern culture, we should adopt the historical dialectic method to deal with "origins" and "resources" in cultural evolution.
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    The Spectrum of Ethical Theories
    Michael Slote
    2017, 49 (4):  20-26.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.003
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    The classification and comparative research of ethical theories is usually undertaken in a fairly discontinuous way or limited to dualism comparisons. The fundamental problem of extant comparative studies in normative ethics lies in the fact that there is not a comprehensive and systematic taxonomy. The three plausible and dominant comparative approaches in normative ethics are consequentialism, deontology and virtue ethics. When comparative studies are conducted pair wisely between these three categories, there is not a single taxonomy which includes all prominent approaches of normative ethics. This thesis holds that it is possible to do the systematic taxonomy or meta-philosophical analysis on different ethics theories and further explores how these ethics theories relate with each other. The spectrum of ethical theories allows for more pigeonholes or more places, through which normative ethical theories can be compared with each other in a scheme beyond dichotomy.
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    Review of Collected Criticisms of the Doctrine ofLiterature as a Study of Man”(Vol.I)
    XU Zi-dong
    2017, 49 (4):  27-32.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.004
    Abstract ( 180 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (483KB) ( 825 )   Save
    By reviewing Collected Criticisms of the Doctrine of "Literature as a Study of Man"(Vol.I) published by Shanghai Wenyi Chubanshe in April, 1959 and comparing it with the relative discourse in QIAN Gu-rong's essay "On ‘Literature as a Study of Man’", this thesis explores issues in three aspects:(1) Is literature aimed to describe society or people?(2) Which serves as the standard for us to examine literature, people and patriotism, or humanism?(3) What is the relationship between typical cases and their social classes in literary works? The discussion about these issues will help us date back to the historical context of literary and intellectual debates in 1950s, which are still of academic and realistic significance today.
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    Developing the Doctrine of “Literature as a Study of Man”: In Honor of the 100th Anniversary of Master Qian
    CHEN Bo-hai
    2017, 49 (4):  33-35.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.005
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    The establishment of the "human oriented" principle of literature marks the maturity of a modern ontology of literature. Constructing a more integrate and ambitious theoretical system based on the idea of "literature of human beings" during the May 4th Period, QIAN Gu-rong put forward the doctrine of "literature as a study of man" in the mid-1950s. This was of great significance in terms of overcoming the instrumentalist notion of literature, which had prevailed for a long time. Since "Reform and Opening up", this doctrine has been acknowledged again and become a flag guiding the revolution of literary thought in the new period. It still remains its vitality today. To promote its theoretical power, we should further explore the internal connection between "man" and "literature" in terms of the connotation of "man" and more deeply analyze the diversity of people's ways of living and the correlations between different ways. This is the duty of those who believe in the doctrine of "literature as a study of man".
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    Noisy Secular Life Described in “a Flood of Words”: An Examination on MO Yan's Novels, as well as an Inquiry into the Narrative Attitude for Local Society from the Perspective of Literary History
    YU Min-hua
    2017, 49 (4):  36-43.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.006
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    MO Yan has found a unique narrative way to deal with the relationship between novels and the world: His novels start from sensations and his hometown Gaomi; he prefers polyphony, multi-dimensions and characters' positions and rejects distinct value judgments. Facing a world that shelters evils, MO Yan explains it with frantic words of humor, laughter and compassion, represents it with "noisy" ambiguity and describes it with deepest desires and passions. Therefore, MO Yan's novels are formally characterized by "a flood of words" and the hustle and bustle of the secular life, revealing a world of kindness, evil, love, hate, sadness and joy. It is in this way that MO Yan starts from sensations and sets up a stage for modern China against the realistic social backdrop of fickleness and unease. This shows that MO Yan's novels choose to describe the living status of China's common people in Chinese rural society, which is encountered with evils and predicaments.
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    The Significance of “Enlightenment” Dream in the History of Modern China
    Ogata Ko
    2017, 49 (4):  44-54.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.007
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    There is both confidence in and skepticism about reason during the Enlightenment movement in modern China. The intellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty formed Enlightenment discourse with Chinese characteristics by using the terms of "literary renaissance". While changing the notion of the monism of politics and religion into its modern form, they referred to Fukuzawa Yukichi's enlightenment discourse around 1870 and his modernization discourse after 1879. This provided solid legitimacy to the Enlightenment movement at national and academic levels. This tendency radically changed when LIANG Qi-chao issued his Short Academic History of the Qing Dynasty. LIANG's interpretive model of "renaissance" dream provided a theoretical foundation for the cultural identity of "Chineseness" and consequently the establishment of a modern state. Meanwhile, it bestowed Enlightenment reason with power frame and discourse hegemony. However, in the special context of Sino-Western cultural exchange in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, modern Chinese intellectuals had to criticize Enlightenment reason when they had confidence in it. Therefore, reflection has been started as soon as LIANG's model of Chinese cultural identity was established. The intellectual history after 1920 witnessed continuous deconstruction of "renaissance" dream in HU Shi, XU Zhi-mo, MENG Wen-tong and others. Respectively, they criticized the history, power and discourses of reason in a serious way, which little by little constituted the mainstream of the intellectual history in modern China.
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    The Writing and Knowledge of Chinese Medicine in the Encyclopedia of Western Medicine
    CHEN Ming
    2017, 49 (4):  55-64.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.008
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    The Encyclopedia of Western Medicine composed by Layle and other British doctors in the mid-19th century was one of important works on herbal medicine in the transition period of Western medicine and pharmacology in modern times. It was also the largest translated work on medical science in the late 19th century. In the Encyclopedia of Western Medicine, four people in the field of Chinese medical science and a treatise on Chinese medicine are mentioned and some of Chinese medicine are described in terms of manufacturing locations and foreign trade, which shows Western scholars' writing and knowledge of Chinese medicine. However, according to the relative account in the Encyclopedia of Western Medicine, it is easy to find out that the knowledge of Chinese medicine has been margined in the medical knowledge network formed in the Sino-Western cultural exchange since the era of early globalization. We must analyze the position of Chinese medicine in modern medical science in the world by inserting modern Chinese medical science in the huge network of Sino-Western exchange.
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    Chinese Garden Aesthetics in the U.K.: A Case Study of Temple
    WANG Wei-jiang, LV Shu
    2017, 49 (4):  65-72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.009
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    In the late 17th century, Temple, a British ambassador to the Netherlands, obtained the knowledge of Asia, Asian products and related information in the Netherlands, which served as another approach to spreading Chinese culture and products in the West besides the work of Christian missionaries. The first-hand and second-hand knowledge and products from India, Japan and Batavia also became ingredients for Temple's garden aesthetics. The way in which Chinese garden perception came to the U.K. is closely related to the global trading network established by Netherlands, a European country of Protestantism. The earliest spread path formed a "History of Three Kingdoms", that is, Japan, Netherlands and then the U.K.. Because of his wide knowledge about foreign countries and his great influence in the academic circle, Chinese garden perception that Temple spread transcended the scope of garden building and triggered the "Chinese heat" in the U.K. in the 17th century and continuously influenced the Romantic turn in English literature.
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    Harrison Forman's Trip to Qinghai Province and Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Its Influence(1932—1937)
    ZHANG Fa-qing
    2017, 49 (4):  73-77.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.010
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    As a famous American travel writer and a war correspondent, Harrison Forman had come to China for several times from 1930 to 1950. Forman had been to Tibetan villages in Qinghai Province and Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture for three times since 1932, investigating local religious activities and folk customs. Through Forbidden Tibet(1935) was based on his journeys to Tibetan villages from 1932 to 1933. Forman took a lot of photos of religious activities of Tibetan Buddhism, customs of worship, temples, lamas, Tibetan costumes and life during the expedition. He provided abundant resources for Western society to know and study Tibetan Buddhist culture, local customs and so on in Amduo Tibetan Area. Especially in 1936, Forman took his second trip to Amduo Tibetan Area and made a movie of the 9th Panchen Lama, which offered precious video material for the study of Amduo Tibetan Areas, and played a very important role in the development of Western Tibetan study.
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    Rational Thinking on Eldercare Policy to Cope with Aging
    GUI Shi-xun
    2017, 49 (4):  78-84.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.011
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    In this thesis basic eldercare services are distinguished between broad sense and narrow one. In the narrow sense, "basic eldercare services for nearly all residents" refer to basic care services that relatives and the society provide to old people when they are disabled, with dementia and lose self-care ability in daily life. Long-term care insurance should be implemented in the 14th Five-year Plan and the insured people should be covered in it to ensure basic eldercare services for all. In our eldercare service system, "institutions as supplementation" and "institutions as support" are differently positioned in terms of quantity and function of institutions. Although they may be paid different attention to, these two expressions are not mutually exclusive. To improve our subsidy system on eldercare services, we should ensure one bottom line, implement three gradients, develop national evaluation standards on disability and establish the balanced financial support that the central government specially funds. Moreover, it is necessary to include the subsidy system on eldercare services in the top design of long-term care insurance from a long-term perspective.
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    On Liability for Tort of Nursing Homes
    SUN Wen-can
    2017, 49 (4):  85-92.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.012
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    If nursing homes cause damages to personals or properties of elders who dwell in the homes, they shall be liable for compensations. To research for typological liability for tort of the nursing homes, and to ensure the details and form of the security obligation and the safety duty of care of the nursing homes, we should take fault liability as a dominant liability principle and take doctrine of presumption principle as a supplement. We should also clarify the liability relationship on nursing homes between guardians' responsibility, job responsibility and the third party's liability for causing the injury. We should also explicate exemption for the nursing homes and complete the system for the general liability insurance to better safeguard the elders' legal interest and build a safe environment for the nursing homes.
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    International Comparison of Long-term Nursing Insurance and Its Significance for China
    LIU Xiao-xue, ZHONG Ren-yao
    2017, 49 (4):  93-101.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.013
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    China is currently carrying out pilot work for long-term nursing insurance system in some areas, but we are lack of successful practical experience in establishing this system. Some foreign countries have witnessed decades of development of a long-term nursing insurance system, which has been constructed and developed in aspects of model choice, insurance applicants, fund source and wage payment. The system has positive social effect, and China can learn from it in the following aspects: attaching great importance to the top-level design of the system, clarifying the orientation of the system, focusing on the function of informal nurses and putting the market mechanism into the full play. In this way, we can establish an efficient and sustainable long-term nursing insurance system.

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    One Longtime Overlooked Factor Leading to the Adoption of Civil Law System in Modern China
    WANG Li-min
    2017, 49 (4):  102-111.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.014
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    Modern China, with civil law adopted in large quantities, became a civil law country. An important reason for this is that China was not a British colony. If China were a British colony, a large number of British laws would have been transplanted and thus China would have become a common law country. This reason has long been overlooked. Therefore, it is necessary to study the large scale of legal transplants from civil law countries as a reason for the transformation of modern China into a civil law country. Despite the invasion of Britain and the United States in modern China and the imposition of unequal treaties, China in large, except Hong Kong, the leased territory of Weihaiwei and some concessions, did not become a British colony so that it avoided the enforced transplantation of British laws. Some other issues worthy of attention: the adoption of civil law system in modern China was non-mandatory; with comparison to civil law, the greater complexity of common law was an important reason for its imposition; both civil law and common law are vigorous after transplant.
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    Urban Female Labor Participation in the Context of Comprehensive Two Child Policy: Theoretical and Empirical Research and Policy Framework
    ZHANG Xi-xi, SHENG Guang-xu
    2017, 49 (4):  112-122.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.015
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    By constructing the evaluation model of influencing factors of urban female labor participation, confirmatory factor analysis and empirical test are carried out on the research data. On the basis of analyzing the influence path, using Probit and Dprobit model, this thesis analyzes the impact of the factors on urban female's labor participation probability and marginal utility. The results show that the average monthly income, family allowances and tax relief and working time flexibility have significant positive influence on female labor participation. The number of children under 6 years and average monthly income of the family have negative influence on female labor participation. We should gradually realize the integrated "baby nursery, nursery, kindergarten" community care system for preschool, which is dominated by the government. We need to provide family assistance or tax relief for women after childbirth and improve employment guidance service system to help women smooth employment. Encouraging employers to implement flexible working mode is vital to assist urban women both growth and employment and escort the effective implementation of the comprehensive two child policy.

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    On the Coupling Coordination of New Urbanization and Agricultural Modernization in Traditional Rural Areas
    ZHANG Kai-hua, ZHENG Gan-tian
    2017, 49 (4):  123-129.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.016
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    This thesis attempts to explore a new framework of the new urbanization and agricultural modernization coordinated development from the perspective of urban production integration, mutual promotion between industry and agriculture, urban and rural common prosperity. We select 2005—2014 years of statistical data and evaluate the coordination level of four big traditional agricultural areas in Jianghan Plain in Hubei province, i.e., Jingzhou, Jingmen, Xiangfan and Xiaogan. It shows that the coordination of new urbanization and agricultural modernization of traditional agricultural areas in Jianghan Plain is in the initial stage of slow growth and the overall coordination degree is low. Based on the evaluation results and the field survey, we find that the coordinated development of new urbanization and agricultural modernization in traditional rural areas should start from the integration of production and city, mutual promotion between industry and agriculture, and urban and rural common prosperity. We should carry out multidimensional diffusion to the second and third industries based on agriculture, and select appropriately coordinated development path of new urbanization and agricultural modernization according to the traditional agricultural resources and industrial base so as to realize local and nearby urbanization by transforming population engaged in agriculture into those engaged in non-agricultural industries.
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    Influence of Industrial Structure and Human Resource on Cities: From a Perspective of Housing Supply Elasticity
    YANG Zan, YANG Hong-jie, FAN Ying
    2017, 49 (4):  130-136.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.017
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    Along with the economic context of New Normal, and the development of supply side reform, Chinese cities have successively introduced adjustment policy regarding to population and industry, and actively explored healthy and sustainable development path. Given the role of housing market in shaping urban economic and social environment as well as the benefit for urban transformation, it is necessity to explore the relationship between housing market and urban basic structure such as population and industry. Referring to the empirical analysis of the housing supply and urban development theory proposed by Glaeser et al.(2006), this thesis finds that the housing supply elasticity is an important channel to link the housing market and the urban macro economy based on the data of Chinese prefecture-level cities between 2005 and 2013. Cities with elastic housing supply market tend to display faster population growth as well as smaller increase in wage and housing price, facing employment demand shock. Based on the mechanism, this thesis reveals the role of housing market on designing policies on population and industry, which provides significant reference for sustainable development of cities.

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    On the Development of the Convergence of Creative Design and Manufacturing in Shanghai
    CAO Yi-xia, GENG Hao-yi
    2017, 49 (4):  137-144.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.018
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    In recent years, the status of manufacturing industry in Shanghai has been declining, and the influence of industrial brands has continued to decline. Therefore, it is a pressing issue of the moment to introduce new factors to promote the transformation and upgrading of Shanghai's manufacturing sector. Based on theories of approaches and models of the integration of creative design and manufacturing, this thesis combines relevant policies and best practice-cases in Shanghai, and empirically analyzes the present situation of the integration of creative design and manufacturing in Shanghai through Input-Output table. We finds a number of problems: firstly, the integration of creative design and manufacturing in Shanghai is in the stage of technology integration dominated; secondly, there is a contradiction between "mass" and "individuation" in this process; thirdly, the imperfect ownership structure restricts its integration level; finally, the demand for creative design elements is dependent on foreign economic and trade activities. In view of the above existing problems, governments, enterprises, professional service agencies and other social organizations should assemble forces to solve such problems by various means such as nurturing native elements, mining enterprise demand, promoting cross-border innovation, etc.

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    Has Education Expanded Industry Income Gap?
    KONG Qing-yang, YANG Ming
    2017, 49 (4):  145-159.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.04.019
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    By calculating Gini coefficient and Theil index of 97 industrial wages from 2003 to 2013, we find out that China's industry income gap had an inverted u-shaped trend, while Theil index rose 17.9% in 2003—2008 and fell by 10.3% in 2013. The average education years for Chinese employers have been annually increasing, while junior middle school graduates account for nearly half of employees. Industry income gap has regional difference. The spatial regression model demonstrates that there is inverted U shape nonlinear relationship between average education years and industry income gap. Education has composition effects on industry income gap, which means that the growth in the proportion of college educated workers narrows the income gap, and shrink effect is difficult to reverse the expansion effect of other qualifications. Generally speaking, education has expanded industry income gap, a conclusion which has been supported by other evidence and is just opposite to previous similar researches. Given this, income inequality between industries shows an inverted U-shaped curve which is similar to Kuznets curve. The industrial monopoly expands income gap, which is positively correlated with the level of market agglomeration in service industry, the market potential, the quality of manpower capital and opening degree.

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